Chapter 7

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Robyn sat at the Gryffindor table with her... friends (it still sounded strange to her). They were all staring at the Slytherin table coldly. Draco had come out of the hospital wing yesterday and since then, he has been telling everyone how he was so close to death. Robyn did wish it was life threatening but unfortunately it wasn't and he was still alive and well.

"Does it hurt terribly, Draco?" Pansy Parkinson asked, caressing his arm. Robyn nearly gagged. Pansy was one of Malfoy's minions. She loved everything he was. She wouldn't leave him alone. Most people say she has the face structure of a pug and Robyn couldn't deny that. Robyn often wondered how Draco put up with her.

"It comes and goes. Still... I consider myself lucky. According to Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two... and I could've lost my arm." Draco sounded theatrical, and as the trio and Robyn turned away from the Slytherin table, their angry was bubbling.

"The little git. He's really laying it on thick, isn't he?" Ron spat out, his ear's beginning to turn red.

"I wish Madam Pomfrey did chop his arm off, then he could complain." Robyn glared at Malfoy.

"At least Hagrid didn't get sacked." Harry said, trying to brighten their conversation. Relief did wash over them at the news.

"Yes. But I hear Draco's father's furious. I don't think we've heard the end of this..." Hermione spoke, her eye's darkening at the mention of Draco's father.

"Well, Draco's father can go and shove his complaints up his-"

Just as Robyn was about to finish her not so polite sentence, Seamus yelled out, catching people's attention.

"He's been sighted!"

Mostly just the Gryffindors turned to look at him, wanting to know the news about the murderous Sirius Black. Robyn shivered in fear as she caught a glimpse of him on the front page of the Daily Prophet. Harry, Ron and Hermione stood and crowded around Seamus to get a better look at the article. Robyn also was curious and wanted to get up to have a look but after seeing the wary looks she kept receiving, she decided to just stay seated.

Robyn watched as Hermione leaned over peoples shoulder's to read the article. Her lips began to move as she started to mumble to herself, her eye's scanning the paper.

"Achintee? That's not far from here..." Hermione trailed after reading the paper. Fear was evident in her voice.

"You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?" Neville spoke up, his voice trembling.

"With the Dementors at every entrance?" Lavender called out, and as a wash of relief came to some people.

It vanished within seconds as Seamus spoke. "Dementors? He's already slipped by them once, hasn't he? Who's to say he can't do it again?"

Robyn caught the flash of fear that crossed Harry's face and she felt worry for him. But there was nothing she could do about it.

Bem suddenly spoke up, a boy Robyn has only ever caught a glimpse of here and there.

Bem was staring grimly at the picture of Sirius. "That's right. Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke. Like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands."

Bem's words really set Robyn on edge and she really didn't feel safe anymore. She saw Hermione and Ron share a worried glance at Harry and she felt just as they did. She felt scared. Robyn saw Harry gulp and knew his mind was all over the place.

The other day, Harry had informed her of what Sirius had done. Not only did he kill Muggles, Robyn knew about that. But what she had forgot and Harry reminded her of was that he was a big supporter of Voldemort. And Black was trying to kill Harry.

Black was coming and there was no stopping him.


The fear of what had been said earlier had slowly began to die down and people were beginning to become more cheerful as the day progressed.

Robyn stood by the wall in Professor Lupin's class. She was particularly excited about this class as she really took a liking to Lupin. The rest of the class stood in a group but obviously Robyn wasn't accepted by some people, so she stood away a little. It didn't bother her, she knew Harry and Ron wanted to stand with her and keep her company but Seamus and Dean pulled them away, and they have been talking ever since. They would send her small smiles often and each time she would return it, glad she had fell into their compartment on the way to Hogwarts. Hermione wasn't in this class, so Robyn had gathered she was in a different one somewhere.

But in the corner of the classroom, stood a tall and dark closet. It had been rattling the whole time the class had been here and most would send it wary looks, scared but intrigued to find out what it was. Some looked like they knew already but didn't tell the other's who didn't.

"Intriguing, yes? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what's inside?" The Professor spoke up and Robyn saw how he looked so much more healthier than he did on the train. His clothes were more put together and less raggedy. His face looked more clean and his eye's shone with a slight mischievous gleam. The dark circles under his eye's had nearly gone and his voice sounded less tired and more uplifting.

"That's a Boggart, that is." Seamus clarified in a hushed voice, only speaking to the people around him.

"Very good, Mr. Finnigan. Can anyone tell us what a Boggart looks like?" The Professor praised but by the way Seamus jumped, Robyn gathered that he didn't intend for the Professor to hear him. That made Robyn giggle slightly.

"No one knows." A voice said and Robyn turned to see Hermione standing next to Ron and Harry. Robyn saw Ron jump.

"When'd she get here?" Ron asked Harry and by the shrug and look Harry shot him, Ron knew he was thinking the same thing. Robyn knew Hermione wasn't in this class at the beginning, she was extremely confused.

"Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears most. That's what makes it so --"

"Terrifying, yes." Lupin finished Hermione's conclusion with a small smile.

"Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a Boggart. Let's practice it now, shall we? Without wands, please... Riddikulus!"

The class all repeated what the Professor had instructed them.

"It's this class that's ridiculous." Draco muttered harshly. People didn't hear him or if they did they chose to ignore him.

"Good. So much for the easy part. You see, the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes a Boggart off is... laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape you find truly amusing. Neville, come up here, will you?" Lupin signaled for Neville to come forward. Neville eyed the rattling wardrobe before stepping forward queasily.

"What would you say is the thing that frightens you most?" The Professor asked and Neville shifted uncomfortably at the personal question.

Neville muttered something no one could hear. His face began to turn red from embarrassment. Robyn smiled lightly at Neville, feeling they could potentially have a lot in common.

"Didn't catch that, Neville, sorry." The Professor apologised, taking a closer step towards Neville.

"Professor Snape." Neville gulped and the class laughed good-naturedly. Even Draco let out a single laugh. Though Robyn didn't know if it was a evil, tormenting laugh or a genuine and amused one.

Professor Lupin nodded thoughtfully, a smile on his face. "Hmmm... yes. Neville, I believe you live with your grandmother?"

"Yes, but I don't want the Boggart to turn into her either."

Light laughs filled the room again.

"It won't. But I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes, very clearly in your mind. Can you do that?" Humour was evident in the Professor's voice.

Neville, who nodded slightly, closed his eye's, taking in a deep breath. "She carries a red handbag..."

"That's fine. We don't need to hear it. If you see it, we will. Now, when I open this wardrobe, Neville, here's what I want you to do..." Lupin leaned close to Neville, whispering things no one could hear. Robyn saw Neville's eye's pop and he gave the Professor an uncertain look.

"You can do this, Neville." Lupin reassured. Neville nodded nervously, taking in a deep breath.

"Right then. Wand at the ready. One. Two. Three!"

Neville clutched his wand as he stared at the wardrobe with determination. Lupin flicked his wand, sparks shooting from it to the closet. The wardrobe opened and out stepped a very wobbly Professor Snape. His eye's snapped to everyone in disgust and viciousness. Neville backed away in fear.

"Think, Neville. Think!" Lupin called over to him, his eye's flickering between Neville and Snape.

"R-r-riddikulus!" Neville stuttered, his eye's filled with so much fear.

Robyn looked at him, smiling at the timid boy. She really did think they had some similarities.

A light flash from Neville's wand made Snape stumble back, but only now he was dressed in a long lace trimmed dress, with a crimson bag and a horrifying hat.

Laughter erupted throughout the whole class. Neville let out a sigh of relief, the colour beginning to return to his face. A small grin appeared on his face.

Lupin dropped the needle on an old gramophone, smiling. He twirled around and pointed to Ron, who was the first in the line the class had made. Robyn had stayed aside, watching.

"Ron! Forward!" Ron stepped forward and Snape dissolved into a mad whirling mass. It then mutated into a giant spider. Some students backed away and Hermione and Harry shared a uncertain glance. Robyn stared at the terrifying beast, a chill running down her spine. Lupin rested his hand on Ron shoulder from seeing his distress.

"Riddikulus!" Ron bellowed, after a moment of hesitation.

Suddenly, roller skates materialized on the spiders hairy legs and it was stuck shuffling its feet crazily, trying to find it's balance. Ron instantly relaxed as the class barked out in laughter.

This carried on for many people, all showing their worst fears then laughing as it turned into something ridiculous.

"Mr. Thomas!" The Professor called out over the music and laughter.

Once again, the Boggart dissolved into a swirling mess and suddenly it was a giant Cobra. Dean took a step back as the snake hissed, it's head lunging forward.


The Cobra transformed into a Jack-in-the-box and as people laughed, Robyn found the Jack-in-the-box much more scary than the Cobra.

"Next!..." Lupin turned to see Harry step forward. Robyn could see the flicker of concern that passed through his face.

The Jack-in-the-box pivoted on its spring, its face tumbling toward's Harry. As Harry stared at the clown, it's face slowly began to turn more sinister and Robyn had to fight the urge to turn away and bury her face in her hands.

Suddenly, the Boggart turned into a Dementor. The students went deadly quiet as if a real Dementor was in the room. People's smiles dropped from their faces as they felt like they would never be happy again.

Harry raised his wand but then froze as the Dementor swooped closer. Robyn was about to step in when Professor Lupin stood in between Harry and the Dementor.

Lupin shot out his wand and the Dementor vanished only to turn into some rolling clouds. But what stood out was the big, bright full moon. Robyn's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. The Professor flicked his wand and suddenly it turned into a punctured balloon, shooting all around the classroom. It shot into the wardrobe, the door snapping shut.

"Well done, everyone. I think that's enough excitement for today." Everyone started bustling out of the classroom. But Harry lingered behind, his eye's catching Lupin's and as they exchanged this one last glance, the wardrobe gave one last rattle as Harry exited, his mind racing about the Dementor.

(A/N Hey, so this was meant to go up Christmas Eve but I've been busy and I haven't had time to finish it until now. So yeah, I hope you like it. I would also really like to know if this story makes sense because apparently I have a tendency to repeat stuff but yeah please if anyone could tell me if this makes any sense that would be amazing. Anyway, hope you enjoy. Bye)

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