Part 9

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Steve's (Captain America) P.O.V.

Who is this guy? Why does he want to talk to Samantha? How does Stark know him? "I haven't seen her lately actually. Last time I saw her she was in her room." Stark, imma kill you later. "Actually she isn't in her room now, she ran out and I don't know where she is now."

Samantha's P.O.V.

Steve, remind me to thank you later. "Wait, room? She lives here?" Thomas asked. Never mind i'm going to kill Stark after this. "Yeah, she's part of the team now." Stark said. You are dead, so so dead. "Could I just wait here till she comes back or something?" Thomas asked. "I see no harm in that." Stark said, "care for a drink anyone? If we're going to be here for a while." Stark continued. "No thanks." Thomas said. I clenched my fists now mad, the couch I was under started to shake. NO! NO! NO! NO! Everyone's feet turned to the couch. "What the-" Stark started. I saw a pair of feet walking toward the couch. The couch stopped shaking, The person crouched down to one knee and looked under. Only for me to come face to face with the person I didn't want to see. "You touch me, i'll blow your head off." I threatened, already knowing the others knew I was there by now. He got up and backed away from the couch, I crawled out from the couch. Steve leaned a hand down my way to help me up, I ignored it and got up myself. I was now standing face to face with Thomas, I was glaring while he was looking between relived, confused, conflicted and mad and way too many other emotions. "How did you get out?" Was the first question he asked. "Without you." I snarled. You could practically feel the tension in the air, the Avengers shifted on their feet, and some walked out of the room. After a few moments of silence, the only people left in the room were Me, Thomas, Stark, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Dr.Banner and Thor. The Avengers people still in the room were more or less in a circle around me and Thomas. "I see you joined the Avengers." He said. I was still glaring at him. "Why did you come?" I asked. "I came here to see you. I came to apologize for not helping you get out of the Hydra base. I haven't seen you for a while, I just wanted to make sure you were safe." He spoke, he had reached out his hand to touch my shoulder. I pointed my hand palm out at him, with fire now glowing in the center. "Don't touch me." I snarled. "Samantha calm down." Steve spoke. I shook my head, turned around and ran to my room. When I reached my room the door slammed shut behind me and locked itself. I heard feet thundering down the hall and people muttering outside my door, I heard someone try to open the door. "Samantha open the door. We only want to help." Steve said. I could hear Thomas muttering with them. "I already apologized, what else do you want me to do?" Thomas asked. I was mad now, I walked right up to the door and opened it, glaring. I must've looked pretty ticked off because all the Avengers that were there backed up, leaving me and Thomas face to face. "I wanted you to come and help me. To protect me like an actual friend would have, to stand up for me. But what do you do, nothing! MY LIFE WAS A LIVING HELL HOLE AND YOU LEFT ME THERE! " by the end I was screaming at him, with tears streaming down my face. The Avengers were wide eyed, none of them knew what happened to me but Thomas did. "I wanted to. But if I did then they would have learned I was a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent. I was trying to protect everyone, but I still couldn't protect the only person I cared about. You. I didn't want to see you hurt, but I couldn't do anything about it." when he spoke, tears started running down his face. "Just leave me alone." I muttered, closing the door and locking it. I could hear most of the people outside my door leave, but I knew he was still there. I sunk down and leaned back against my door, I pulled my knees to my chest and sobbed. I don't know how long I sat there, but eventually I heard feet get up and walk away from my door. I heard another pair of feet come and a knock at my door. "Go away." I said muffled into my knees. "Let me in, please?" I heard Steve say. I got up, unlocked my door and walked over to my bed, sitting on it and burying my face into my knees. The door opened and closed, I felt weight on the bed, and arms wrap around me. My muscled tensed. "Just calm down." Steve said in a soft calming way. I relaxed into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his chest, I started sobbing again. I don't know how long we sat there like that. I spoke muffled into his chest, "I can't even trust him anymore. Why can I trust you?" His muscles tensed slightly but relaxed a bit after, I wrapped my arms tighter around him and sighed. "Sun's going down, you should sleep." With that he pulled away and helped me lie down, "Goodnight Samantha." "Night Steve." I rolled over pulling blankets tighter around myself and heard the door close as I fell asleep.   

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