2. A Place to Share Your Happy Moments! ^_^

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I want to Share Your Happiness! :) - Even the Smallest Things That Made You Smile Today! ( that is the day when you read this chapter - & Every Other Day! 😁👍 ). - Cause when you can Share Your Happiness with Someone - It DOUBLES! [ a friend you tell about it gets happy with you - & You get Even Happier than you were Before - because You can Share Your Happiness with someone who will appreciate it & won't get jealous!... - I am This Kind of a Friend! - I never get jealous - even if you can do something that I Can't!  ^_~ . I'm here to support you & share your happiness to make you feel Even Better about whatever Good happened a given day! ]. 

So if anything good happened to you Today: 

1. You learnt something new ( even a new song or dance )

2. You watched a good movie you'd like to recommend ( not necessarily 'Trolls' - can be any other movie that you liked & that made you smile )

3. You won some contest

4. You read Some Good Book ( or wrote it - cause we're on Wattpad!  ^_~ ) 

5. You battled some fear or weakness

6. You made a new friend

7. You wrote a positive poem or drew a nice picture

8. You got a new pet ( or taught your pet a new trick )

9. You listened to a good song or heard a good joke

10. You met a person you've always wanted to meet or went to a place you've always wanted to go

11. You got a good grade at school 

12. You found a new interesting hobby 

13. You got a high score in some game you played

14. You did something you are Proud of

15. Or You Just Had The Best Day Ever! 😁

16. Or Any Other Good Thing Not Listed Above ⤴ Just Happened - & It made you So Happy that You Would Like to Share Your Happiness With The Whole World...

... - You can share it here, in comments - & let me Double Your Happiness!  😉👌

*  < You can also mark it with smileys showing how much it made you happy - cause everyone reacts different to certain things - & the same thing can make one person just smile - & some other person Jump Into The Air! :D > 

So: you can give from 1 to 6 smileys and:

If you mark it with one smiley - it means: 'It made me smile' 😊

- if you mark it with 3 smileys - It means: 'It made me Happy!' 😊😊😊

- And if you mark it with 6 smileys - It means: 'It Made Me The Happiest Person On Earth!' 😊😊😊😊😊😊

How many Smileys can you give Today? :)

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