Part 4

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  I could hear people talking, I squinted my eyes open, but saw a bright light. I closed my eyes and tried to move my hand to cover my face but found it strapped to something. I opened my eyes and they adjusted to the light, I looked around and found myself in a pure white room. I was wearing the same clothes but I had a bandage wrapped around my side. I didn't remember anything for a moment. That's when the door of the room opened and I saw a man come in. He was fairly tall, had blonde hair and blue eyes. "She's awake." He called out to someone apparently in the hallway. I had heard that voice before but I couldn't remember. A guy with a dark skin tone and an eye patch over his left eye came in. I started pulling at the straps around my wrists. Never taking my eyes away from the two men. "We're not going to hurt you." The blonde one said. Regardless of what he said I kept pulling at the restraints. "Calm down." He said. He started to move his hand toward me as if to calm me down, my eyes went a bit wider and he pulled his hand back. "Can you speak?" The dark skin toned man asked. I was deciding whether or not to trust these people. I glanced from him to the blonde. I knew I recognized the blonde I just couldn't remember. "Do you remember what happened?" The blonde asked. I paused for a moment before responding, "no." "So you can talk." said the dark skin toned one. "What's your name?" I asked the blonde. He paused, "Steve Rogers. You might hear people call me 'Captain' or 'Cap' though." I looked at him for moment, Captain, wait Captain America. Where had I heard that before. That's when I remembered, he saved me. I let my head drop back onto the pillow it had been on previously, I closed my eyes. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah, perfectly fine. I just remembered being chased and shot in the side." I could tell both of them were looking at me. "Why can't I use my powers?" I asked. "We used a serum to suppress them for now." The dark toned one replied. "So it will only last for a while." I said understanding. I felt something touch my wrist and tensed up. I opened my eyes swiftly and saw Steve working on the strap. "Don't worry." He said realizing how I tensed. Right one he had finished that one, he walked around and did the other one. I sat up now and rubbed my wrists that were red from how I had been pulling on the straps. "What's your name?" I asked the dark toned one. "Nick Fury." He replied. I thought for a moment, before realizing where I had heard these names from. "Oh gosh." I mumbled, covering my face with my hands. "What?" Steve asked. "Dang." I mumbled. "Please tell me I am not in a S.H.I.E.L.D infirmary." I said opening my eyes and moving my hands away from my face. Both of them looked to each other, before looking at me. "How'd you know?" Steve asked. I shrugged. "I've heard things." I replied. "Can I leave?" I asked. "No." Both of them replied simultaneously. "Why not?" I asked looking from Nick to Steve. "Cause outside of this building or rather outside of S.H.I.E.L.D, you are in danger." Nick said. This made me mad, for some reason. "You think I don't know that." I snapped. "I may be seventeen but I know plenty, don't think me some little clueless girl." Both of them looked at each other. Nick nodded. "We would like you to join S.H.I.E.L.D." Steve said. "Wait, what now?" I asked. "We would like you to join the Avengers." Nick said. I just sat there for a moment. "Why me? I can't even control my powers." I said, feeling sad for some reason. "Because you have natural powers and no one can take them away, we have a place for you to train with your powers. If you decide to join." Nick said. I thought for a moment. No one will miss me if I end up dead anyway I thought to myself. "Alright i'm in." I said. Both of them looked considerably, surprised. "What?" I asked. "We would think you would turn down the offer because of family or something." Steve said. I looked down, "What family? I was left at an orphanage as a baby. The only people I trusted betrayed me. I have nothing left." I said.  "We'll be your family." Steve said. I looked up and smiled, "Thanks. But if I don't have a family, no one will miss when i'm gone. It would just add more heartbreak to the world." I said. Steve looked like he felt sorry for me. "Don't pity me. I'm not some wounded puppy." I said. He looked taken back with that. "But you are wounded." He replied. I slouched against the headboard and frowned. I folded my arms over my chest. He chuckled, "it's not funny." I said. I clenched my fists and ice started to go over them. "Looks like the serum is wearing off." Nick said. I looked at my hands and quickly calmed down. I looked up at Steve, he looked sorry and a bit scared. "Control is everything." I mumbled to myself. "You should tell that to Banner." Steve said. I glared at him, he put his hands up in a surrender. "Rogers, I suggest you go before the girl freezes you." Nick said. I smiled in victory and Steve chuckled. "Nah, I wouldn't freeze him." I said. Steve smiled at that. "You guys need me after all, I wouldn't want to end up in a cell or something." I said. They both chuckled at this. "You should rest, see you when you're healed." Steve said, walking out with Nick following. I eventually went to sleep. When I woke up I was alone, in the same infirmary bed. I joined the avengers. I thought to myself. 

I started singing softly. It was a song called "Nightmare." It was from FNAF or Five Night's At Freddy's.

Nightmare Lyrics:

Just sleep

Just dream

Just sleep

Just dream

Just sleep

Just dream

And in the back of my mind

I've been trying to chase a monster this whole time

But I couldn't

The monster was me

And no one heard our cries

Now i've run out of tears

The time has come for me to disappear

Get me out of this mess

And away from the stress

Set me free so I can rest

We're only kids who've lost our way

But if we wait long enough we will be saved

Just sleep

Just dream

This isn't fair

No we're not just what we seem

We want to fly but our souls are trapped inside

It's not a game

Not to blame

We're forced to hide

Just sleep

Just dream

It's only a nightmare

And soon we'll be set free

(And soon we'll be set free)

And i've been crying out for help

I know I bite but I mean well

Can you see my disguise

I'm different inside

An can you break this spell

And all the ghosts from before

They're knocking and they're breaking down your door

So please set us free

Now you have the key

Because I can't take the pain more

We're only kids who've lost our way

But if we wait long enough we will be saved

Just sleep

Just dream

This isn't fair

No we're not just what we seem

We want to fly but our souls are trapped inside

It's not a game

Not to blame

We're forced to hide

Just sleep

Just dream

It's only a nightmare

And soon we'll be set free

We're only kids who've lost our way

But if we wait long enough we will be saved

Just sleep

Just dream

This isn't fair

No we're not just what we seem

We want to fly but our souls are trapped inside

It's not a game

Not to blame

We're forced to hide

Just sleep

Just dream

It's only a nightmare

And soon we'll be set free

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I noticed someone standing against the door. That someone just happened to be Captain America.

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