The forest

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A/N: This is what you've been waiting for! The sequel to Aphmau's Past!
I was running in a forest. All I knew was that I was alone in this mysterious dark world...

Aphmau's POV
I opened my eyes to find myself lying on the ground. Everything ached. My back, hands, arms, feet, legs, face, head, everything.  However my behind was cushioned. Was it the extra fat or something? I slowly stood up ignoring all the pain. I looked down to find myself wearing a white poofy dress. My hair was up in a bun but it was messed up a little.

I observed my surroundings and gasped. Rubles of stones were scattered and wood was rotting. And worst of all, bones and bodies were everywhere. My breath hitched in my throat when I heard a wolf howl. I looked up at the sky. It was black with stars dancing around. Plus it was a full moon. I heard another howl. Then another. I needed to get out of here.

I picked up my dress and started to run. I didn't care where I was running I just ran straight forward. I kept running. The branches kept whacking my face and trust me, it hurt. I was still running. Suddenly I tripped over a root and landed face flat.
" Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww " I looked up to find myself in a clearing. There was an old campfire and a messed up tent. Right beside the tent was the remainings of a snake head. I instantly freaked out.
" Ew ew ew ew eweweewwewewewew!!!! " I backed away into something fury. I heard a snarl. Uh ohhh. I slowly turned around to see a wolf behind me. I chuckled nervously.
" Hiiiiiiii little Wolfey...." It growled. I took a step back and it went into stalking position. I put my hands up to show I had nothing.
" Now now I won't hurt you! " it growled again. It was about to pounce. Imgonnadieimgonnadieimgonnadie!
" Pleasepleasepleasedonthurtme!!!! " I heard a chuckle.
" Whaaaaaaaaaaa?! " In One second the wolf's head was off it's body.
" Eweweeeweewwwwwewewewwewewew!!!!! " I heard another chuckle. Someone is stalking meh! I quickly got into some random karate position.
" Don't worry I won't hurt you..." I looked around and my eyes froze on a man. He had black hair and pale skin. His mouth was covered with a white cloth and he wore a black cross on his neck. I acted like I was staring at him but I was staring at his hands. I saw him slowly pull out a sword. All this sudden a knight came out of know where.
" Uhhhhhhhhhhh I'm just gonna leave...." I sprinted out of the clearing and into the woods again.

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