Chapter 27

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Blurs were rushing all around them. Time rewinding. The sky turned from a beautiful starry sky to the late evening twilight. Suddenly, it stopped and Hermione wasted no time in un-looping the chain from around their necks.

Robyn let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in as she looked at her surroundings. Still in the Hospital Wing but at a different point in time. Harry still was confused as ever as his eyes darted around the room.

"What just happened? Where's Ron?" Harry asked, his voice confused and lost. Hermione ignored his question as did Robyn as they knew they only had one goal. To save Sirius.

Hermione noticed a clock on the wall. "Seven-thirty. Where were we at seven-thirty?" Hermione fired out, flustered.

"Huh? Dunno... going to Hagrid's?" Harry replied, still looking like he might pinch himself to check if he was dreaming. He was getting quite angry with the lack of answers.

"Come on! We can't be seen!" Hermione grabbed both Harry and Robyn's hands and sped out of the Hospital Wing through the corridors.

It took them minutes, maybe less, to reach Hagrid's hut but they were hidden a safe distance away. They all gasped for breath.

"Hermione! Will you please tell me what it is we're doing?!" Harry said, clearly agitated.

Robyn felt slightly apologetic. Hermione only held up her hand, silencing him. Annoyed, Harry followed her gaze and blinked in disbelief. Across the grounds, another version of the three of them (with Ron) were just about to encounter Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

"But that... that's... us. This is not... normal." Harry sputtered out, his eyes wide and unblinking.

"Since when has anything in your life been normal." Robyn muttered but it went unnoticed as Harry spun around facing Hermione, who had a small hourglass on a chain in her hand.

"This is a Time-Turner, Harry. McGonagall gave it to me first term. This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year." Hermione said and both Harry and Robyn opened their mouths in realization.

Robyn wanted to slap herself. Thinking about it now, it sounded like the most obvious thing. How did she not think about a Time-Turner? It would be the only reasonable explanation why Hermione was always turning up out of the blue. Robyn just felt glad she was never placed in Ravenclaw.

"You mean, we've gone back in time?" Harry finally choked out after getting over his awe.

"Yes. Dumbledore wanted us to return to this moment. Clearly something happened he wants us to change."

A soft smack was heard in the distance and the three turned, just in time to see Draco, Crabbe and Goyle sprint away, Malfoy holding his bloody nose.

"Good punch." Harry and Robyn complimented.

Hermione looked at the two in amusement, before quickly changing to urgency. "Hurry! Malfoy's coming!"

Hermione pulled the two under a bridge. Seconds later, footsteps clamoured over their heads.

"Not a word of this to anyone, understood! I'll get that jumped-up Mudblood one of these days. Mark my words..." Draco spat, his words slurred from his messed up nose.

Robyn's eyes narrowed in anger and her hand lingered by her wand, contemplating whether to throw a hex his way or not. Harry seemed to notice what she was about to do and grabbed her hand. She looked at him, her eyes widening. Harry shook his head and her hand went limp.

"He's not worth it." He mouthed to her. Robyn nodded, her stomach fluttering.

Harry let go of her hand and emerged from the bridge, the other two following after. The other version of Harry, Hermione, Robyn and Ron were walking down the slope to Hagrid's Hut. Harry marveled the sight, as did the others.

Harry's eyes shifted to the pumpkin patch where Buckbeak lay, nibbling at his feathers.

"Look. Buckbeak's still alive." Harry said, his hand pointing in the direction of the Hippogriff. Robyn grinned but it lasted seconds as she knew Buckbeak wouldn't be alive for much longer.

"Of course! Remember what Dumbledore said. If we succeed, more than one innocent life could be spared." Hermione exlaimed, joyfully and Robyn let out a gasp, the grin soon reappearing.

"Buckbeak? But... how will saving Buckbeak help Sirius?" Harry said, confused again, though he still grinned from the thought of saving Buckbeak.

"We'll see." was Hermione's reply.

The three of them trekked over to the Pumpkin patch and hid, Buckbeak and Hagrid's hut clear in their veiw.

As Hermione stared at Buckbeak, Robyn and Harry noticed how the other version of Hermione and Ron embraced awkwardly. Harry and Robyn grinned at eachother, sharing a knowing look. They both saw their Hermione analyzing the situation with considerable fascination. Hermione must have felt the eye's boring amused stares at her side, because she turned and regarded Harry and Robyn defensively.

"What?" She asked, trying to act casual but her eye's held embarrassment and her voice came out slightly sharp.

"Nothing." Harry said, amused. Robyn said nothing, merely raising her eyebrows tauntingly, daring Hermione to say more.

Suddenly, three figures made their way down the slope to Hagrid's hut. Fudge, Dumbledore and the Executioner. Harry noticed this.

"Here they come. I better hurry." Harry stood to collect Buckbeak but Robyn pulled him down.

"No! Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him. Otherwise, he'll think Hagrid set him free!" Hermione said and Harry nodded. They all looked inside the Hut. Hagrid was handing Ron Scabbers.

"That's Pettigrew --" Harry rose again and Hermione and Robyn shared an exasperated look. They grabbed his jacket and pulled him back down. He looked annoyed.

"No, Harry! You can't!" Hermione said fiercely.

"Hermione, that's the man who betrayed my parents! You don't expect me to just sit here..." Harry fired back, his green eyes clouded with anger.

"Yes! You must!" Hermione hissed.

Robyn pointed inside Hagrid's hut, her voice soft. "Harry, you're in Hagrid's hut right now. If you go bursting inside, you'll think you've gone mad. Awful things can happen when wizards meddle with time. We can't be seen."

"And Harry, I love you to death but you must learn to control your anger. Yes, I know that Pettigrew is in that room. And yes, I know it would be so easy to just waltz in there and kill him. But we mustn't. We have to have control in these situations. He'll get what's coming for him sooner or later but we must wait and control our anger." Robyn continued, smiling ever so slightly, taking in a deep breath. Harry stared, wordless but nodded. He smiled at her.

They, once again, turned back to look into their friends house. Fudge, Dumbledore and the Executioner were drawing nearer and nearer. It was putting Robyn on edge. This was the time Harry had noticed them but he hadn't this time.

"Fudge is coming and... we're not leaving... why aren't we leaving?" Hermione whisper-shouted, her voice frantic.

Suddenly, a stone caught her eye. A very familiar stone. It all clicked in her mind then and she instantly knew what to do. She grabbed the jagged stone and chucked it with all her might at Hagrid's hut. The stone flew through the window and smashed the vase on the windowsill.

"Are you mad?" Harry exlaimed. Hermione ignored him and Robyn suddenly caught on aswell.

Robyn grabbed a stone and lobbed it at Hagrid's hut also. It hit the other Harry on the head and he suddenly whizzed around, his hand rubbing the back of his head. The present Harry, crouching next to Robyn behind the Pumpkin patch, also gasped as he rubbed the back of his head, wincing in pain.

"That hurt." Harry said, shooting a look at Robyn.

Robyn smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

Fudge, Dumbledore and the Executioner reached Hagrid's hut and knocked.

"C'mon. Any minute now we're going to be coming out the back door."

Quickly, Hermione, Harry and Robyn dashed into the trees directly behind, just in time to see themselves -- along with Ron -- exit the back door and slip behind the pumpkin pile where, only seconds before, they were hiding.

As Fudge appeared at the window, Hermione pondered the back of her own head. "Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?" Hermione asked, her eyes boring into her other self. Robyn giggled.

"Shhh!" Harry hissed.

As they saw the other Hermione and Robyn begin to turn around, the three ducked behind the trees they were hiding in. But Hermione accidentally stepped on a twig, the sound snapping through the silent evening making the three cringe and hope themselves didn't notice anything.

"Nothing, I just thought I saw... Never mind." The other Hermione said as she and Robyn turned back to Harry and Ron. They left.

Once the coast was clear, the present Hermione, Robyn and Harry exit from the trees.

"Now, Harry!" Hermione said and Harry made his way over to Buckbeak, who was eating a ferret. Hermione and Robyn watched anxiously.

"It is the decision of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures that the Hippogriff Buckbeak, hereafter called the condemned, shall be executed this day at sundown..." They heard Cornelius say from inside Hagrid's hut.

Harry reached the Hippogriff and Buckbeak studied him curiously. Harry bowed and seconds later Buckbeak returned it. Harry reached out and grasped the cold chain that was tied around Buckbeak's neck but before he could do anything, a flint-eyed crow pecked his hand.

Harry hissed in pain. "Get away!" He waved the crow away, yanking hard on Buckbeak's chain.

"The Committee's appointed executioner shall dispatch the condemned by means of beheading..." Cornelius' voice rang out into the evening, making Robyn want to rush Harry.

"C'mon, Buckbeak. Come on..." Harry urged the beast but Buckbeak made no attempt to move.

"As witnessed below.' You sign here, Hagrid. Very well, gentlemen. Let's step outside, shall we..." Cornelius said and Robyn felt panic flare up inside her.

The Hogwarts clock chimed and all three friends exchanged a glance. Harry tugged even harder, trying to get Buckbeak to move but to no avail.

"Excuse me, Minister. I believe I must sign as well..." Dumbledore said from the hut. Harry was now straining mightily from pulling the chain. But nothing. All of a sudden, Hermione and Robyn popped up, both bowing with dead ferries wrapped around them. Buckbeak bowed back instantly.

"Here, Beaky... Come and get the nice dead ferret... yum yum..." Hermione cooed, waving a dead ferret in the Hippogriff's face. Robyn fought back giggles as Harry looked at Hermione as if she were mad.

Buckbeak trotted after Hermione as she slowly backed away, towards the forest. Robyn helped as she also held dead ferrets for Buckbeak to take while Harry tugged on the chain.

Suddenly, Hagrid's door opened. Hermione, Harry and Robyn froze. Cornelius' eye's drifted their way when, miraculously, Dumbledore raised his hand and directed the attention of the others away from Buckbeak.

"Professor Dippet had those blackberries planted when he was Headmaster..." Dumbledore rambled and Robyn felt a burning affection for the man.

Hermione, Robyn and Harry carried on to shoo Buckbeak along and soon they disappeared into the forest, just as Dumbledore concluded his reverie.

"Let's get this over with, shall we?"

Harry, Hermione and Robyn -- their view unobstructed by the low stand of trees this time -- watched the Executioner approach the pumpkin patch and stop.

Quickly, the confusion in his masked eyes turned to anger.

"But... where is it? I just saw the beast not moments ago -- Hagrid?" The Minister sputtered out, outraged and down right confused.

"Beaky..." Hearing Hagrid's husky voice, Buckbeak strained at his tether, whimpering eerily.

Hermione tossed him another ferret.

"How extraordinary!" Dumbledore said, a hint of amusement twinkling in his blue eyes.

"Come now, Dumbledore. Someone's obviously released him." Fudge accused, not making sense of the situation.

"Professor, I swear! I didn't!"

"I'm quite sure the Minister isn't suggesting that you had anything to do with it, Hagrid. How could you? You've been with us all along." Dumbledore reassured Hagrid, looking at him through his half-moon spectacles.

"We should search the grounds --" Fudge declared.

"Search the skies if you must, Minister. In the meantime, I wouldn't say no to a cup of tea, Hagrid. Or... a large brandy." Dumbledore turned to the Executioner. "It seems your services will no longer be required."

The Executioner lifted his blade and -- with brutal fury -- plunged it into the flesh of a pumpkin with a sickening chop. The crows scattered to the skies.

Hermione, Harry and Robyn didn't stay to see what happened next, they ventured deeper into the forest, keeping a close eye on Buckbeak, throwing dead ferrets his way now and then.

"Now what?" Harry asked suddenly. Hermione stopped in her tracks, making Harry and Robyn do so aswell.

"We save Sirius." Hermione said and they all smiled slightly.

"And we do that... how?" Harry asked, the thought coming to his mind suddenly, making the smile fall from his face.

"No idea."

(Done. Another Chapter. So close to the end now. I'm so excited. Thanks so much for all the support. Each comment, vote and read mean so much. I hope you enjoy and have a great day. Bye)

I hope this wasn't confusing.

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