Chapter 15

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"Those weasels! Never told me about any Marauder's Map!" Ron raged as all four of the friends made their way down the snowy street of Hogsmeade. But two of them were still covered in the Invisibility cloak, hiding them from the world.

"But Harry isn't going to keep it. He's going to turn it over to Professor McGonagall, aren't you?" Hermione asked sternly though it sounded more like a demand than an innocent question. Harry didn't answer.

"Oh sure. Along with his invisibility cloak, his pack of exploding snap cards, his-"

"Oh, shut up." Hermione snapped and both Ron and Robyn smirked. Though, Robyn was safely hidden from Hermione's glare as she was draped in cloth, that most likely got Harry, Hermione and Ron out of a lot of trouble before they met the girl who was now sharing it with Harry.

The four of them stopped by the Three Broomsticks as they saw a Ministry Sleigh come to a stop outside the Pub.

"Rosmerta, m'dear!" The Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, exlaimed as Hagrid stomped into view, opening the door for the Minister with ease. Maybe too much ease as the door came off it's hinges. Robyn fought back laughter.

"That's Madam Rosmerta. Ron fancies her." Hermione said, leaning closer to where Harry and Robyn stood.

"It's not true!" Ron denied, his ears and neck turning red. Robyn giggled.


Robyn rolled her eye's at Harry but kept quiet.

"I trust business is good?" The Minister said conversationally.

"It'd be a right sight better if the Ministry wasn't sending Dementors into my pub every other night." Rosmerta snapped, prodding Cornelius in the chest with her finger.

"We have a killer on the loose." Cornelius said, straightening his suit up.

"Sirius Black? In Hogsmeade! And what would bring him here?" Rosmerta said. She sounded almost taunting.

The trio and Robyn watched the scene play out in front of them with curiosity. Robyn had to agree with Ron that Rosmerta was very pretty.

"Harry Potter." The Minister whispered, looking rather scared now.

The trio and Robyn all breathed in deep. They were all wide-eyed and fearful.

"M-Maybe we heard wrong?" Robyn suggested to the others, her voice shaking.

"Harry Potter!" Rosmerta exlaimed as the Minister and Professor McGonagall hushed her, looking around in alarm. Robyn hadn't noticed McGonagall standing next the Rosmerta.

"O-Okay, we heard right," Robyn shrugged, fear consuming her. "But that doesn't mean anything." Robyn reassured, more too herself than anyone. "Yet."

Fudge jerked his head towards the pub and led Rosmerta and McGonagall inside. Robyn suddenly felt the cloak tug and saw Harry walking to the Pub.

"Hey, hey. Woah!....Harry? What are you doing? And would you be more careful, if this cloak comes off me and I get caught you are so-" Robyn stopped abruptly as the cloak trailed off her and exposed her to everyone. Harry had disappeared. "-dead." Robyn sighed.

Robyn, Hermione and Ron sighed in defeat, sitting on a bench. Though Robyn crouched behind the bench, Ron and Hermione blocking her from getting caught.

"This is going to be really uncomfortable. Damn you, Harry James Potter!"

Harry rushed through the full Pub, trying to keep up with the Minister, Rosmerta and McGonagall. Harry felt guilty for leaving Robyn exposed but he had to do this.

They wouldn't understand.

Harry thought, trying the free himself of some of the guilt.

Harry followed the three adults up a wooden staircase, to a backroom. Harry rushed forward from seeing the door closing. But it was too late. It had already been shut. Harry grasped the door handle and turned it with as much stealth as he could muster. He snuck in, hoping he made it look like a draught had caused it. McGonagall frowned, shutting the door again, with more force.

"Come on then. Let's hear it." Rosmerta demanded, though Harry could hear slight excitement in her words.

"Years ago, when Harry Potter's parents were marked for death, they went into hiding. Few knew where they were. One who did was Black. And he told..."

"You-Know-Who. I've heard this rot. It was all over The Daily Prophet back in the day. And I'll say now what I said then: Of all the boys I ran out of here, Black's the last who would've gone over to the dark side. Hearsay. That's all the Ministry had. Hearsay." Rosmerta paced the room, a look of stubbornness across her face. Harry held his breath, listening so intensely, he felt a pain in his head.

"Ha! Tell that to Peter Pettigrew!" Fudge said in triumphant, like he won the lottery or something.

"Peter Pettigrew?"

"Little lump of a boy? Always tagging after Black and..."

Once again, Rosmerta cut off McGonagall. Harry wondered how she had not had her head bitten off by McGonagall yet.

"I remember him. What's he got to do with it?"

"After the Potters were killed, Pettigrew went looking for Black. And, unfortunately... found him." McGonagall said, looking grim and sad.

"Black was vicious. He didn't kill Pettigrew. He destroyed him. A finger. That's all that was left. A finger-there's your hearsay." Fudge said as McGonagall nodded.

Harry didn't know what to think. He didn't know how to breath anymore.

"Sirius Black may not have put his hands to the Potters, but he's the reason they're dead. And now he wants to finish what he started."

Harry felt an intense pain in his chest. He felt white-hot anger burn through his veins.

If Black was supposedly James and Lily's friend, then why would he sell them out to Voldemort?

Harry thought to himself angrily. If he hated Black to start with then Harry was sure it was nothing compared to now.

"Harry." Rosmerta muttered. McGonagall nodded, looking pained.

"But that's not the worst of it." The Minister said grimly.

"What could be worse?"

"This: Sirius Black was and remains to this day... Harry Potter's godfather."

Harry let his feet lead him wherever. After slamming his way through the Pub, he exited out into the cold street.

Ignoring his friends, he stumbled past them. He felt his throat dry up. He wanted to yell, scream, kick. He wanted to kill Sirius. Harry soon found himself sat on a rock, his face wet with tears. Harry didn't know what to do with himself. It was making him even more angry.

Robyn, Ron and Hermione all saw the footprints in the snow and shared a concerned look. They followed them.

"Oh, thank God. I couldn't stay in that position any longer." Robyn mumbled to herself as her knees and back clicked.

As they reached the end of the footprints, they heard choked sobs. Robyn felt her mood collapse to the floor, her heart splitting in two. Before Ron could discourage her from going, as he had done with Hermione, she was already kneeling next to the rock Harry was sat on, as it was where she located the sobs to directly be coming from.

"H-Harry? What...What happened?" Robyn asked, her voice coming out soft and gentle. Robyn reached out, grasping the soft material of the Invisibility cloak. She pulled it off Harry, revealing his broken and tear-stained face. Robyn gasped. This was the most vulnerable she had ever seen him.

"He was their friend and he betrayed them. HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!" Harry yelled and Robyn flinched, though she still managed to put a reasuring hand on Harry's arm. Harry's eye's hardened.

"I hope he finds me. 'Cause when he does, I'm going to be ready. When he does, I'm going to kill him."

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