Chapter 10

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After successfully calming Robyn down, she lay motionless in the sleeping bag Dumbledore had provided for each student.

They were too all sleep in the Great Hall while the Professors searched the castle for any signs of Sirius Black.

Dumbledore had left Percy in charge and he would often walk among the children, eyeing them suspiciously, his chest puffed out. People chatted for a good hour about all the possible explanations on how Black had entered the castle. No one knew, not even Dumbledore himself. It was a mystery to everyone and that terrified Robyn. If he could sneak past the Dementors twice, then there was nothing protecting Harry from him.

The mere thought of Harry being in danger made Robyn sick to her stomach. The buzz of Sirius Black walking among the school was cut short by Percy declaring it was lights out. So one by one, the students climbed into their sleeping bags for the night. Robyn didn't know if anyone else was awake but all she knew was that there was no chance of her getting any sleep that night. Robyn shuffled and turned onto her other side, hearing light snores.

How can anyone fall asleep with a lunatic moving around the castle?

The thought made her question other people's sanity. How can they feel safe enough to sleep? Suddenly, she heard movement and Harry, who with Hermione and Ron surrounded her with their sleeping bags, turned and Robyn got a shock when she layed eyes on his electrifying green eyes.

"You okay?" Harry mouthed to her. His eye's looked worn and tired yet so full of energy.

Robyn nodded at him and smiled but they both shut their eye's and pretended to sleep when they heard footsteps approach. Percy.

Once the footsteps subsided both Harry and Robyn had to suppress laughter. For what, they didn't know.

All of a sudden, they heard voices. But it wasn't Percy or other students talking. No, it was Snape and Dumbledore.

"I've done the dungeons, Headmaster. No sign of Black. Nor anywhere else in the castle." Snape drawled in his usual monotone voice.

Robyn's curiosity perked and she tried to get into a more suitable position to listen.

"I didn't really expect him to linger." Came Dumbledore's reply.

"Remarkable feat, don't you think? To enter Hogwarts castle on one's own, completely undetected..." the tone in Snape's voice told Robyn he was trying to suggest something. "You may recall, prior to the start of term, I did express my concerns when you appointed Professor --"

Robyn and Harry shared a glance at eachother, full of hatred. Not at eachother though, the hatred was for Snape. How dare he try to suggest Professor Lupin helped Black into the castle. The thought was delusional.

"I do not believe a single professor inside this castle would have helped Sirius Black enter it, Severus."

Robyn could only have guessed that Snape's eyes turned into slits, flashing darkly.

"No... I feel quite confident the castle is safe. And I'm more than willing to let the students return to their Houses. But tomorrow. For now, let them sleep..." Both Harry and Robyn shut their eye's once more, feeling Dumbledore's soft stare examining them.

At Dumbledore's words, Robyn felt some of the fear slip out of her. If Dumbledore thought the castle was safe, then Robyn knew there was nothing to worry about.

"It's astonishing what the body can endure when the mind allows itself to rest."

Eventually, all the students were fast asleep, even Robyn and Harry. But Robyn was soon awake, breathing heavily and sweat dripping down her forehead. This happened several times that night, she was awoke constantly from nightmares of Sirius Black finally getting his murderous hands on Harry and killing him right on the spot, laughing maniacally. Robyn would always shoot her eye's to the side of her where Harry lay peacefully and safe.

'He was safe', and on that thought she would lay back down and drift off to sleep only to have the same nightmare over and over.


"What villains are these that trespass upon my private lands!"

After the night Sirius decided to attack, the Fat Lady had been moved. Now stood Sir Cadogan in the Fat Lady's place but the Gryffindors weren't very impressed with the idea. Even if they got their Common Room back and soft beds, the portrait was insane.

"Who dares challenge Sir Cadogan! Back, you scurvy braggarts! You rogues!"

Sir Cadogan was a tiny knight stuck in a painting of a vast patch of grass. His pony would graze the grass most of the time as Cadogan threatened the Gryffindors, waving his sword around wildly.

"He's barking mad!" Seamus exlaimed as he, Neville and Dean stood infront of the portrait, as Cadogan refused to let them in.

"What d'you expect? After what happened to the Fat Lady, none of the other pictures would take the job."

"But he keeps changing the password. Twice just this morning! I've taken to keeping a list." Neville whined, pulling out a crumbled piece of parchment.

Suddenly, the portrait swung open and out stepped Harry, Hermione, Robyn and Ron.

"Farewell, comrades! If ever you have need of noble heart and steely sinew, call upon Sir Cadogan!" The portrait called after them.

"Yeah, we'll call you... if we ever need someone mental." Ron said and Robyn was left to giggle to herself.


Once again Robyn, Harry and Ron were back in Lupin's classroom, excited for what he had in store for them. Only this time, the desks and chairs weren't pushed to the side, welcoming a big open space like the last lesson with the Boggart did.

This time the desks and chairs lay in rows like any other classroom.

The students sat, bubbling with conversation. Harry, Ron, and Robyn all sat together, Sirius Black far from their minds. Hermione was yet to be seen but Robyn had the slight suspicion she would turn up out of nowhere like she had done occasional times now.

"Turn to page 394."

No one could mistake the slow drawl that echoed through the classroom. Snape drifted to the front of the classroom as everyone eyed him with guarded curiosity.

Without any moans, everyone began to reach for their bags, pulling out the text book they required.

"Excuse me, sir, but... where's Professor Lupin?" Harry asked, his curiosity getting the better of him and he found his voice bouncing off the walls as everyone waited for Snape's reply.

"That's not really your concern, is it, Potter? Suffice to say, your Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Page 394."

This only deepened everyone's curiosity and Robyn found herself wondering if Professor Lupin was okay.

With a wave of Snape's wand, a slide show began to display itself on the screen infront of the classroom. A ancient woodcut of a horrific beast flickered on the screen. Robyn frowned.

"Werewolves?" Ron questioned aloud.

"But, sir, we've only just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks-" Hermione stated also frowning.

When there was a schedule, Hermione liked to follow it and skipping over several topics didn't go down very well with her.

"Quiet!" Snape hissed.

"When did she come in? Did you see her come in..." Ron said to both Harry and Robyn, looking annoyed and confused. Both Harry and Robyn shook their heads as neither of them had noticed Hermione come in. Though Robyn already guessed Hermione would appear out of nowhere.

"Now. Which of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?" Everyone stared blankly at the screen of the beast. But, of course, Hermione had her hand stretched up, desperate to answer.

Robyn knew a little but, of course, would never raise her hand. She was too shy and the thought of her having thirty pairs of eye's on her made her paralysed with fear. She was only comfortable around her family and the trio.

Suddenly, Robyn saw a small moth flutter across the room, directly at Harry. Harry swatted it away but instead of killing it, it turned into a piece of parchment. Robyn, Harry and Ron eyed it cautiously.

"Malfoy." Ron said darkly as Harry turned to see Draco smirking, confirming Ron's judgement.

"No one? How... disappointing." Snape said, his lips thin as if he was smiling at the lack of information.

"Please, sir, an Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice in the matter. Furthermore, the werewolf actively hunts humans and responds only to the call of its own kind-" Hermione was cut off by a low howl Draco was making while laughing.

"Quiet, Malfoy! Though one must admit to feeling your pain. That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Tell me. Are you incapable of restraining yourself? Or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?" Professor Snape spat as Hermione looked down at her desk, tears stinging her eye's.

"He's got a point, you know." Ron whispered to Harry, not intending for Robyn to hear. But she did. Robyn glared at Ron.

Harry stared at the parchment. Malfoy had drawn a crude caricature of Harry in his Quidditch robes being struck by lightning over and over.

"Five points from Gryffindor!" Snape announced and Robyn could see Hermione sink her head even lower.

"As a antidote to your ignorance, I prescribe two rolls of parchment on the werewolf by Monday morning, with particular emphasis placed on recognizing it." The class suppressed a groan of frustration.

Suddenly, Snape eyed the piece of parchment in Harry's hand. Robyn wanted to warn him but it was too late.

"Passing notes, Potter?" Severus snatched the drawing from under Harry's nose. Harry was shocked for a few seconds but soon glared at Snape with undoubtedly a lot of hatred.

"Not exactly Picasso, are you? I hope you demonstrate more talent on the Quidditch pitch this weekend then you do as an artist." Snape drawled, his mouth once again turning into a sinister smirk.

"He never fails to catch the Snitch." Robyn gasped as the words flowed from her mouth without permission. Her head ducked as she felt the class turn to her. Robyn felt her face go hot.

"Oh, really?" Snape looked up from the parchment and raised an eyebrow at the cowering young lady. Harry, on the other hand was beaming. That stupid drawing had made him nervous but what Robyn had said really warmed his heart. Now all he wanted to do was get out on the Quidditch pitch and win the game.

"Y-yes." Robyn muttered weakly, wishing she never spoke.

Snape turned away and Robyn could hear Crabbe and Goyle cackling at the other end of the classroom. Harry once again looked down at the drawing Malfoy had given him and then looked back up at Robyn. If Robyn and the whole of Gryffindor supported him and didn't doubt him, then he had to win. He was going to win and he was going to do it for Robyn...

(Sorry it's taking me so long to update)

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