Part 6

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"Samantha, are you okay?" I heard Steve's worried voice call out. "Yeah, give me a moment." I called back. I lifted my hands into the air and after a moment the lights flicked then turned back on. As I brought my hands back down and started to face the door I found myself face to chest with someone. Arms wrapped around my back in a tight embrace. I breathed in to be met with the same vanilla scent. "Steve, i'm fine. Can you let me go now?" I spoke, my voice muffled cause I was being squished against his chest. "What? I couldn't quite understand that." He replied pulling a bit away enough that I could looked up at his face. "I said, i'm fine. Can you let me go now?" "Oh, yeah." He said and swiftly pulled back allowing me to breath again. "I think I almost forgot what it was like to breath." I said jokingly. He chuckled and I swear I could see his cheeks take on a pink tint but he turned around and went to speak with Nick before I could confirm it. I sighed, contently. I was finally getting control over my powers. After a bunch of people left, I continued practicing. I was humming while I practiced. "Wow, you must really like that song." I heard someone's voice call from the door. I jumped and turned swiftly, alarmed as the fire I had been working on faded. When I was facing the man I noticed he had a bow in his hand and a quiver strapped to his back.

He had blue eyes, brown hair and it looked like the guy worked out. I hadn't realized I had been staring at him till I abruptly looked up at his face which now held a smirk. "You must be Samantha." He said, walking up to be and holding out his hand. "I'm Hawkeye. But my name is Clint." I hesitated, It's fine if you introduce yourself. Just don't trust anyone with everything. He seemed to notice this and laughed a bit, "i'm not gonna hurt you." He said, smiling. I reached out and shook his hand, "nice to meet you." I said politely. "Did you come here to train or?" I asked. "Well yes. That and to meet the newbie." "Let's see what the famous Hawkeye's got, shall we." I said. He grinned and walked over, he drew an arrow back on his quiver, aiming at the human dummy target, he fired the arrow and it hit the target in it's head. "Well?" He looked at me expectantly. "Nice shot." I said simply. "Let's see what you got kid." "Wait, did you just call me kid?" I said, clearly annoyed. He noticed this and smiled, "is there something wrong with that," Oh good he didn't say, "kid." He finished. So much for that. I aimed my palm at the target and a burst of fire came form my hand catching the dummy on fire. "Nope, just do it again and that," I pointed at the dummy, "might just be you." With that I walked out, unsure of where I was going. I was mad now, I might be a seventeen year old girl but I am not a kid. I hadn't noticed where I was walking till I found myself outside. I am in deep crap. I thought. I looked around and saw a bunch of people just walking and talking. Nobody seemed to notice me. I walked around the outside of the S.H.I.E.L.D. building, seeing the size I wondered how nobody knew where it was. I saw a bright light touch the ground near the other side of the building. I ran over, being the curious seventeen year old I am. When the light vanished, in a crouched position I saw a man with a red cape and some kind of armor on. When he stood up I saw his blue eyes and blonde hair, he also had a hammer with designs. When I saw the hammer I immediately recognized this man as "Thor." Oh my freaking gosh. Was the only thought in my mind. Also, HOLY CRAP!  I saw a bunch of people come running out of the building and they had a group hug with Thor. I recognized Steve and Clint, but everyone else was foreign to me or at least I hadn't met them in person.  "So I heard we have a new Avenger." I heard Thor say. Oh crap, oh crap, oh crappity crap crap. "Last time I saw Samantha she was training in the training arena." I heard Steve say. By now I had ran and hid against the wall of the building around the corner so they wouldn't see me. "Heh, about that Cap. She kinda ran off." I heard Clint say. No thanks to you. I thought. "You mean you lost her? Why did she run off? What did you do?" I heard Steve's quick reply. "I called her a kid and she got mad or something and ran off." Clint said. I glanced around the corner and could see most of them looking deep in thought. 

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