Part 7

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"Hello, and who might you be?" I voice from behind me stated. "HOLY CRAP!" I screamed alarmed. I jumped forward and turned swiftly to be faced by none other than, the one and only, Iron Man. I am in deep schist, I thought. (If you don't know that's a kind of rock) I kept backing away from Iron Man, as he kept walking towards me, but found myself running back into a wall or something, I turned swiftly again to be faced by Thor and noticed the entire Avengers team now staring at me. I moved swiftly so my back was facing the open air and I was facing head on with the entire Avengers team, entire being Iron Man (Tony Stark), Hulk (Bruce Banner), Thor, Captain America (Steve rogers), Hawkeye (Clint Barton), and Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff.)

All of them were in uniform making it quite intimidating but I was scared, terrified even. Steve seemed to notice this and walked over quickly, he wrapped me in a hug and I buried my face in his chest breathing hard. I heard a bunch of "aww's" coming from the Avengers direction but I tried to forget about that. "You ok?" Steve asked in a hushed voice so only I could hear. I didn't respond. He stayed in the hug, "so this is the new Avenger. Well it's nice to finally meet you in person Lady Samantha." I stayed, clutching onto Steve like a child. "Is she ok?" I heard someone say. By now I was breathing hard, trying to calm down. "I think she's just a bit.." He didn't seem to know what to say, "stressed." He finally finished. "By the way she's clutching onto you I think she's scared." I heard someone say. I could practically feel them watching me, it wasn't helping. I could hear feet walking toward me. I felt a hand place itself on my shoulder lightly, I flinched and moved a bit away. It started to pat my shoulder in a comforting way, but I just tensed even more. Eventually, I heard muttering, I was getting more scared, I didn't belong here, I shouldn't be here. I abruptly pulled away from Steve and whoever else had been touching me and ran for the woods surrounding the base. I could hear people yelling at me to come back but I just kept running. I tore through the trees, frantically trying to get away, away from everything and everyone. I just wanted to go home, but where was home? I felt something wrap around my waist and next thing I know I'm flying back to the base. My muscles tensed and I looked up to see Iron Man. I started trying frantically to pull out of his arms, trying to get out. I grabbed hold of his hands which were wrapped around my waist, my powers took over and they started melting his suit. He noticed this and dropped me, I didn't scream when I felt the ground ram into me. I just laid there motionless. I could hear feet running, I curled myself into a ball trying to escape everything. I could almost feel eyes staring at me now. I felt a hand touch my forearm lightly, I flinched and pulled my arm swiftly away from the person. "Samantha, it's just me. Calm down. Just calm down." It was Steve, speaking as calmly as possible. "I just want to be left alone." I spoke softly. He didn't respond as he picked me up bridal style and started walking back, to what I can only assume was the base. I buried my face into his chest, my breathing found a normal pace as I calmed down. I could feel Steve stop, "Director Fury, may I, along with the others, have permission to take Samantha back to the Avengers Tower?" He asked. There was a long pause. "Granted." I heard Nick say before I heard his feet leaving. The only person I could feel I could trust was Steve, even though I kept telling myself to not trust anyone, Steve always made an exception in my mind. I could feel him open a door and set me down on a bed, I grabbed his hand not wanting him to leave. "I'm just going to tell the others, then we can go home." He said, calmly removing my hand from his and walking out closing the door. Home. I thought. With that, I found myself falling asleep, a calm sleep, for once. Next time I woke up I was in a different room. The floor was hardwood, the ceiling was dark blue with stars painted on it, the bed was HUGE. I pushed myself out of the comfortable bed and made my way to the door. I poked my head in the hallway but no one was there. I wandered through the hall and found an elevator, I took it to the floor marked 'kitchen' cause I was hungry. As the elevator doors opened I saw a bunch of the Avengers eating, what looked like, lunch. I didn't want to see anyone. As they turned I made the doors close and hit the 'ground floor' button. I was done with people. When the doors opened I ran, barely acknowledging the people staring at me. I ran and ran till I got out of town, I was hoping the other Avengers hadn't noticed me gone. I knew I was wrong about that cause I could hear swift running after me. I knew I couldn't outrun or outmaneuver them. I looked back swiftly but didn't see them in sight, yet. I moved swiftly behind a tree and out of sight. I crouched low in the shadows, hoping not to be seen. I heard the feet stop and panting. "Anyone got eyes on Samantha?" I heard Steve say. I could hear muffled answers. "Samantha. Where are you? Come on, just come home with me." With me. He said with me. "Just you. I don't want to be near anyone else, but I can't seem to stop trusting you." I said. I could almost feel his smile. "I found her. Everyone, just head back to the tower. We'll meet you there." Steve spoke into his earpiece. Muffled answers followed.  

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