Part 3

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Missing and Dangerous:

Is what the top read. Dangerous. I thought to myself. I looked at my hands, then just like that I started running again, leaving a scorched trail behind me, wherever I stepped. Ignoring the pain shooting through my side. People saw the trail and noticed me, they started to call someone or take pictures. I ran faster and faster and eventually found myself out of the city. I kept running, though. I ran to the next city but everyone started calling people again. I kept running, I never stayed in one place. When I was seventeen I made myself a cloak to wear, I always kept the hood down over my face. Whenever someone would spot me I would run again, but with the cloak, I never had to run for that long. I ran and found myself in a crowd of people, mostly teens and younger kids my age, there were a few adults. Everyone was heading into a large building, when we got in I noticed it was a skating rink. I sat down and pulled my hood further over my face. We watched people play hockey till half time when someone said they had an important announcement. "We are looking for this girl." They showed a picture of me, recently, on the jumbo screen. I pulled my hood even further over my face. "She is claimed to be dangerous and uncontrollable if you find her please call this number." With that, a number showed on the screen. I glanced around and saw people looking around in the crowd, I saw people getting up and leaving, I decided to leave as well. I glanced back and saw people looking around at people's faces. I really got to go. I said to myself in my head. I started to walk faster, which gained unwanted attention. People started watching me. Abruptly my hood came off, I turned around and saw a guy in some sort of uniform, holding the back of my hood. I looked around and noticed that now I was on the jumbo screen. My eyes were wide in fear. I looked at the man, before, pulling away and sprinting for the exit. I heard people yelling. My mind was screaming at me to get out. I felt something grab both my arms from behind, I turned around only to face the same guy as before. I struggled to get free. As I struggled to calm down, my hands went blue, he screamed and let go. People started moving away whenever I would get close. Everyone looked afraid, except for those who were chasing me. Some looked uneasy though. I ran through the door only to face a whole army of the guys. I looked back to see that they were getting close, too close. I ducked into a ball and ice froze around me. I did not stand straight, the ice got thicker and thicker. I could see it spreading further. People backed up to get away from it. I stood straight and the ice shattered. I looked around, most of the people were on the ground. I heard something that sounded like gun fire. I turned around, eyes wide. Right before it hit me though, a man wearing a red, white and blue uniform with a shield went right in front of me. My mind was screaming at me to run, so I did. I ran away from everyone. I could hear gunfire and swerved and ducked, barely avoiding them. I could hear feet thundering after me. "I'm trying to help you." I heard a man call after me. I looked back and saw the same man with the shield fighting off a bunch of the other guys, that was my mistake. All I felt was a murdering pain in my side, all my muscles tensed and I collapsed onto the ground. I fell and hit the ground, blood pouring out of my side. I could see the guys walking towards me, I clenched my hand into a fist, making fire erupt from the ground, circling me and blocking them off. I hadn't noticed the man with the shield go through the fire and pick me up, I could see his mouth moving but I didn't hear anything. My eyes drooped and my head lolled, blacking out.  

p.s. This is not part of the story, but i'm sorry for not being on for a while. I've just been doing a lot lately and haven't had the time to be on this. Sorry guys.

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