2 - The Girl With A Dream

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???'s POV:

I walked up the guild steps, and took a deep breath as I opened the door. "....?" I caught the attention of everyone in the building. "..." I glanced at some as I stopped walking. "Uh... Hello. Can we help you?" A houndoom walked up to me. "I want to be an explorer." I said. "..." He sighed.

Martin's POV:

I yawned as I walked down the steps to the main room. "...?" I saw a girl with spiky blonde hair, yellow ears, and bright purple eyes. "Uh... I suppose we can let you join... What's your name?" Flare smiled, hiding his confusion. "Lightning. But, just call me Light." She said. "Hey, Crystal?" He asked. "Oh! Yes?" She said, walking up to the two. "Could you show Light to her room?" He asked. "O-of course!" She said, as the girl followed Crystal up the stairs. "Uh... Who was that?" I asked flare. "Oh, morning Martin!" Flare waved. "Damn. Talk about demanding." Topas chuckled. "..." All of a sudden the Blonde haired girl stormed down the stairs, and walked up to Topas, a deadly glare on her face. "What? I'm just being honest--..!" She slapped him, and walked back up the stairs as if nothing happened. "..." Topas glared. "That girl..." I said. "You know her?" Flare asked. "No." I shook my head. "Well, she's a Jolteon with a temper, that's for sure." Flare laughed. "I don't know how... But I know why she's like that..." I said. "She's been through a lot..." I said, looking down. "..." Flare sighed. "How do you know?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and it was Light?! "Ah!" I shouted. "..." She looked at me with a serious face. "Hey, leave him alone." Lillian walked over to her, hands on hips. "I don't recall doing anything to him." She said, causing Lillian to glare. "Can you please tell me how you know?" Light asked me. "I don't... Know..." I said. "Very well." Light said, walking towards a bulletin board. "I'll be out for a bit." She said, grabbing one of the papers off of it and walking out. "Wait!--" Flare was interrupted by the double doors slamming shut. "She's not gonna be coming back in one piece." Torrent said, looking at the board. "Which one did she take?" Flare asked. "An S-Class elimination." Torrent said. "Shit." Flare facepalmed. "No one has ever beat that Salamence... And on top of that, she's gonna go solo?! She's officially insane..." Topas said, crossing his arms. Flare started to walk towards the doors. "You're... Seriously gonna go after her?!" Topas laughed. 'What an asshole...' I thought. 'But, if this Salamence guy is really that powerful... Then...' I thought again, sighing. "Lillian. Let's go." Flare said, a very serious look on his face. Everyone went wide eyed as if they were about to lose their life. "Right!" Lillian cheered, unaffected by his glare.

Light's POV:

"...." I read the paper I took.

Rank: S+

Help! Salamence won't stop stealing our food and wrecking our villages!

Bounty: 30,000 Poké

"Easy enough." I said, stuffing the paper into my jacket's pocket. "I'm gonna win." I mumbled, as I walked to the cave that this Salamence was residing in. I walked into the oddly quiet cave. I walked until I had reached a room where I saw a sleeping Pokemon. "...!" I instantly zipped behind a rock in the room. "Who dares to disturb my slumber...?" The beast growled. "I do!" I stood up, and waved. "Tch... Who the hell are you?" He said, studying me. "The names Light. Don't wear it out. Now, I'm gonna hafta kick your ass, so I'd appreciate some cooperation." I said, putting my hands on my hips. "No way in hell am I gonna lose to a solo-fighter!" He laughed. "We'll see about that..." I snickered, as I started to zip around the room at incredible speeds. "Stay still!!!" He roared, flying and breathing fire quickly around the room. "Tch!" I just barely dodged, and realized that I was trapped. Once I had stopped, he breathed fire around the ground where I was standing, and the wall that I was against. The fire couldn't be avoided without getting a severe and very deadly burn. He then charged at me head on! 'Either get severely burned and eventually die, or... Just die...' I thought, as I laughed, and closed my eyes.

I guess I really am useless, huh?

"NOPE!" I opened my eyes, and saw a Weavile. "BLIZZARD!" She used the move at just the right time, causing the Salamence to become frozen solid! "..." I was too shocked by her speed and power to even speak. "Nice work!" The Houndoom from before shouted. "Tch..." I growled. "I don't recall asking for any help!" I shouted, as I sent a raging wave of crackling lightning around me. "AH!" The Weavile said, dodging just in time. The houndoom wasn't close enough to be hit. The Salamence roared in pain, the ice starting to melt. "BUZZ OFF!" I shouted. "Hah... Hah..." I panted. "I can do this by. My. Self." I glared at them. "If you could, then you wouldn't have stood there like an idiot as your life flashed before your eyes." The Weavile laughed. "You bitch!" The Salamence growled, the ice fully melted into a puddle on the floor. "Heh." I snickered. 'He's standing in the puddle.' I thought. "THUNDER!!---", "TOO SLOW!" The Salamence got out of the puddle as I used thunder, he then used this to his advantage, and slashed at me with his claws. Not once, but five times. "Ice Punch!" The Weavile then punched the Salamence with freezing ice. "...." The Salamence fell to the floor, defeated, and possibly dead. I fell to my knees, and my vision started to fade...

Heya guys! Sorry I haven't updated in like foreeeever heheh!

Well, I hope your enjoying the story! ^^ see ya!

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