Chapter 26

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"Harry --"

"I saw my dad."

Hermione and Robyn gaped. Ron was lying comfortably in a hospital bed close by, sharing a private glance with Hermione.

Robyn and Hermione had waited with Ron in the Hospital Wing for Harry to return. They had not expected to see Harry unconscious, with Snape using a levitation charm to bring him there.

They had also not expected to find out Sirius was in trouble, and was about to have the Dementors kiss preformed on him. It was all very scary and shocking and Robyn was finding it hard to pull herself together. Her mind was a war zone. She was just happy Harry and Ron were alive and breathing. She didn't know where Lupin was and that worried her but she was also scared for Black. He was perfectly innocent and now he was about to be thrown into something worse then death

"What...?" Hermione said, flabbergasted.

"He sent the Dementors away... I saw him. Across the lake..." Harry insisted, knowing it sounded ludicrous but it was the truth. It had too be. It was what he saw with his own eyes. He tried to ignore the looks of uncertainty he was receiving from his three friends and tried not to get angry at them for not believing him.

"Listen, Harry. They've captured Sirius. Any minute the Dementors are going to perform the Kiss." Hermione changed the subject, feeling this was much more important at the moment. Robyn paled.

"The Kiss...?" Harry said, his face showing confusion.

"It's what Dementors do to those they want to destroy. They clamp their jaws over the victim's mouth and... suck out their soul." Robyn muttered out weakly, her heart stopping briefly. She felt faint. She really hoped somehow, some miracle would happen so Sirius would be saved.

"You mean, they're going to kill Sirius?" Harry asked, a look of alarm on his face.

"No. It's worse. Much worse. You go on living. But you have no memory. No sense of self. You're just a shell. An empty shell..." Hermione said, her voice dropping.

Before Harry could show any sign of reaction, the doors to the Hospital Wing opened. Dumbledore stepped in, his colourful robes billowing behind him and his beard flying over his shoulder.

"Headmaster! You've got to stop them! They've got the wrong man!" Hermione exlaimed suddenly, her face showing relief at the sight of Albus.

Robyn felt a weight lift off her chest. Albus was a reasonable man, he could be persuaded. He could stop all this. He could save Sirius. He was the miracle.

"It's true, sir. Sirius is innocent --"

"It's Scabbers who did it!" Ron interjected, cutting Harry off mid-sentence.

"Scabbers...?" Dumbledore questioned, his voice soft but hoarse and his blue eyes twinkling.

"My rat, sir. Only he's not really. Well, he was a rat. See, he used to be my brother Percy's --" Ron jumped into explanation but Dumbledore merely raised an eyebrow in amusement as Ron began to tumble over his words, his face reddening.

"The point is... we know the truth. Please, sir, you must believe us." Robyn cut in, turning to look Dumbledore straight in the eyes. She felt his stare examining her, like he was picking her apart, reading her like a book.

"I do, Miss Thompson. But I'm sorry to say the word of four thirteen-year-old wizards will convince few others. A child's voice, however honest and true, is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen." Dumbledore turned to the window and Robyn frowned, sadness consuming her.

A shooting star plummeted silently through the dark blue sky. "Ah... a shooting star. If ever one was to make a wish, now would be the time. But time, I'm afraid, is precisely our problem..."

As if on cue, the midnight bell
began to chime.

"Mysterious thing, time. Powerful. And, when meddled with... dangerous. Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower." Dumbledore turned to Hermione. "You know the laws, Miss Granger. You must not be seen. And you would, I feel, do well to return before this last chime. If not... well, the consequences are really too ghastly to discuss. Three turns should do it, I think. If you succeed, more than one innocent life may be spared tonight."

Dumbledore's eye's twinkled and Robyn was confused. He handed Harry, Hermione and Robyn a stick of chocolate each then proceeded to walk away, leaving three of the four friends deeply confused.

"By the way, when in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin... Good luck." Dumbledore smiled. "Also, Miss Granger, Mr Weasley and Mr Potter do look after her. I believe Miss Thompson is quite the catch." With a wink, he left. Robyn stared dumbfounded.

Harry glanced at his piece of chocolate curiously.

"What in bloody hell was all that about?" Ron exlaimed from his bed.

Robyn tried her best not to smile at his choice of words. Hermione didn't reply, instead she looped a pendent around Harry's neck. He looked utterly confused. But when Robyn saw the necklace, she knew instantly what it was. A Time Turner.

"Come here, Robyn." Hermione said.

Robyn shook her head and smiled lightly. "No. No, I think it's best if I stay here. Can't mess anything up then."

Hermione rolled her eyes. Harry just stared at her.

"We don't have time for this, Robyn. Now come here." Hermione said sternly. Robyn grinned, hiding the pain she felt.

"You go." was all she said while inching away from Harry and Hermione. Harry felt lost, confused.

"Oh, for Goodness sake! Harry apologise to her. Now!" Hermione snapped, sounding exasperated.

Robyn's body went stiff and her eyes wide. Her face felt hot and she couldn't help but stare at Harry paralysed.

Harry still looking confused, cleared his throat, his face also reddening. "Robyn. I'm sorry. Erm, I was just trying to look out for you but as usual I was wrong. You did brilliantly back there in the Shrieking Shack and I shouldn't have yelled at you." Harry said, his eye's trailing to the floor as he cleared his throat again.

Robyn tried to contain the grin on her face but she knew it was to no avail. Hermione looked relieved.

"Finally. Now that's sorted, come on. We need you." Hermione said, looking anxious. Harry and Ron still confused, said nothing.

"Y-You need me?" Robyn said in disbelief. She slowly made her way over to Hermione and Harry, still not sure if it was a good idea for her to go but just went along with it.

"Yes. Now. Sorry, Ron. But seeing as you can't walk..." Hermione trailed as she looped the necklace around Robyn's neck aswell, so all three were stood in a circle.

Harry and Ron exchanged a curious glance, the bell continued to chime and suddenly the three were spinning in a mass of blurs as the world spun around them...

(Haven't updated in a while. Sorry. Anyway, sorry it's not a long chapter but I thought this was a good point to leave it. Well, I don't know when I am next going to update. Hopefully soon but I have course work and stuff to do. Anyway. Bye.)

Also thank you SO much for 437 votes and 6.7k reads. It really truly means alot. And I know so many people say this but what else can I say. Anyway, I am over to moon. Thanks so much for all the support. You're amazing. Well, see you soon. Bye.

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