Chapter 12

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After Robyn had left the Hospital Wing, she could no longer concentrate. She couldn't eat, not even after seeing the Great hall filled with it's wonderous food. She couldn't do anything. She felt empty. She couldn't talk, even when Hermione and Ron tried to see if she was okay.

The look on Harry's face when he saw his broken broom haunted her and she repeatedly saw him falling from the sky.

When she gave up on trying to engage herself in the real world, her mind would wander off to the most horrible thoughts. She saw Harry getting attacked by Dementors with no way out. She was forced to watch as they sucked his soul out, leaving him dazed and broken. She saw Sirius Black reunite with Voldemort and then both of them shouting horrible curses at Harry until he could no longer bare it. Until he gave up on trying to fight.

Robyn's mind was constantly on Harry. Whether it was good or bad, she could no longer bare it and she soon found herself outside the hospital wing for the second time that day. Robyn took a deep breath and pushed the doors open. She saw Harry lying on a bed in his pajamas. Harry immediately turned to her and the look of utter shock on his face made Robyn smile. Madam Pomfrey soon came rushing over, looking angrier than ever.

"What are you doing here?" She snapped as she looked at Robyn to Harry disapprovingly. "The boy needs rest and by the looks of it, so do you." At the Matrons words, Robyn suddenly felt self-conscious. She hoped she didn't look too bad.

"I know, but-"

"Out. Now. He needs rest."

"Please, if you just-"

"No. Now get OUT!" Robyn jumped back at the look of fury on Madam Pomfrey's face. All she wanted to do was see Harry. Talk to him. See if he was okay. Was that really too much to ask? Madam Pomfrey's face seemed to soften at the look on Robyn's.

"Please. I just need to talk to him. I just need to see him." Robyn's words came out so desperate and urgent, it didn't even sound like her voice at all. Madam Pomfrey stared at Robyn for a good minute. She seemed to be contemplating.

"Ten minutes. Only. And don't make a habit of this. You should be in your Common Room, in bed." Madam Pomfrey then disappeared into her office.

Robyn strode over to the side of Harry's bed, trying to hide her excitement. Just looking at him, settled her. It eased her.

"H-how are you feeling?" Robyn had to hold back the urge to cringe as her words came out shaky. She sounded vulnerable.

"Fine. Thanks." Harry said as Robyn nodded. An awkward silence fell and Robyn looked at her hands. They seemed quite interesting to her.


Robyn looked up from her hands, to see Harry staring at her.


"Why are you here?"

A large lump seemed to have blocked Robyn's throat. She couldn't seem to talk. How was she meant to tell Harry that he constantly invaded her mind? How was she meant to tell him that she was scared for him? How was she meant to say that she had longed to see him? That he was driving her insane?

"Oh....I-I...urm." Robyn couldn't look at Harry. She didn't know what to say. She lifted her knees up to her chin and rested her head on them.

"I want the real reason. Nothing has happened has it? How are Hermione and Ron? They're not hurt, are they?"

Robyn couldn't help but smile weakly at him. He was such a caring person. He didn't deserve any of this. He doesn't deserve to constantly be in danger.

"T-there both perfectly fine. Infact, they are probably in bed by now. I'm sorry to have kept you up." Robyn gulped and stood up. This whole thing had been completely pointless. At least she knew he was safe.

"Then why are you here?" Harry asked as he sat straighter in his bed.

"I just wanted to see if you were OK. I just wanted to know you were safe." Robyn had now sat back down, her urgency to leave vanished. She now just felt stupid. She sounded like a frightened little girl.

Harry smiled reasuringly at her. "I'm alright. But are you?"

Robyn laughed slightly.

"A bit peachy." she admitted, her voice coming our sarcastic and broken.

"I just-" A tear rolled down her cheek. But this time she wasn't ashamed. She had completely broken down once before in front of Hermione, Ron and Harry, so a few tears were nothing.

"I'm scared for you, Harry. I don't know how you do it. I don't know how you can wake up each day and laugh and joke and learn. I don't know how you can function. You are constantly facing death. Three years in a row somone or something has tried to kill you and you face it with bravery. You face it like you aren't even scared. How do you do it? How can Hermione and Ron keep doing it? When they tag along like it's a walk in the park. I just don't know." Robyn's voice broke. She had once again lost it. She was so weak. She couldn't do this much longer.

"I am scared Robyn. I'm terrified..."

Footsteps could be heard. "Ten minutes is up-...Oh dear, maybe you can have five more..." Madam Pomfrey said as she layed eyes on the broken girl talking to Harry. Robyn sent Madam Pomfrey a thankful smile.

"But just because you cry doesn't mean you are weak. It just shows you have been strong for too long." Harry said, his words turning into a whisper.

"What did I do to deserve a friend like you, huh?" Robyn smiled as she wiped her tear's away, feeling much better now she had got all that off her chest.

"Well, if it wasn't down to your clumsiness then I don't think we would've met. Because I would've been too cowardly to come and talk to you."

Robyn giggled, her heart fluttering. But then she did a double take after she realised what he had said.

"You knew me before I fell into your compartment?" Robyn asked, not being able to hide the grin on her face. Harry scratched the back of his neck, his face reddening.

"Well...I noticed you from time to time." Harry said, his face darkening even more. Robyn jumped up and hugged him. Harry didn't even hesitate this time and immediately wrapped his arms around Robyn aswell.

"What about that question you have been meaning to ask me anyway? It's been bugging me like crazy." Robyn asked as she pulled away from Harry and instead of sitting on the chair, she sat at the end of his bed.

"The one you were going to ask me on the day of the Hogsmeade trip." Robyn laughed as the look of confusion on Harry's face slowly began to dissappear.

"Oh, well it doesn't matter." Harry said, deciding he wasn't going to ask the question at all. It was too personal and he didn't want to upset Robyn even more.

"Yes it does. Now ask away."

Harry hesitated. Should he risk it? His curiosity was rising higher and higher until he couldn't bare it.

"Why don't people like you?" Harry flinched as his question came out wrong. "W-well I mean I like you. But you know....Hermione had said-"

"It's alright, Harry. I know what you mean." Robyn looked at her lap again and Harry quietened down, hoping to get an answer.

"And to answer your question. I don't know. I guess I'm just too strange." Robyn shrugged.

"But you're not," Harry argued. "You're one of the nicest people I have ever met and you're my best friend."

Robyn smiled.

"People are quick to judge, Harry. And I guess I must have gave off the wrong impression and people have just decided to lable me as a weirdo, causing me to have no friends. And then they must have escalated the situation by saying my loneliness has driven me crazy. But all in all, it's ridiculous. Because if it was true then it would've been their fault if I did go crazy, not my own. People in this school really arn't that smart."

Robyn tried to add humour to her words but before Harry could get a word in, Madam Pomfrey came rushing in saying they have nearly been half an hour. Robyn was forced to leave and as she trudged up to the Gryffindor Common Room, she had a goofy grin plastered on her face. She changed into her pajamas and flopped into bed.

Maybe she did belong in Gryffindor? Maybe the Sorting Hat was right to put her in Gryffindor. She was strong. But she had just been strong for too long.

And on that thought Robyn fell into a peaceful sleep, finally happy with herself and feeling closer to Harry than ever before. The thought of her even liking Harry crossed her mind. But surely she was just being absurd.

(Hey, so this Chapter turned out to be a lot longer than I expected but I guess the longer the better, right? Anyway, I hope Harry didn't go too much out of character. I'm quite bad at making my own stuff up as the original characters go completely off course. But yeah, I thought it was cute and I hope you like.)

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