Chapter 23

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Harry landed on a dusty, wooden floor with an oomph. Hermione came tumbling after with a scream, landing right on top of Harry. Harry let out a slight groan.

"Thanks." Hermione said, sheepishly.

"Don't mention it." Harry groaned as he stood up, sweeping dirt off his clothes.

Suddenly, another figure came flying down into the mysterious room, knocking Harry off his feet, once again. Robyn had her hands each side of Harry's face, stopping her from closing the already close proximity. Harry stared back at her in shock, his green eye's gleaming with regret. They both lay on the ground. Again.

"Sorry." Robyn muttered, her cheek's heating up and her neck burning. Harry could tell the apology was for more then just the reason she had fell on him. It was an apology for the argument, though Harry could tell she was still mad. He could see the fire in her hazel eyes, burning brighter then the sun. It made them look gold.

The tension was thick.

Unmoving, Harry and Robyn stared at eachother. Harry wanted to apologise but could not find the right words too say.

Robyn felt her stomach twist and turn as her vision was took over by glowing green eyes. She felt like she could stare at them forever. They were so enticing.

Robyn's mind wandered and thought about how Harry's whole being was enticing, not just his eyes. Shocked and slightly scared of the thoughts now echoing in her mind, Robyn snapped out of her trance and rolled off Harry, who by the sudden movement seemed to be brought back to the present aswell. Robyn cleared her throat, her face feeling even hotter.

How could I even think that? Harry is my best friend. Or was my best friend, I should not be thinking like that. What is wrong with you, Robyn?!

Robyn scolded herself mentally, her face reddening even more at the thought of her even thinking that.

Hermione stood aside, her face a mixture of amusement, irritation and fear. Her face was pale and frantic and her hair even more untamed then usual. Robyn hated to think how she looked.

Harry stood, his hand reaching into the back pocket of his jeans and pulling out his wand. "Lumos."

The darkness cowered away at the sudden blinding white light that emitted at the end of Harry's wand.

A yell was heard and Robyn was reminded that Ron was hurt and possibly being killed by a gigantic black dog. The death omen.

Robyn wanted to hit herself for forgetting the danger her red headed friend was in. All because of Harry. Robyn scowled. Was her mind out to get her today or something?

Well it chose a great day to act weird.

Robyn thought bitterly and sarcastically.

The light of Harry's wand shone, showing a long snaking tunnel.

"Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione quivered.

"I have a hunch. I just hope I'm wrong..."


The trio reached the end of the twisting tunnel. After ducking under several roots, they came to a dead end.

Harry looked around in confusion. But as he looked up he saw a small opening. He climbed up, pulling his lanky figure on to yet another dusty surface.

He pulled Hermione up first and then a flustered Robyn.

"We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?" Hermione spoke, more to Harry. Harry didn't answer, he just looked around.

They were in a room. The floorboards and peeling wallpaper were covered in suspicious dark marks, and Harry had a hunch it was blood. All the furniture was destroyed; scratches and claw marks ran through the room like veins. It was a construction site. A disaster zone.

"Oh, I really hope we aren't!" Robyn trembled, answering Hermione's question...Sort of.

Harry looked at her, his eye's full of knowing. Robyn saw this and quickly changed her posture. She was not going to let Harry be right. She was not going back to Hogwarts.

"Urm...I mean....We- urm...Should really find Ron. Shrieking Shack or not, we must keep our guard up..." Robyn rambled in a rush, trying to be strong but Hermione and Harry could only smile lightly at her attempt. She still looked absolutely terrified.

Robyn sighed. She wished she could hide her fear like Hermione and Harry could. She wished she didn't have to be weak.

And at that, all the confidence Robyn had built up over the year vanished, leaving her fighting back the tears, trying not to picture what they were about to go through.

Maybe I should have gone back up to the castle and warned Dumbledore. I'm not good at this. I am only slowing them down, stopping them from saving their best friend. My best friend. Maybe everyone is right to stay away from me. I am just a nuisance to them all. A freak.

Unaware of Robyn drowning in her own self-pity, Harry spotted paw prints in the thick layer of dust on the floor. Suddenly, the ceiling creaked and a puff of dust came floating down.

Hermione and Harry, without hesitation, dashed upstairs. Robyn watched their retreating figures and followed, pushing all her demons to the back of her head. She had to help in some way. Even if she just stood on the side lines like usual and made sure none of them got hurt.

The three came to a halt. At the top of the stairs, a door could be seen, light streaming from it into the dark landing.

"Nox." Harry whispered, the serenity of the light now leaving the trio as they delved into the menacing darkness once again.

The trio crept closer to the door, knowing full well Ron and the dog were behind it. Robyn took out her wand, her knuckles turning white from the deathly grip she had on it.

Harry and Hermione exchanged a glance, Hermione nodding, her wand already in her hands. The two then looked at Robyn, who gulped, but nodded none the less.

Harry kicked the door aside. The door crashed into the wall behind it, interrupting the dust and a cloud of it came flying out into the open.

Robyn let out a sigh of relief as she saw Ron trembling in the corner of the room, clutching his injured foot.

"Ron! You're okay--" Hermione exlaimed, her poised figure shifting to one of relief, leaving her vulnerable to attacks.

Harry, however, did not drop his guard and looked around for the dog, his wand ready in his hands. Though he was relieved to see Ron alive.

"The dog -- where's the -- " Harry didn't get time to finish his sentence for Ron paled and started looking frantic.

"He's the dog. It's a trap, Harry. He's an Animagus..." Ron yelled.

Harry eyed the dog prints on the floor again, his eyes finding filthy human feet. His eyes trailed upwards, following the new figure cautiously.

Matted black hair hung to his shoulders, his skin like a corpse, hanging on his face loosely. Sirius Black stood in the shadows, looking at Harry keenly.

Robyn gasped, her whole body consumed with fear. It wasn't the Death Omen at all, it was always Sirius Black. Robyn held her wand at Sirius, her arm trembling terribly as she slowly inched away to the back of the room with Ron, hoping Hermione and Harry would do the same.

"If you want to kill Harry, you'll -- you'll... have to kill us, too!" Hermione trembled, her voice still coming out slightly bold.

Robyn wanted to cry and run as she took in the appearance of the mass murderer. But yet she wanted to stand up and fight him for causing everyone so much suffering. She was a mess. A cowered.

"No. Only one will die tonight." Sirius said, his voice low and croaky as if he hadn't spoken in years. It was tired and hollow.

"You betray Lily and James and now you want to do what Voldemort never could. Now you want to kill Harry, is that it, Black? Well good luck trying because we are not going to let that happen." Robyn hissed, her voice coming out strong and not sounding like her own.

She was shocked as her body betrayed the strength in her voice as she was trembling from head to foot, fear running through her. Why was it that when her friends were put in danger, she suddenly sounded brave and held her wand with fierceness? Robyn didn't know but thought that was maybe why she was put into Gryffindor.

Sirius let out a cackle, though it sounded strained as if he had not laughed in years. He then shook his head, his eye's turning into sorrow and anger.

"Only one..." he mumbled to himself.

"Then it'll be you!" Harry said, his voice full of force as he pointed his wand at Black.

"Harry! No!" Hermione shrieked, watching Harry with uncertain eye's. Harry was no killer.

Just then, footsteps sounded. Sirius wheeled towards the door, edgy. Harry eyed Black, his wand hand shaking violently. As Sirius turned back around, he stopped dead, regarding Harry cautiously. Robyn grinned, Black was completely unarmed. They had the advantage. Black didn't have his wand in his hand.

"Going to kill me, Harry?" Sirius said, his voice wary but taunting.

"Yes." came Harry's reply without hesitation. Anger was running through his veins. White-hot anger.

Suddenly, the door came crashing open again, Harry and Hermione jumped out of the way, though their wands still pointed at Black.

A frantic man came rushing in, worn out black robes billowing behind him. Light scars covered his nose and his face was tired and ragged.

"Professor Lupin!"

(There you have it. I will have to do the rest of the Sirius Black situation in the next Chapter, so expect a long one. There are still going to be quite a few chapter for this book as there is still alot of the story to cram in. I still hope you are enjoying it and I cannot wait to start on the Goblet Of Fire. Well, don't forget to Vote and Comment or even share. Hope you like. Bye.)

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