Part 8

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  "You coming out now?" Steve asked. For some reason I giggled at this. "What's so funny?" He asked, his voice getting closer. "Oh nothing." I giggled again. There was no answer. I peeked around the tree but saw nothing. "Where did he-" I stopped short when I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist. My muscled tensed on instinct. "Just calm down." He was close enough I could feel his breath on the side of my neck. "Just relax." He spoke softly. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath in and slowly relaxed. "See, that wasn't so hard now was it?" He asked almost jokingly. I rolled my eyes and pushed myself away from him, but not in a rude manner. I turned to face him. "So, are we going back to the tower or what?" I asked. He seemed surprised for a moment before regaining his composure. "Yeah, let's go." He turned around and started walking, I walked fast enough to keep up with his quick pace. I think he noticed how hard it was for me to keep up because he slowed his pace to match my own. "Thanks." I mumbled, keeping my head down as we entered back into the city. He wrapped his left arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a sideways hug. I wrapped my right arm around his waist, not looking up. I could almost feel him look down at me. I glanced up at him to see him staring at me. He looked away quickly and his cheeks turned a shade of pink. "Did I just make Captain America blush?" I asked, grinning like an idiot, but I spoke so only we could hear it. His cheeks went a light shade of red, I laughed lightly. I turned my head so I was looking ahead of us. I leaned my head on his shoulder and could practically feel him looking at me again. I didn't look up again. "Just don't tell the others ok?" He asked. "Tell them what?" I looked up at him but made it clear I knew exactly what he was talking about. He kissed my forehead, I blushed a deep shade of red and looked at my feet, smiling. "Did I just make Samantha blush?" He spoke the same way I did. I playfully hit his chest. "Ow." He faked being hurt and moved his left arm off my shoulders and held it to his chest. I looked up at him, smiling slightly. I laughed, "Race you to the tower!" I ran off before he could respond. I could hear his feet behind me, "no, no, no!" I spoke frantically, I really wanted to win. I saw the tower and picked up my pace, running as fast as I could. I looked to both my sides but didn't see him. I looked across the road and saw him running. I got distracted and ran directly into someone, which caused me and the person to fall. "You should watch where-" the person stopped short when they saw me. I looked up, my eyes adjusted to the sun and I saw Thomas standing in front of me. "Samantha?" He asked. Before he could say anything else, I got up and ran the rest of the way to the tower. I ran straight through the doors and into the elevator. I pressed my room floor. When the elevator stopped I ran into my room, barely acknowledging the few Avengers in the hall, watching me. I ran into my room, practically slammed the door shut, locked it and slid under my bed. I was panting, my eyes wide. A few minutes later I heard a knock at my door. "Samantha? You in there?" I heard Steve call through the door. I didn't respond. I covered my face in my hands, breathing hard. I heard the doorknob turn but then catch, as it was still locked. "What's wrong? Why is the door locked? Are you ok? Did something happen?" He spoke out in a rush. "Is she ok?" I heard Natasha speak softly to Steve. "I don't know, we were racing back to the tower. She bumped into this guy and then she ran back to the tower and apparently locked her door." Steve replied. I got out from under my bed and walked over to my window, I looked through to see Thomas speed walking toward the tower. "No, no, no, no, no." I spoke frantically. I could hear feet shuffling outside of my door. "Jarvis do not let that man in here. Got it?" I whispered. "Yes ma'am." Jarvis's voice spoke back. I was staring at Thomas and concentrating on only him I didn't notice the door click and Steve, Natasha and Clint walk in. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned swiftly to be faced by Steve.  "You seem paranoid. Do you know that man?" Steve asked. I turned back to the window and continued watching Thomas walking as fast as he could to the tower. "Yeah I know him." I spoke softly, barely above a whisper. I could see Thomas looked confused as he wasn't allowed in. I could feel Steve place a hand lightly on my shoulder in a comforting way. I saw him pull something out and he was let in. "No, no, no, no, no!" I muttered under my breath. I ran out of my room and went to the living room to hide. "Jarvis, don't tell him where I am. If you do I will personally hack you." "Well said Miss Samantha." I had tucked myself under the couch. I heard the elevator ding and the door open. I saw a pair of shoes walk in and move around as if looking for something. I saw a few more pair of feet enter the living room, recognizing these as Steve, Natasha and Clint. "Who are you and what the heck are you doing in here?" I heard Steve asked in an almost mad voice. I heard several pairs of feet come running and saw the rest of the team come into the room, making me feel even more nervous. "I'm-" He started. "Agent Smith. It's been awhile." I heard Tony greet. Wait, Agent? "Stark, I think I saw someone I knew come into here. Do you know where she is?" No! No! I am not talking to him! No! Oh wait, I just need to stay under here, yeah. I could see some of the Avengers shuffle their feet. "I don't know who you mean." Stark said. "She has blonde hair, blue eyes. She's about seventeen now. Her name is Samantha, I was hoping to talk to her if I could." Thomas said. If I talk to him he's gonna get throw out a window. I could almost feel the Avengers looking at each other. 

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