Chapter Five

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I stood outside the back door and slowly opened it up. I could hear the ending of The Lion King as I closed the door. Daisy entered the kitchen and stood wagging her tail.

I put a finger to my lips and whispered, "Shh... This is between you and me okay?"

She watched me before trotting forward and sniffed my pants and shoes. Footsteps echoed closer to the kitchen and I grabbed something and pretended to eat.

"Finally decided to come down and join us?" David said as he entered with an empty popcorn bag. "I saw Daisy get up and go into the kitchen. Do you mind locking the back door? I forget to after I let Daisy out."

I set down the apple and locked the door. He gave me an appreciated smile as he went to pop more popcorn. "Sandy's putting the boys to bed. You can choose the next movie if you would like," he told me and I stood unsure.

"Actually I was wondering... Are we going to school?" I asked as I sat on a barstool. Daisy sat just beside me and waited to be petted. I scratched her chin and ears as I listened to the popcorn popping.

David leaned against the counter and laughed. "Of course you're going to school but as of tomorrow no. We want to get you all settled in first. Decorated your rooms, get new clothes, and get you to meet some people."

I cringed at the thought of new faces. I hated being surrounded by the unknown. People all in one place where you don't know anyone and much less know their background was frightening. He watched my reaction before adding, "I don't know all the details, North. I know how your parents treated you but I promise not all people are bad."

I glanced at him for a second and he sounded sincere. The microwave beeped and he pulled the bag out. The warm buttery scent filled the kitchen and Daisy licked her chomps.

Everyone is always hiding something from you, North. Deep down they never loved you but instead, they are using you to get what they want.

David poured me a bowl before heading out, leaving me alone with the dog. Her brown eyes watched the popcorn as I threw one towards her.

"Guess it's just you and me again."


I closed the bedroom door and glanced at the alarm clock. 11:26 P.M. I was watching the Hunger Games with Sandy and David but because of the late hour, they decided to turn it off and head to bed.

To be honest it was a long day and I don't think I could take anymore. I stripped into more comfortable clothes, not bothering to take a bath, before jumping into my bed. A white cat jumped causing me to jump also.

"Sorry Thor," I said quickly and the cat watched me like an intruder. "This is my room now buddy." The cat didn't seem to like the idea and plopped itself down on the pillows. I let out a sigh and covered myself in the blankets and turned out the light.

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