Chapter 13

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Harry had left the Hospital Wing the next morning. Though he was slightly tired from staying up late talking to Robyn, he was happy to finally be on his own two feet.

But once again, it was the morning of the weekly Hogsmeade trips. So, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Robyn went down to breakfast but after parted ways. Hermione and Ron went back to their Common Room, getting ready for the trip while Harry walked down to the Black lake. Robyn followed, her eye's transfixed on the book, 'Alice in wonderland' which Hermione and Ron had brought her when she missed out on the first Hogsmeade trip.

Harry had planned to try and sneak into Hogsmeade using his Invisibility cloak, that was once his fathers.

Lupin had soon decided to join the pair down at the Black lake, though Robyn was not engaged in their conversation at all. While the Professor and Harry stood, Robyn was sat, leaning against a tree, too caught up with her book. She was enjoying it thoroughly.

"I'm sorry about your broom, Harry. There's no chance of fixing it?" Lupin had asked, as a breeze ruffled their hair. Robyn sighed and used her hand to once again sweep her hair out of her face. It was really annoying her today. Harry only shook his head in response to Lupin.

"Why do they affect me so much, Professor? I mean, more than everyone else..." Harry had had the answer to this question twice already but it was not fulfilling his desperation. Nearly everyday he saw one of the foul creatures and each day his spirits would dissappear at the sight of them. Each day he would hear the screaming and each day he felt so cold and drained because of them.

"Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They feed on every good feeling, every happy memory, until a person is left with nothing but his worst experiences. You're not weak, Harry. The Dementors affect you most, because there are true horrors in your past. Horrors your classmates can scarcely imagine. You have nothing to be ashamed of." This, once again, did not reassure Harry.

"I'm scared, Professor."

Robyn's head shot up at Harry's words. She was lost for words, she didn't know how she could help him and that made her feel angry and sad. But it also made her realize that everyone gets scared and that she should not be that ashamed of it. Even Harry gets scared, he is just better at hiding it then Robyn.

"I'd consider you a fool if you weren't." Lupin said, glancing at Harry.

"I need to learn how to fight them. You could teach me, Professor." Harry trailed, warily.

"I don't pretend to be an expert, Harry. But yes, I can teach you. Perhaps after the holiday. For now, though, I need to rest. I'm feeling... tired."

Robyn cast a confused look to Lupin. Why would he be tired?

"Maybe, even Robyn would like to help?" Lupin asked, smiling at the young girl. Robyn looked up from her book and she could tell her mouth had fallen open in shock. Her help? But how?


"Yes. You made that one on the train go away remember." Harry said, beaming.

"And it would be a good time for you to catch up with that Boggart. You didn't have a chance to do it last time, so I think it would be appropriate to do it then."

Robyn once again was lost for words. She didn't mind helping Harry, it was facing the Boggart that worried her. She didn't want her worst fear to come alive.

"Do I even have a choice?" Robyn asked as she placed a bookmark on the page she was on and shut the book.



"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Harry asked Robyn once again. Robyn smiled.

"I'm sure, Harry! Now go before everyone leaves without you." Robyn laughed.

Harry spared her one last glance before stepping out of the Gryffindor Common Room. The time had finally arrived for the Hogsmeade trip and Harry had to now try and catch up with the rest of his class mates, hidden safely under his father's Invisibility cloak.

Back in the Common Room, Robyn sighed, slumping into her favourite arm chair, next to the fire. She was surrounded by a bunch of talkative first and second years, who kept glancing at her but she didn't care. Not anymore. She had friends now. One's that really enjoyed her company and liked her for who she is.

But even on that thought, the feeling of fear did not leave the pit of her stomach. She didn't want Harry to go to Hogsmeade. But she did not say anything to Harry, for fear that he would loose his temper as he had heard Hermione complain constantly about the danger he could be in. The reason she did not want him to leave was because of Sirius Black. He was completely unprotected in the small village. Robyn had tried to ease herself by saying he can look after himself and he was strong enough but nothing worked. She was still worrying about him.

Maybe I should of gone?

Nothing eased Robyn, not until Harry came bursting through the portrait hole about a hour later.


Harry rushed through the thin layer of snow, occasionally slipping on patches of ice. He could see his class mates in view. Excitement began to bubble inside of him. He had done it. He was going to Hogsmeade. But soon enough that excitement vanished only to be replaced by dread and fear.

Two arms held Harry's upper arms and were dragging him away. His chance at Hogsmeade was slipping away. Anger began to burst inside of him, running through his veins, increasing his heart rate and breathing.

"Clever, Harry."

"But not clever enough."

Harry recognised those voices straight away. They belonged to the twin brothers, Fred and George. Harry felt his anger cool down a bit. At least he wasn't about to get in trouble.

"Besides, we've got a better way." Fred said and Harry had guessed that they were both wearing identical smirks. His curiosity began to break through the anger he was feeling.

They pulled him into a nearby corridor and then looked to see if anyone was around. The Invisibility cloak fell from Harry to a heap on the floor. He looked at Fred and George, his face cross.

Almost instantly, Fred slapped a roll of blank parchment in Harry's hand. Harry unrolled it curiously. A frown covered his face, the entire thing was blank, not a single drop of ink was smudged on it. Harry felt his anger rise again, thinking this must be another one of Fred and George's pranks.

"What's this rubbish?" Harry accused. They were wasting his time now.

"Rubbish he says. That there's the secret to our success." George said. This confused Harry.

"It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me." Fred said. "But we've decided your need's are greater than ours. George, if you will..."

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." George tapped the folded piece of parchment and blood red ink slowly began to appear on it. Harry stared, amazed.

"'Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present The Marauder's Map'...?" Harry read, his curiosity and confusion rising.

"Ah... Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. We owe them so much."

"Hang on. This is Hogwarts! And that... No. Is that really..." Harry pointed to a dot labeled 'Dumbledore' watching it curiously as it moved back and forth, pacing.


"In his study."


"Does that a lot."

Both Fred and George took it in turns to finish eachother's sentences. It was quite amusing to Harry.

"You mean, this map shows..." Harry trailed.

"Everyone." Fred finished.

"Everyone?" Harry breathed in amazement.

"Everyone." George concluded.

"Where they are."

"What they're doing."

"Every minute."

"Of every day."

Harry could only stare at the twins in amazement and disbelief. Oh, the things he could get away with using this.

"Brilliant! Where'd you get it?" Harry asked beaming.

"Nicked it from Filch's office, of course, first year. Now listen. There's seven secret passageways out of the castle. But we'd recommend..."

"This one." George pointed to a place on the map.

"The One-Eyed Witch on the third floor."

"The One-Eyed..." Harry trailed.

"Witch, right. But you best hurry. Filch is heading this way."

Fred and George turned to leave.

"Oh. And, Harry? When you're done, make sure to give it a tap and say, 'Mischief managed.' Otherwise, anyone can read it." They called as they trudged away, talking.

Harry stared at the map for a couple more minutes, taking it all in, when he suddenly had an idea. Maybe Robyn would come with him now? Harry put the map in his pocket and made a run for the Gryffindor Common Room. Once he got there, he mumbled the password and the Fat Lady swung open.

Harry, breathing heavily, rushed over to Robyn, who looked positively shocked.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, though her eye's shone with glee.

"I need to show you something!" Harry panted.

Robyn stared at him. His nose was slightly red from the cold, icy winds. His hair was a mess, more than usual and his eye's gleamed with excitement and hope. Robyn stood, following Harry back out of Common Room. As soon as the portrait shut, Harry jumped into an explanation about nearly being with the students when Fred and George showed up and pulled him away. And about how they showed him the Marauder's map and about the secret passage.

"So I was wondering if you would tag along now? I mean there is a less chance we would get caught now."

Robyn pondered about her answer as Harry looked at her hopefully. She would feel alot better if she went with him but what if they got caught or Sirius turned up, trying to kill them. Robyn looked back at Harry's hopeful eye's and melted.

"Alright, alright. But what if we get caught or we get hurt or-" Harry had gripped Robyn's hand, making her stop abruptly.

"We won't. I promise." Robyn only nodded, feeling her voice would fail her. What was happening to her?

Harry led them through several corridors and up several staircases, until they reached the Divination tower and Harry saw the statue they needed. Harry pulled out the map, Robyn looking at it curiously. The hump-backed, one eyed witch statue was really starting to creep Robyn out. She didn't like it at all. Harry traced his finger along the map, spotting two dots next to eachother labeled 'Harry Potter' and 'Robyn Thompson.' Suddenly a speech bubble appeared reading: 'Dissendium.'

Harry took out his wand and whispered, "Dissendium."

The statue clicked open and a long passageway could be seen. This surely lead out of Hogwarts. With the Invisibility cloak still draped around the both of them, Robyn and Harry crouched, following the path, a light breeze hitting their faces.

"I'm not sure about this Harry." Robyn said anxiously.

"It's fine, Robyn."

Neither, Robyn or Harry spoke again until they saw a light in the distance.

"We made it." Robyn grinned, feeling relieved.

"I told you we would."

As the light got closer, Harry took out the map.

"Mischief managed."

(Another Chapter done. Hope you enjoy.)

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