Chapter 22

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Crimson blood hit the ground with a splash. The red liquid coated Ron's hand like a glove.

"He bit me..." Ron said, disbelief in his words. The sun was slowly beginning the set, turning the sky an ocean of different blues.

After the few tears that were shed by Hermione and Robyn, the girls had finally pulled themselves together, though they now had the same grieving numbness that the boys felt.

Ron had just about caught Scabbers streaking away and took no time in chasing after him.

"Ron! No!" Hermione yelled, her hand reaching out to grab him but she just met thin air.

As Ron pelted after Scabbers, Harry, Hermione and Robyn gave chase. Harry being the fastest of the three, raced ahead. Robyn felt like she was going the throw up. She knew something bad was going to happen, it had been eating away at her all day. She just hoped it wasn't as bad as her body was telling her it was going to be.

The Whomping Willow loomed ahead and Robyn stopped dead. Ron was heading straight for it. Her body began to tremble.

"Harry. Hermione. Y-You do know what t-tree that is...?" Robyn wailed, her eye's filled with fear. Ron was zooming towards the Whomping Willow, he was still not aware of where he was heading.

Suddenly, he tumbled and Scabbers was once again in his bloody hands. But the Willow seemed to already know someone not wanted was in its territory and it sprang to life.

"Now behave yourself." Ron muttered into his hands, still completely oblivious of the situation.

"That's not good." Harry said, watching the Whomping Willow with fear. "Ron! RUN!"

Ron spun around and noticed Harry, Hermione and Robyn keeping their distance. But he still did not notice the movement of the Whomping Willow. No, his eyes were set on something behind his three friends. His face paled and his lips trembled.

"Harry! Run!" Ron bellowed, rushing to his feet. Harry's eye's shifted to behind him and he stumbled back, alerting Robyn and Hermione also, making them set their eyes on what was behind them. Robyn let out a cry of terror and Hermione gasped.

Bounding towards them in the gathering gloom was a pale eyed, shaggy, jet black dog. The dog Harry had been seeing all year. The death Omen.

Shielding himself, Harry lifted his arms above his head but the dog leaped clear over his head. Robyn whizzed around, only to her horror, to see the giant beast making it's way towards Ron.

Growling, the dog bared it's teeth, looking at Ron hungrily. Ron backed away, stumbling back on to the floor. Abruptly, the dog pounced and dug it's razor sharp teeth into Ron's leg. Ron howled in pain as the dog began to drag him away. Even closer to the Whomping Willow.

Harry dashed forward and leaped, grabbing on to Ron's hand but also slamming into the ground. He let out a small groan but tried to pull Ron free.

"NO!" Robyn screamed as she watched her two best friend's being pulled away, towards the trunk of the Whomping Willow. She pulled out her wand but did not know what spell to use. Her mind went blank. Before she could even comprehend what she was doing, she grabbed on to Hermione's hand and ran toward's the Willow. As the two got closer they saw the hound dissappear into the trunk of the tree.

"Harry." Harry lifted his chin and saw Ron's legs dissappear also into the tree's trunk.

"Hold on, Ron!" Harry groaned as he used all his strength to try and pull Ron to safety. But it was no use. The dog was too strong. Too powerful. Harry looked around desperately, trying to find a solution. But he came up with nothing.

Harry found Ron's eyes and could practically read his mind. Harry began to get frantic. He could not let Ron do it. There was no way Harry was going to let him do it. Not his best mate.

"No, Ron..."

One by one, Ron released his fingers from Harry's grip. Harry was frantic and could only tighten his grip but Ron's hand was slipping. Slipping away from his own. He was sacrificing himself. Harry could only watch with horror as Ron slipped completely from his grasp and disappeared into the Whomping Willow with the blood thirsty hound.

"R-Ron...N-No..." Robyn trembled, her shaking hand finding it's way to her mouth. She let out a sob.

They could hear Ron's yell's of pain and terror deep underneath the earth. Harry and Hermione inched closer to the tree and peered into the hole that Ron and the beast disappeared into.

Suddenly, both Hermione and Harry were sent soaring into the air. They hit the ground with a thump and a groan. Robyn ran to their sides, worry etched on her face.

"Are you alright?" Robyn asked, helping them both to their feet. But only provided them a bit of help as she was quite weak.

"Fine. Maybe you should head back to the castle, we don't want you getting hurt." Harry said suddenly. Robyn felt like a bullet had hit her in her chest. She looked at both Hermione and Harry in disbelief and anger.

"You don't want me getting hurt or you don't want me screwing things up because I'm the weak loner that has driven herself crazy?" Robyn snapped, turning her back on her two so called friends. She shook her head and watched the Whomping Willow hit at the ground.

"I didn't mean it like that." Harry muttered, his voice nothing more then a whisper. He wouldn't meet Robyn's eyes.

"Then what did you mean, Harry? Huh? Just because I haven't had experience like you lot, does not mean I don't know how to fight." Robyn huffed, her eyes filling with angry tears.

"You think it's been all fun and games for me, Robyn? Well it hasn't. Fighting isn't all that easy, you know! It's hard. You could be a blink away from death and you have to come up with something, quick. It's not all about bravery and courage. I am only trying to look out for you!" Harry said, angrily, his fists balling at his sides.

"Well, why don't you tell Hermione to go back to the castle aswell?" Robyn shot back, shooting daggers at Harry in which he returned, looking alot more intimidating then Robyn as he was a lot taller and his bright green eye's made him look a whole lot scarier as they turned dark and menacing compared to Robyn's hazel ones.

"Because I know she won't listen to me!" Harry yelled, inching towards Robyn.

"Well then you clearly don't know me-"

"ENOUGH!" Hermione shrieked, standing between the two of her best friends. "Now I don't know about you two but I really want to help Ron. So, are you in?" Hermione said, a little softer. Harry nodded straight away but Robyn hesitated.

She just had her first ever argument. She didn't even argue with her family. She had fell out with Ron before but they had not argued and the matter was solved in a couple of hours. But this...this was the first time she ever had the courage to yell at someone. Well, it was Harry's fault for saying what he said. She could handle herself. She was not a baby. Even with all the anger and adrenaline running through her, Robyn still felt guilty. Even though she knew she shouldn't. She still did.

"Yeah...yeah, I'm in." Robyn nodded, determined.

"Right then. Let's go!"

Hermione and Harry darted for the clearing in the trunk of the Whomping Willow and as soon as Robyn knew what they were doing, ran after them.

All of a sudden, a branch swooped down. Robyn and Hermione ducked but Harry didn't notice it and the branch sent him flying back. Robyn wanted to run after him to see if he was okay but she was angry at him. Or that was what she told herself.

As Harry went flying backwards, his glasses some how fell off his face, so he was left searching the ground for them but was not having any luck as everything was merged together in one big blur.

Hermione hopped over another branch that went zooming after them but Robyn jumped aside, hardly missing the blow. Hermione and Robyn smiled at eachother in triumphant. At least she hadn't argued with Hermione.

Robyn suddenly felt the air being knocked out of her lungs and the wind whistled in her ears. She let out a scream of absolute terror as she saw the ground getting smaller and smaller. She hated heights.

"Hermione! HARRY!!!" Robyn yelled at the top of her lungs as she clung on to the branch for dear life. She was going to throw up.

She saw Hermione run over to Harry just as he found his glasses. He put them on his face and suddenly Robyn noticed she was getting nearer and nearer to them. She reached out and grabbed a fistful of their t-shirts, lifting them into the air aswell. Robyn felt even more scared as she could feel her arms trembling at the strain of holding both, Harry and Hermione.

Abruptly, the three of them were tossed into the air by the Willow and were sent flying into the small hole Ron dissappeared into. They were plunged into complete darkness.

(Robyn and Harry had their first argument. Oooh. Sorry it's on the shorter side, I'm planning on putting the whole meeting Sirius and that in the next chapter. Though, if it proves to be too long, I might have to split it in two. Anyway, hope you like it. Thank you, once again for all the support. We are nearly at 200 votes. YAY. So yeah, don't forget to vote and comment, if you don't mind. It really does make me smile. More then it should, I probably always look like a creep but ah well. Anyway, bye)

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