Chapter 17

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The Castle was deadly silent. Night had fallen, and the millions of stars shone brilliantly over Hogwarts.

Everyone was asleep, even the Professor's as they were assured no student would break the rules at this time of night. Even the ghosts floated in midair, apparently asleep. If not, they just took in the silence, having the time to themselves.

But one person lay awake...Harry. He stared up at a picture of his parents, trying to use the bright night sky to his advantage. But even after an hour of Harry staring at the picture of his parents, wishing they were here, he too had to sleep and soon the picture lay on his chest, his gentle breathing soft against the loud snores of Ronald Weasley.

Suddenly, the peace left the castle. The night seemed not so calm anymore. The wind howled loudly and the sky seemed to glare at everything, making it cower into darkness.

Robyn bolted up. Nothing in particular woke her up. She was having a pleasant dream but somehow a cold sweat glazed her forehead and her breathing came out ragged and heavy. A tight knot of anticipation filled her stomach, never leaving. She had a bad feeling but she did not know why. She lay awake from then on, jumping at the slightest of sounds, waiting and knowing all hell was going the break loose soon.

The Sneakoscope, Ron had gotten Harry, blared to life. The whirling of the small machine so extreme, it whizzed all along the wooden surface, it was placed upon. The Sneakoscope only stopped when it hit the glass of water Harry had put there before going to bed. The clicking of the Sneakoscope against glass sounded oddly like a owl tapping against a window, asking for access in. Though this was much more graver than any owl.


The yell echoed through the boys dorm, shooting Harry awake. His vibrant green eye's immediately landed on a dark silhouette. He could see the outline of a knife. Harry stared, paralysed. Suddenly his senses woke up too, his heart hammered in his chest. A man with a knife stood over a bed. Ron's bed. Ron had been the one who screamed. All of the boys were up now, their faces hidden by darkness. Harry grabbed his wand in an instant, like it was his second nature.

"Everybody out!" Harry bellowed, his voice strong, his instinct to put others before himself taking control. The others didn't need telling twice and fled then and there, out of the boys dorm.

But the boy's weren't the only ones to exit their dorm. Robyn had heard the commotion and ran down to the Common Room as fast as her legs would carry her. She knew this would happen but that did not ease her. She still clutched her wand tightly in her hand as if it was her life support and she still staggered on her feet, feeling lightheaded and scared.

"Show yourself." Harry yelled, his wand poised at the mysterious shadow. Harry was scared. He had a suspicion on who it was. No, he knew who it was and it frightened him. But it also sent white-hot anger coursing through his veins. Standing in front of him was a traitor.

The man standing in front of Harry sold out his parents. The man is the reason why his parents are dead. The supposedly best friend of Lily and James. He was their downfall. Their biggest mistake.

A loud crash interrupted Harry's thoughts. His glass of water smashed to the floor and Scabbers raced through his legs, Crookshanks hot on his tail. Harry didn't even have time to react. Within a blink of an eye, the silhouette had grasped the curtain and swung out of the window. Harry didn't even have time to stop it. To stop him. He didn't have time to even send a jinx at him. He felt angry at himself. Ashamed. Sad.

He rushed to the window, looking out into the harsh night. Harry could see the silhouette leaping from ledge to ledge with animal's grace. Then suddenly, he vanished. Just like that.

Harry shook his head in anger. He missed his chance. In an instant, the thought of Ron entered Harry's mind. Sirius had been over Ron's bed. Holding a lethal weapon. Harry hastily rushed over to Ron's bed, pulling back the curtains, to find it was empty. Panic struck him.

"Ron! Ron!" Harry called but no answer reassured him. His eye's flickered to the window.

He could not of took Ron...

Panic attacked Harry, there was no evidence Ron was safe in the Common Room with the rest of the boys. But there was no evidence Sirius had took him either. Harry only got shook out of the internal battle going on inside his head when Ron popped his head out from under his bed. Although Ron looked a little shaken and pale, Harry let out a breath of relief. The fiery red head was safe. His best friend was safe.

"Is he gone?"


It was an hour after the incident and all the Gryffindor House stood in pajamas in their Common room, with Professor McGonagall wearing a tartan robe and a expression of singular irritation.

As soon as Ron and Harry had exited their dorm, after the attack, they went down to the Common Room, only to both be embraced by a tired looking Robyn. She had a single tear roll down her cheek but did not shed anymore.

Hermione was a different story. She found the story very hard to believe. After Ron had explained the whole thing to the Professor, Robyn was shaking with fear so much, Professor McGonagall even sent her a concerned look. Hermione had put her arm around Robyn's shoulders, easing her slightly.

"That's preposterous, Weasley. How could Sirius Black possibly have got through the portrait hole?" Professor McGonagall said, her sharp stern glare searching Ron's face, as if trying to look for any evidence of lying.

"I don't know how he got in! I was a bit busy dodging his knife!"

Just then, a curiously content Crookshanks found his way through Ron's legs.

"And this bloody cat ate my rat!" Ron accused.

"That's a lie!" Hermione hissed, her arm slipping away from Robyn, who looked scarily pale.

"It is not and you bloody well know it!"

"Silence!" hissed the Professor.

McGonagall turned then and everyone followed her gaze to Sir Cadogan who, sensing the attention, perked up instantly.

"Sir Cadogan. Is it possible that you let a mysterious man enter Gryffindor Tower tonight?"

Robyn watched the portrait with an intense stare. She was dreading the answer.

"Certainly, good lady! He had the password. Had the whole week's, in fact. On a little piece of paper." Sir Cadogan answered with a slight bow and proud smile.

"IDIOT!" Robyn roared suddenly that everyone jumped and turned to her. Anger ran through her veins. She cowered away slightly at all the attention but her anger overran her fear.

"What are you all looking at!" She snapped, and all the eye's looked away from her instantly. All but the trio, who gazed at her for a little longer. As she noticed them looking her face softened and some of her anger subsided.

"Which abysmally foolish person wrote down the passwords and then proceeded to lose them!" McGonagall snapped after a fleeting glance at Robyn. Every eye in the room shifted to Neville.

"Is it always going to be you, Longbottom?" McGonagall sighed with exasperation. Neville looked at the floor.

"I'm afraid so, ma'am." Robyn smiled sadly at this, feeling pity for Neville.

"While we know Sirius Black is gone tonight, I think you can safely assume he will, at some future time, attempt to return. Let me be clear. You are not to move about the castle alone. And you are not to write down the password! Understood!"

The room all nodded.

"Very well then. Go to bed."

As the students drifted off to bed, Ron cast one last angry glance at Hermione, who held Crookshanks, before going up to his dormitory.

"I could've killed him." Harry said to Hermione. But he was not looking at her, he was staring out the window. "He was right there. Close enough to touch. I could've killed him." Harry's voice was angry.

"Then why didn't you?"

Both Hermione and Harry jumped and turned to see Robyn. Harry stared at her but all she did was turn on her heels and walk up to the girls dormitory. Though she did not get any sleep at all that night.

(Sorry it is short. Vote please. Thank you for all the support!)

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