Chapter Six

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"No! No! No!" A voice yelled and I groaned awake. The sound of Oliver's yelling entered my thoughts and I sprung up. I jumped out of bed and hurried down the stairs and stopped.

"Ollie, sweetie, you have to eat your cereal," Sandy told him as she set down a bowl of cereal. Oliver glared at it before smacking it off the table. It landed on Daisy who scrambled up and started to lick the floor.

Sandy narrowed her eyes at him as I walked forward. I gave him 'the look' and said, "Hey! That's not how we treat animals and you young man are in time out!"

Oliver glared at me and crossed his arms. "You can't tell me what to do. She's in charge now."

Sandy pulled me back and I shook her off. "Is that so," I told him to which he nodded.

He stuck his tongue at me before looking at Sandy. "I. Want. Waffles!"

Sandy knelt down trying to pick up the cereal just as Asher walked down the stairs. He yawned as he made his way into the kitchen but slipped on the milk. He fell to the floor, the milk soaking into his pants and he started to cry. The crying and whining caused me to groan and I crouched to the floor in annoyance. My head in my hand as I stared into the wooden floor with deep concertation. Deep breaths, North.

Daniel walked into the dining room area where all of us where and just stared. "It hasn't even been a full twenty-four hours and we already have crying, whining, and irritation."

"Just grab the damn mop and help me out, Daniel. North get him some waffles," Sandy called from the floor. Daisy stood licking up the milk and Froot Loops while Sandy was trying to get her to scram. I stood up and helped Asher to his feet. He sniffed before heading back upstairs to change his clothes while I made Ollie some waffles.

Oliver had calm down once he saw I was making waffles. "So after breakfast, we are heading to the store to buy you all new clothes and backpacks for school."

"What's school?" Oliver asked as I handed him his plain but warm waffles. I stood next to the table munching on a plain waffle also.

Daniel and Sandy shared a concerned look but answered his question, "It's where you leave home and learn new things. You get to play and become friends with new people that are your age."

"But Asher and North are my friends," Oliver said with a mouth full of waffles.

"And that's okay! But you can have more than just two friends! Isn't that right, North?" Sandy said.

I thought back to Valeria and how she really wanted to get to know me. I was never good with people, much less people my age. I looked at my younger brother who sat waiting and I slowly nodded. I fake smile on my face, "Yeah. More friends the better." I take a step back and make my way out of the dining room and straight to my room. The voices creeping into my head pounded into my skull. One breath. Two breath.

Trust no one.


"How about this one, North?" Sandy held up a grey sweater and twirled it around. I sat on one of the chairs and glanced up.

My eyes looked over the sweater for a second before responding, "Sure."

Sandy sighed and put it back on the rack. "How am I suppose to buy you new clothes if you won't even tell me what you like?" She placed my 'sure' pile into the cart just as the boys came running up. They ran past the cart to show me their new clothes.

"Look at my Dino shirt, North!" Oliver exclaimed as he threw his clothes down to show me them one by one.

Asher pulled out a box of new red sneakers, ignore the clothes. "These even light up!"

The adults whispered in the back but my attention wasn't on either of them. A familiar black jacket and hair caught my attention as they walked into the store. Well... shît. I grabbed the cart and smiled. "Can we head home now?" The last thing I need is to be known as the adopted kid.

Sandy gave a confused look but shrugged, "As long as you like the clothes than sure." I nodded and she took the cart to the nearest register. The man started to scan the items as I nervously tapped my fingers against my legs. Hurry up!

"Hey, Valeria! How's your family doing?" Daniel waved and I froze. Stupid Daniel and his friendly personality. I glanced over at Valeria who now turned her attention to us. Her eyes glanced at mine but then quickly looked at Daniel.

"They're doing well. How are you all?"

Daniel nodded, "Just shopping for some clothes."

"That'll be $157.34," the man said and Sandy started to pay. I grabbed the bags in an attempt to be busy.

"Expensive shopping. I better get to my mission. You all have a wonderful day," she told Daniel. Sandy finished paying and we were out.

Sandy turned to Daniel and said, "What a lovely girl. We should introduce you to her one day this week."

"Yeah... that would be lovely," I said.

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