Chapter 11

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The day for the Quidditch match had finally arrived. And, although, the weather was rough and as bad as it could be, Harry couldn't be more relieved. Nothing beat the feeling of flying free on his broom. It was the best distraction from the haunting thoughts that roamed his head.

The sky was covered in a thick sheet of grey clouds, the only light source was the flashes of lightning breaking through and illuminating the Quidditch pitch. Thunder crackled angrily and Robyn jumped each time it would boom over the loud cheering.

The whole crowd was covered in a blanket of black umbrellas, though the odd one or two people abandoned theirs as it blew inside out or out of their grasp completely.

The Quidditch pitch was full of racing brooms and screams of encouragement, all anticipating the start of the match. The Gryffindors wore bright scarlet and the Hufflepuffs were sporting canary yellow. A whistle blew and the twin Bludgers were shot into the air.

The match began. Robyn watched intensely next to Ron and Hermione, who were cheering Harry on rather loudly. Robyn followed Harry as he was the only one she knew apart from Fred and George, Ron's brothers, who were identical twins with fiery red hair and the obsession with trouble.

Robyn stood still, feeling bodies being pressed against her as they all cheered. She could already feel a headache coming on. Robyn had never really been to a Quidditch match before. She had read about them and she was interested with them but the environment was too loud and clammy for her liking.

Harry flew through the needle like rain looking for the Snitch. Every now and then he would use one of his hands to wipe his glasses clean so he could see. His robes snapped violently as he circled the pitch for any sign of gold.

Suddenly, a Bludger whizzed past him and Robyn's breath hitched as she watched it turn around and head straight for him. Luckily, Harry ducked, his hair swaying as it zoomed past him and hit the broom of the Hufflepuff Beater. The Hufflepuff Beater went spiralling down, the crowd gasping as he dissappeared to the floor of the arena.

From the stands, the Quidditch players looked a little more than streaking blurs. Ron had to squint to try and get a better look. A bright strike of lightning hit Angelina Johnson's broom and she also went plummeting to the ground. Robyn tried not to picture what she would look like from the receiving end and focused on hoping that that didn't happen to Harry. But she knew she had not to worry as Harry was an amazing flyer and could get out of any close call.

Harry ducked again as a ripped, wandering black umbrella floated through the pitch. Suddenly, there was a flicker of gold. A flicker of hope filled Robyn's stomach as she watched Harry pick up speed.

The whole thing will be over soon.

She thought hopefully. The Snitch baited Harry into flying up above the the thick clouds, out of view. Hermione and Ron carried on cheering Harry's name, but Robyn couldn't join in. A horrible feeling filled her gut and she couldn't get rid of it. She searched the sky for Harry but he still stayed hidden.

Harry stopped abruptly, the Snitch out of sight. He turned his Nimbus around angrily, searching for the Snitch.

I almost had it!

He thought angrily. He was determined to get that Snitch. So far he has never failed to catch the Snitch in other games and today was not going to be the day he looses.

As Harry scanned the area, he saw a black silhouette flicker past the highest tower in the stadium. Breaking his stare off the tower, his eye's flickered back to the clouds. He saw the Snitch again, glowing like a firefly. He fired after it, when he stopped again, as he saw the clouds move. His eye's filled with the sight of a cloud looking like a enormous shaggy dog. Fear flickered inside of him, the thought of Professor Trelawney's class entered his mind.

The Death Omen...

Harry shook his head, even Hermione herself said it was a load of rubbish, so he had nothing to worry about. Well at least that was what he told himself.

Trying to distract himself, he pelted after the Snitch once again. Robyn let out of breath of relief as she saw a glimmer of Harry's zooming body again. She began to grin just like Ron, who was watching him through Hagrid's binoculars. The crowd roared.

"Faster! Come on!" Harry urged his broom, a faint smile filling his lips.

Harry felt the sense of relief and freedom he had felt at the beginning of the game. This is what he enjoyed. This is what he was good at. The Snitch was yards away. Centimetres. When suddenly, a thin layer of ice spread over Harry's glasses, fogging his view. Harry took them off and tried to wipe them, when he flinched.

A warm red trickle of blood made its way down Harry's cheek. The rain had turned into ice. Needles of ice. The stands and Quidditch pitch quietened down suddenly at the tense atmosphere. The air turned more cold and hollow. The joy vanished from people's faces and they stared blankly at everything. Robyn felt cold. Her lungs filled with a million of needles. It was like she was drowning in ice. She felt scared, lonely, angry. She felt as if she would never be happy again. Horrible ringing filled her ears.

Harry glanced down at his broom, the rain had soaked it and now it was freezing over. Harry could hear the crackling as he watched the ice spread. Fear consumed him.


A hooded silhouette glided passed him on his right.


A twin black silhouette glided passed his left and Harry felt dread fill him.

Lightning struck and as the flicker of haunting light filled the sky, Harry could see just how many of these black, faceless creatures were around him.

The Quidditch pitch looked so far away now as the cold began to fill his entire being. A white cloudy mist began to fill his head. He couldn't think straight. He was drowning. He was drowning in misery and coldness. He had never felt anything like it. It was even worse than on the train.

A light whistle filled Harry's ears. But it wasn't a whistle at all, it was a scream! A women was screaming. His mother. It was so full of pain. A light mist escaped Harry's mouth and his rigid fingers could no longer hold on to his broom. Harry felt nothing as his broom slipped away from him and he was left to freefall, plummeting towards the pitch.

Robyn gasped as did the rest of the school. Surely, he couldn't survive that drop. Robyn felt a tear trickle down her cheek as she watched Harry drop, the Dementors circling above.

"No!" Hermione screamed as Harry's body tumbled through the sky. His broom, took by the current of the wind, landed in the Whomping Willow, breaking into pieces. Harry's body got closer and closer to the ground.

"ARRESTO MOMENTUM!" Dumbledore bellowed just before Harry hit the ground. His normal ageing kind face morphed into anger. Pure anger that Robyn had never seen before.


Harry lay motionless in the pristine white hospital bed, his glasses resting on the nearby table. He was still in his scarlet Quidditch robes, though they were now dry. Robyn sat on a chair near the bed, her head pounding. She had never had a worse headache. She felt so ill. Her stomach was still full of fear and worry and her throat was dry from crying. Every time she closed her eye's, she saw Harry falling through the sky. And the worst part, the part Robyn was dreading the most, was telling him that his broom had broken and was un-fixable.

"Looks a bit peaky, doesn't he?" Ron said. Robyn glared at him.

"Peaky? What d'you expect him to look like? He fell fifty feet." said Fred.

Ron, Fred, George and Hermione all decided to wait for Harry to wake up, just like Robyn had.

"Yeah, c'mon, Ron. We'll walk you off the Astronomy Tower and see how you come out looking." Robyn let a weak smile light her face as she watched Ron scowl at both Fred and George.

"Probably a right sight better than he normally does." The voice made Robyn jump. And Robyn knew that voice all too well. It was Harry. She jumped to her feet and stood over Harry with watery eye's. Harry slowly opened his green eye's and all five of his visitors slowly began to come into focus.

"Harry! How're you feeling?" Hermione asked, her voice full of relief.


Robyn couldn't restrain herself and ended up wrapping her arms around Harry gently. Slowly but surely, Harry wrapped his own arms around Robyn's small waist, savouring the moment.

"You scared me half to death, you know that?" Robyn muttered in Harry's ear, so none of the others could hear. Her voice trembled.

"Sorry. Next time I'll try to avoid a bunch of soulless creatures that appear suddenly half way through a Quidditch match." Harry mumbled back, his voice full of humour. His stomach did turn cold at the thought of the Dementors though.

"I'll hold you to that, Potter." Robyn said before pulling away, oblivious to the other four of her friends all grinning from ear to ear.

"Gave us a right good scare, mate." said Fred.

"What happened?"

"You fell off your broom." Ron inputted.

"Really?" Harry said sarcastically. "I meant the match. Who won?"

Everyone went silent, all glancing uncomfortably at eachother.

"No one blames you, Harry. The Dementors aren't meant to come on the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. After he saved you, he sent them straight off." Hermione finally decided to speak, though she was wary.

Harry only nodded grimly. Disappointment covered his face. Gryffindor had lost the match. But most importantly, he didn't catch the Snitch. He had promised Robyn he would win the match for her. Though, Robyn may not be aware of this as Harry agreed to it in his head, he still felt like he let her down.

"There's something else you should know, Harry. Your Nimbus - when it blew away? - it sort of landed in the Whomping Willow. And well..." Ron grabbed a bag and emptied it's contents at the end of Harry's bed. Robyn waited silently for Harry's reaction. But all he did was stare.

Fred, George, Ron, Hermione and Robyn were forced to leave silently after that by Madam Pomfrey. Robyn glanced back at Harry, feeling more worried about him than when she had arrived.

(Sorry for the slow updates)

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