1 - Martin

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"Sigh..." I sighed as I walked down the street of NYC. People were bumping into me every second, not caring about anything except themselves. "..." I put my hood over my head. 'This was worth the trip and the wait...' I said, looking down at the plastic bag that contained a copy of the brand new Pokemon game, Pokemon Sun. After what seemed like forever, I finally arrived at my apartment building. I walked inside, took the elevator upstairs, and walked into my apartment. "Phew..." I said, closing the door behind me. "...?" I yawned. 'Why did I get so tired out of nowhere...?' I thought, getting a bit puzzled. "I guess I should take a nap then..." I shrugged, as I walked into my room, and plopped onto my bed. I fell asleep soon after.


Is it just me, or does something feel...


I feel like I'm falling..!

"Ngh... Wha... WAIT, WHAAAAAT?!?!" I slowly opened my eyes, and realized that I actually was falling!!! "WHAT THE HELL?!?" I shouted. I looked around. I saw weird birds in the air, casually soaring in the sky. "Okay, first things first, skydiving maneuvers...!" I said, spreading out my arms and my legs. 'Wait... Why isn't it changing my falling speed...?' I thought. I felt... Weird. As if I wasn't coordinated with my body. I looked at my hands, and they looked normal...? I looked up slightly and saw that I now had blonde hair with a streak of red in the front. I felt the top of my head, and I had... Animal Ears?! "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" I said. I looked behind me, and I had a tail with a large stick sticking out of it. I then stopped looking at my new features, and realized that I was about to hit the ground.


???'s POV:
The next day...

"I'm telling you, I definitely heard something, or someone shouting near the beach!" I said. "Zak, it must be your imagination." My friend, Flare, said, smiling. "If no one believes me, then I'll go check it out myself!" I said, running off. "Zak! Wait!" Flare yelled. I didn't listen, and I ran towards the beach. "Jeez flare... You're too worried for being a houndoom!" I said under my breath. I kept running down the path that led to the beach. My black and red hair that was tied back with a blue bead was flailing through the air behind me, as I jumped over tree roots and stones. I finally arrived at the beach. "...!" My eyes widened as I realized that I was right! "I KNEW IT!" I said. "Well, I guess you were right, Zak!" I turned around to see... Flare? "You followed me?" I asked. "You're way too irresponsible for a seventeen year old." Flare huffed. "Sigh... Let's just go..." I sighed, walking in the soft sand that lined the shore. "A... Braxien?" I asked. "Looks like he must've fallen from somewhere..." Flare said, looking around. "But... If there aren't any tall trees nearby, then... Where did he fall from?" I asked. "That's what's making me curious..." Flare said. "Hey, you okay?" I poked the Braxien's face, waiting for a reply. "Ngh..." He slowly opened his eyes. "Oh! He's awake!" I said happily. "Huh...?" He blinked a few times, then a few more times, then his eyes widened and he looked panicked! "Ah! W-w-where am I?!" He said, immediately sitting up and looking around. "Let's take him back to the guild, he looks like he needs some medical attention..." Flare said, probably spotting the scratches on his face and arms. "WHO ARE YOU?! AND.. W-WHAT ARE YOU?!" He shouted. "Take it easy. I'm Flare, and this is Zak." Flare said, in a friendly tone. "...?" He looked at us weirdly. I frowned. "He must've gotten attacked..." I said. "That's a definite possibility, considering the amount of Pokemon that have lost it because of the tremors happening." Flare said, helping the guy up. "..." He suddenly fell, but Flare caught him. "He's probably very exhausted. Let's take him back to base." Flare said, as he hoisted the Braxien onto his back. "O-okay!" I said, following him.

Martin's POV:


I hear... Voices...

But... Who are they...?

"Um... Hello?" I heard a girl's voice. I slowly opened my eyes. "Are you alright?" I saw a girl with ice blue hair, blue ears, and a friendly smile. "Where... Am I?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "You're at our guild!" She said. "Who are you?" I sat up, and looked around. "I'm Crystal." She smiled. "What are you?" I asked, causing her to tilt her head in confusion. "I'm a Glaceon." She said. "Wait... I'm..." I started to say. "You're... what?" She asked. "I'm... What am I?" I asked. "You're a Braxien." She said, raising an eyebrow. We were in a rather nice and tidy room. I was laying on a plush bed. "I'm a pokemon...?" I asked. "Y-yes, uh... It's rather obvious..." She said, frowning. "But... How can I be a Pokemon when I'm human?" I asked. "You're human? PFFFT! Quit lying... Humans only exist in fairytales!" She laughed. "No, I'm human..." I said. "If you're really a human, then you'd be a human, not a Pokemon--", "Hello!" She was interrupted by a familiar face. It was Flare. "Flare, he's telling lies!" She laughed. "How so?" He asked. "He's claiming that he was human." She said. "..." He looked like he was thinking. "It's... Possible." He said after a while. "W-what?" Crystal asked, raising an eyebrow. "I've heard of this happening before. I read it in a book." Flare said. "Every century or so, a Pokemon will fall from the sky. This Pokemon, once human, was chosen by The Great Arceus himself to save the world. These Pokemon don't have any knowledge about who they meet and what they are..." Flare recited. "In other words... He's..." Crystal said. "Yes. The chosen one." Flare smiled. "What?" I asked. "Well... First things first, let's have everybody meet him." Crystal said. "Good idea." Flare nodded, as I got out of bed, and followed them out. The room we were in had a plaque on the outside of the door reading: "Infirmary.", and it was located in a hallway with a staircase leading into a giant room. I followed the two downstairs, and I looked around. I saw lots of odd looking people, staring at me. "Everyone! I'd like your attention please!" Flare said, as everyone looked at him and stopped what they were doing. "Everyone, we have the chosen one." He said. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. "You may not believe it, but this Braxien was human once before. What's your name?" He asked me. "Martin." I said. "Martin, right!" Flare said. "Everyone, please treat him with respect." Flare said, as most of the Pokemon except for a few nodded. "What the hell was that about? 'Chosen one'?" A guy walked over to us. "Topas, I'm telling the truth." Flare laughed. "So... You're telling me that this runt was a human?" He laughed. "Martin, this is Topas the Gallade. Topas, be nice." Flare huffed. "Nice to meet you, Martin." Topas grinned, as we shook hands. "My turn! My turn!" A girl ran over to me. "Uh...?" I raised an eyebrow. "I'm Lillian!" The girl smiled. 'She's really energetic...!' I thought. "Martin, this is Lillian. She's a Weavile." Flare said. "Hi..." I waved slightly. "So, what's this about a 'Chosen one'?" A tough looking girl walked over to Crystal. "Uh... Torrent, this is Martin...!" She said. "Huh." She looked at me. "I'm torrent. Don't get in my way." She smirked before walking away. "Alrighty. That's that!" Flare said with a sigh. "Oh yeah! I'll show you to your room!" Crystal said, as I followed her. 'I get my own room?!' I thought, feeling victorious. "Oh yeah, you have a roommate, but he shouldn't be too much trouble!" She smiled, pointing to the door. "Thanks." I said. "No problem!" She said happily, walking back towards the area that we were previously in. I opened the door, and saw another familiar face! It was Zak. "SWEEET WERE ROOMATES!" He ran up to me. "Uh... Yeah...!" I smiled.

???'s POV:

"..." I walked down a path that led to the famed "Guild of Victory". I stopped in my tracks, looking at the beautiful building. "Heh. Finally a place that won't reject me..." I smirked. A faint breeze flew by, causing my short and spiky blonde hair to swirl in the air.


I can prove my worth.



Anyways, what's up my dudes? It's me, WaffleCake!


I'm so hyyyyyyped!!!!!





Alright. I need to stop.


Okay, I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next one! BYE! 💕

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