Chapter 16

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The Christmas holiday flew by in a blur and Robyn found herself back at Hogwarts after the long break, excited to spend time with the trio.

Harry had not said anything to any three of his friends about what he had found out at Hogsmeade. He had explained the conversation briefly when it had happened but that was it. He said nothing about how it made him feel but Ron, Hermione and Robyn could tell it was affecting him. They just hoped he didn't do anything irrational.

One thing he did talk about openly to Hermione and Ron was his secret lessons with Lupin to help him fight the Dementors. Harry had also explained how Robyn would help him and how the Professor had suggested she fought the Boggart while she was there aswell. Hermione thought this was a very good idea. And as Harry grew more excited about these lessons, Robyn was dreading it. She did not want to fight the Boggart. She did not want to see her worst fear come true.

But soon enough, both, Robyn and Harry found themselves in Lupin's office, standing in front of a large chest.

The dying sun illuminated Harry and Robyn, turning them a deep orange-red.

"Right then, Robyn step forward!"

Robyn looked at Professor Lupin and a sick feeling clutched her stomach. She did not want to do this. She could not do this. Lupin saw that the girl made no movement and looked at her.

"Robyn," Lupin sighed. "We all have to face our fears at some point. And I will be here if it gets too out of hand."

Though slightly reassured, Robyn was still reluctant.

"You can do this! Remember it's not even real." Harry said. Robyn sighed.

With the sick feeling still in her stomach and fear clutching on to her tightly, she stepped forward and nodded at Lupin. He leaned and opened the chest. A black swirling mass jumped out and Robyn raised her wand shakily, not at all ready for what she was about to face.

The Boggart flickered in the form of the raggedy, mass-murdering, Sirius Black. Then it turned to Voldemort, then to her parents dead. Then it switched to her brother also dead, then Hermione and Ron, both dead aswell. Robyn felt a tear slide down her face. She tried to tell herself it wasn't real but as the Boggart switched between each person she loved, it seemed to break another piece of her heart. The thought of the possibility that this could happen one day ran through her head. She was paralysed with grief, fear, heartache and sadness.

"Come on, Robyn, you can do this!" Lupin called over to the girl.

Harry stood a little behind Robyn, also paralysed. Ron and Hermione's dead bodies flickered in his mind like a nightmare.

No, it couldn't possibly be real, both Hermione and Ron are sat in the Common Room waiting for us. This is just a Boggart. It is NOT real!

Harry told himself over and over again.

"R-R-Rid-" Robyn's hand shook so violently and her voice trailed away until it was nothing. The Boggart had once again changed it's form and this time it showed no evidence of shifting again.

All three of them stood in shock as they stared at what the Boggart had turned into. Harry lay motionless on the floor. Beaten, cursed, blood all over him. He was not breathing. His eye's were wide open, the usual shocking green colour was now dull and drained. Robyn looked behind her in a rush, the actual Harry was looking at her in what looked like shock and pity. He was not hurt or dead and his eye's were brilliantly green like always.

"R-R-Riddikulus!" Robyn finally muttered and the dead body of Harry once again turned into a swirling mass and flew back into the chest. Robyn breathed in deep, her breath shaky and uneven. She once again felt useless. She felt ashamed. She felt scared.

"Robyn." Harry began to speak.

"T-This stays between us. Not a word to anyone. Understand?" Robyn had turned her back to Harry and the Professor, her voice darker then usual.

Harry stared at the back of Robyn for a moment, before speaking. "Yeah...Yeah, okay."

Robyn turned back around and saw Lupin nod grimly at her.

"Right! Shall we start Harry's lesson now." Robyn wanted to get all the attention off her as quick as possible. She wanted to forget what just happened. She saw both Harry and Lupin nod again.

"You're sure about this, Harry? This is very advanced magic. Well beyond Ordinary Wizarding Level."

Harry stood in silence for a few seconds. His eye's trailed to Robyn a couple of times. How could he getting hurt be one of her worst fears? Harry definitely felt heart warmed but he was confused.

"If Black can fight the Dementors, I need to know how too." Harry replied.

He felt determined to learn how to defeat them. He was sick of being scared of them. Robyn had somehow snuck to the back of the room watching from a distance. She felt positive Harry would do it, though she could not produce a corporeal Patronus herself, she knew with Harry's strength, he would be able to do it with a few lessons.

"Very well. The spell I'm going to teach you is called the Patronus Charm. Ever heard of it?"

Harry shook his head.

Robyn smiled and thought it was understandable that he did not know what Lupin was going on about as he had been unconscious when Robyn had to use the spell to get rid of the Dementor on the train.

"A Patronus is a kind of positive force. For the wizard who can conjure one, the Patronus works something like a shield. The Dementor feeds on it instead of them." Professor Lupin explained.

"But in order for it to work, you must think of a memory. And not just any. This memory needs to be a very happy one. And powerful." Harry nodded and as Robyn watched him ponder, she crept over to Lupin.

"I can't produce a full Corporeal Patronus, I can only do the Non-Corporeal Patronus." Robyn muttered to Lupin. Lupin turned to her.

"But it is still a good skill to know, so you can learn with Harry. But I still want you to demonstrate it to give Harry a general idea." Robyn nodded at Lupin and walked back to the back of the room.

"Got something? Good. Let it fill you up. Lose yourself in it. Then speak the incantation: Expecto Patronum. Without your wand..." Lupin instructed and Robyn smiled at the look of him. He was such a good teacher. One of the best they have had so far.

"Expecto Patronum..." Harry said.

"Before your try it out yourself, I want Robyn to demonstrate it for you. So just watch closely at how she does it." Harry nodded as Robyn once again stood to face the chest. But this time, she was not scared. She put all her concentration into thinking of a Dementor, so the Boggart would use that form.

"Ready?" Lupin asked.

"As ready as I can be." Robyn nodded as she raised her wand.

Lupin waved his own wand and the chest swung open. Out swooped a dark and gloomy Dementor, it's ripped and mouldy cloak floated around it elegantly and it's scabby grey hand outstretched in Robyn's direction. Robyn forced herself to think of a happy memory. Her mind instantly jumped to when she first met the trio.

"Expecto Patronum." Robyn said, her voice full of force like it was on the train coming to Hogwarts. A glowing shield had spilled out of Robyn's wand, stopping the Dementor from getting any closer. Lupin locked it back into the chest.

"Good luck!" Robyn smiled at Harry, letting him take her place in front of the chest.

"Right then. Shall we?" Lupin waved his wand, once again, and the chest flew open, out swooping the dark Dementor again.

"Concentrate, Harry. Concentrate..."

"Expecto... Patronum..."

The torches on the walls flickered and a cold breeze filled the room and inside of Harry. He felt like he was drowning in ice again and the funny white mist had filled his head. He heard the distant screaming of his mother. His hand shook.

"Expecto... Expecto..."

Robyn stepped forward, her wand gripped tightly in her hand. She watched Harry stumble back.

"Come on, come on. You can do this!" Robyn had muttered under her breath but Lupin had already stepped in. The Dementor turned into the bright orb that is the full moon and Lupin locked it back up into the chest once again.

Harry stood blinking, like he was just awoken from a deep sleep. Robyn watched as Lupin rummaged through his pockets, pulling out a Chocolate Frog. He placed it in Harry's trembling hand. Robyn hoped he would be okay.

"Quickly." Lupin urged as Harry bit down on the Chocolate Frog. Harry immediately began to feel better.

"That's one nasty Dementor." Harry said, running a hand through his already messy hair, forgetting that he knew the Dementor wasn't real.

"Boggart, Harry." Robyn muttered to him, looking at him in concern.

"Oh, right. Yeah, sorry I forgot." Harry apologized, mentally facepalming. Both Robyn and Lupin smiled sympathetically.

"The real thing would be much, much worse. Just out of interest, what were you thinking of? What memory did you choose?" Lupin asked, and Robyn took a closer step to the pair of them, intrigued.

"The first time I rode a broom."

Robyn couldn't deny that she felt her heart drop a little. She would've thought she gave Harry at least a few good memories. And what about Ron and Hermione?

"That's not good enough, Harry. Not nearly." Harry quickly glanced at Robyn but when she tried to meet his eye, he looked away. Robyn felt her heart drop more. Was he playing games because of all the times she could not meet his eye out of shyness? Or was it because of something else? Harry turned to the window, staring out into the bloody sun.

"There's another. It's not happy exactly. I mean, it is. It's the happiest I've ever felt. But it's... complicated."

Robyn was confused. She did not know what he was going on about.

"Is it strong?" Lupin asked and when Harry turned to look at Lupin, Robyn got a glance at him and saw the raw emotion in his eye's. Harry nodded.

"Then let's try it."

Robyn got closer to Harry and the chest just in case it got out of hand again. Though, she didn't want to see her fears again, she still wanted to protect Harry. Harry took in a deep breath and poised himself.

"Think, Harry, think-"

"Just do it!" Both Lupin and Robyn were shocked at the sudden quiet fierceness in his voice. Lupin opened the chest, the Dementor once again swooshing out. The air turned cold, sweeping Harry's hair so his scar was visible. Robyn saw Harry's jaw tighten. Her heart rate sped up.

"Expecto Patronum!" Harry bellowed, his face showing nothing but determination and fierceness. But his legs felt like water. His arm's were trembling, in fact his whole body was.

Suddenly, a great silver shadow burst out of Harry's wand.

"Riddikulus." Lupin called and once again the Boggart dissappeared into the chest. Harry's arm dropped. Robyn was impressed. Both Lupin and Robyn looked at him in silent awe. He nearly did it only on his second go.

"Well done."

"I think I've had enough. For today." Harry said. Lupin nodded. Robyn walked near the door.

"Thank you, Professor. Harry, I'll be outside." Lupin smiled at the girl and Harry nodded.

"Just so you know, Harry: You'd have given your father a run for his money. And, believe me, that's saying something." Harry smiled and pondered on Lupin's words.

"I was thinking of him. And Mum. Seeing their faces. They were just talking to me. Just... talking. That was the memory I chose. I don't even know if it's real..." Harry gripped the door and stared into the corridor. Robyn stood close by patiently.

"But it's the best I have."

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