❅ Chapter Twenty-Eight ❅

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A A few hours later, the sound of bells jingling came not too far from where they were. Now, Risa didn't know what they could be since she lived in Canada. "What could it be?" She asked as she stood up and looked around, trying to pinpoint where it was coming from. "A sleigh? Back in Canada, we had sleighs, many people used them because in some places it was hard to drive in the winter." She said, picking up her glass and finishing the rest of her water.

Tessa smiled happily as she stood up knowing exactly what it was. "Well, when I normally hear bells it's Roma dancers and musicians! However, most call them gypsies but that is more of an offensive term because it's used by people who are racist towards them." She said, pulling her towards the crowd. She could tell by the look on her face she hadn't heard or seen that before. "Trust me. You will enjoy it."

Jaelle Gray, the girl who was dancing, even though she was bundled up to keep warm, still looked beautiful and moved with such elegance and grace. Her brown eyes sparkled as she moved in rhythm to the music being played behind her and the tap of yet tambourine. As she spun around her black hair fanned out along with her skirt, becoming a whirl of rainbow colors.

The three men who sat on stools seemed to be so happy as they played a lovely tune. Despite the cold outside, they seemed to be not bothered by the cold weather. Risa wondered how on earth did their ouds keep their tune? Wood blocks didn't need any tuning nor did a tambourine.

Tessa and Risa watched for ten minutes before the group of Romani ended with the crowd clapping. Risa was one of them who was clapping loudly, really impressed by what she had seen. As the people chartered they tossed coins into the small leather bag before the crowd broke away and went back to their daily duties. Both girls began to walk away as well talking about the little show.

Two officers passed the ground and walked up to the girl. One of the men then grabbed the money off the ground and held it tightly. Everyone dashed off but Jaelle was sidetracked and was left wondering what had just happened. The two men roughly grabbed her by the arm and roughly pulled her towards them.

Jaelle exclaimed, startled by their sudden grasp of her arm. "Let me go!" She tried to get her arm away from the officer. She then saw they had the bag of money in the other officer's hand. "You give me back my money!" She had worked hard for that money, dancing and singing was no easy task. Besides, she had earned it, her people had earned it.

The officer pulled his cap down on his head covering his gray hair. "Listen here gypsy, I thought I told you to stop your dancing." The officer, Robert Belmont, condescendingly told the girl as his hazel eyes narrowed. "Since you don't listen to people in authority, your kind never does, your money will pay for your dues." He smirked, waving the bag of money in front of her. He enjoyed taunting her.

Jaelle struggled in his grip, trying to pull her arm away. "That isn't fair. I worked fairly for it by entertaining. It is no different than going to the Moulin Rouge, just without the scantily dressed women." She shot back with narrow eyes and a sharp tone. "Which, there is nothing wrong with that either, but it's no different from what I do!" She yelled, stomping her foot on the ground.

The other officer, Henry Dubois gave a hearty chuckle as he ran his hand through his black and gray hair. "Oh, you silly gypsy girl. You don't work for money. You steal it by hypnotizing them into giving it! We know all your wicked tricks by bewitching innocent Parisians." He spat, narrowing his own dark brown eyes and frowning.

Jaelle slowly growled at what he had said. Oh, people like him made her blood boil. "We all know you would never do that for a Romani. You call us witches and sorcerers which is not what we are! If you knew anything you would understand we are just like you but embrace our heritage." She spat at him, hoping to at least draw some attention with her raised voice.

Robert looked down at the girl with narrow eyes getting in her face. "Stop squirming will you and perhaps I'll let you go. " He taunted me knowing that wasn't going to happen, he needed her to be an example. "Maybe a night in a cell block will shape you up and teach you a lesson." He knew it would be more than just one night.

Henry jerked her closer, tightening his grip on her arm. "I told you to shut up, witch! You and your people are nothing but evil, pure evil. You may deny it but it is clear you are hypnotizing people into giving away their money. That is theft and it's a crime. No one like you can earn it truthfully." He shoved her away a bit but still kept his grip tight.

Robert looked into the bag. His eyes almost bulged out of his sockets. "I think maybe there are 20 Euros at the most in this bag, perhaps even more? What do you think? Should we split it fifty/fifty?" He shook the little bag of money, it jingled loudly. "We will be eating the creme de la creme tonight, Henry. Can't you taste it?"

Henry looked up at his partner and grinned, he could almost taste it. "Fifty/fifty sounds great to me." He gripped her arm higher every time she tried to move. "Stop wiggling already. We will tell you when you can move and when you can't. Move again and you may just be losing feeling in that arm of yours." He threatened, knowing full well that he would either break it or cut off her circulation. 

Jaelle couldn't believe they were talking about her money that way. She tried to ignore the pain shooting through her arm by gritting her teeth. "It's my money! I worked for it and you can't take it, that would be stealing. I haven't hypnotized anyone but entertained myself." She exclaimed, tears welling in her eyes. No matter what she said they would never listen to someone like her.

Tessa stopped and turned around a great distance from where they had been. She saw what was going on and it tugged at her heartstrings. "We have to do something, we can't just leave her there." She felt bad for not noticing what was going on sooner to have helped her. "But on the other hand maybe someone else will handle it."

Risa turned around and watched, feeling so bad for the young girl. "No, we can't. We don't know if anyone will and by the looks of it, it is up to us! It wouldn't be right to just leave her when she needs our help." She then had an idea and turned to Tessa and grinned. "I've got it, follow me and just go along with me." 

Tessa grabbed Risa by the arm and pulled her back. "Risa, you can't go. Let's think rationally about this for a moment before charging headfirst. They are officers, well-known and respected officers. So, the chances that they would let her go and oblige us is slim. Besides, you are a Canadian orphan and I'm a Southern American who doesn't even have citizenship yet. We hold no authority."

Risa yanked her arm and shook her head. She could understand where Tessa was coming from but she wasn't one who let others do it when she was able to. "I will take my chances." She told her, rushing over to Jaelle and the two officers. "Is there a problem here officer? Anything that I can help with." She asked, hoping to get their attention.

Robert looked over at Risa and looked her up and down. He noticed she dressed nice but she didn't look like anyone who should be getting involved. "A problem? What is it to you? I don't see a badge or uniform. Go run along and do whatever you do." He flicked his hand towards the girl to leave.

Risa crossed her arms over her chest, stubborn as ever. "I will not be going anywhere. What has this girl so badly done? All I saw was she was entertaining us by dancing and singing to lively music. I hardly see that it has anything to do with arresting her." She simply said, keeping her voice calm and looking up at him with all the courage she could muster.

Henry laughed at what she had said. The gull of this punny girl. It was kind of cute in a way that she thought it was her business. "You're a skinny little nobody who doesn't know when to keep her nose out of where it doesn't belong. Go away before I arrest you for harassment because you are interfering with our job. " His voice was turning deep and low.

Risa was trying to keep her cool but his words had a nerve making her want to get physical. Of course, she knew she couldn't just give in and leave the girl. Even if it meant going to jail for a night or day, it was worth it for justice. "You can't do that. I haven't harassed you at all but simply asked a question. However, now that you aren't being so nice, you give me no choice. Let her go now or else." She threatened to give him a death glare.

Robert knew he had to find a different way to approach the girl. She was one of those who wouldn't hesitate to intervene and end up with a record over something minuscule like this. "Look, I don't want any trouble. This is our business, not yours. Why don't you just run along and leave this to the professionals, alright?" His voice was struggling to stay calm but the bulging veins on his neck told a different story. 

Risa didn't care what they said. She was not going to run away and leave her with them. "You are hurting the girl, please just loosen up the grip there is no need for it. Please just let her go, please." She then took a deep breath. "I might be skinny nobody but I sure do know how to take out someone who hurts someone else for no real reason. I do know it is against the law but I am not too sure your superiors will like what you are doing."

Robert couldn't help but grin. He was a stubborn girl no doubt. He liked dealing with stubborn people, it made life more fun because you could drag things out longer. "Whatever you choose to do, it will result in you going to jail. If you went to jail no one would miss you or come and get you. So, I think it would be best if you left before I arrest you." He plainly said, his voice mundane as he spoke.

Risa noticed he was losing his grip on Jaelle's arm and the tears that had been streaming down her face dried up so she needed to keep this up. "I have a bunch of people who will be more than happy to come and get me, even will take my side." She wasn't one to play that card but in dire situations, it was something she needed to do.

Henry simply raised an eyebrow at what she had said. "Oh? Well, would you name them off? I am pretty sure your little American friend isn't going to be helping you at all." He whispered sarcastically then chuckled, jerking Jaelle closer to him as she had tried to dart once again.

Risa placed her hands on her hips and began to say them, her confidence wavering a little. She was doing this.  It wasn't like he would believe her but it was worth a shot. "Stella Bearenia the late sister to Queen Persia Rosenberg Frontrance and Rolando Galvin, King Nathan Rosenberg's former head sergeant who was loved by the people even after the collapse of the kingdom." She hoped that would help out a bit and also hoped it wasn't a bad idea.

Robert laughed and grabbed her arm, jerking Risa towards him. He shook his head looking down at her. "That seems highly unlikely an orphan like you would even be in the same room with such people. I know very well who they are, they are quite well known. Just for trying to stop us, I think I can slap a civilian interference arrest on you." He explained beginning to walk away dragging Risa and Jaelle along.

Tessa rushed over just as Henry grabbed Risa's hands and handcuffed them, following in suit with Jaelle's. 'What do I do? What do I do?' She questioned herself as she stood in front of them. "I am sure this can be settled diplomatically, right?" Her voice wavered as she asked them.

Henry grabbed Risa while Robert had Jaelle and exchanged looks with his partner. "Sorry, no can do. If you want to help your friends then you can gladly follow us to the station." He told her, striding right past her as Risa tried to jerk herself away but failed miserably.

Tessa bent down and picked up Risa's purse and turned to her friend who was being dragged away. This was just what they needed. She didn't like getting involved but it was too late to turn back down. "Risa, what do I do?" She called, hurrying them, slinging the purse over her shoulder.

Risa turned back to her and sighed. "Make a call at the station and there should be two numbers in my bag, then both and if no one picks up the directions to my hotel and get Loyal, tell her what happened and follow her, she'll know what to do." She called back to her being vague because it was already obvious neither Henry nor Robert believed she knew Rolando or Stella. 

Tessa nodded and followed them to the station. She had to wait while the two girls got booked then she was able to make a phone call. She first tried Rolando, since he was the first number she had pulled out. Phoning the hotel room, she tapped her foot on the floor, waiting for an answer. However, all it did was ring and ring and ring, so she hung up. 

She sighed and pulled out Stella's number, looking over it for a moment. She prayed that it worked and phoned the number, leaning against the wall. She tapped her finger against her leg as she waited for an answer. "Hello?" A feminine voice asked from the other line, which made Tessa inwardly cheer. 

Tessa was relieved someone had picked up the phone because she wasn't too keen on letting a dog show her what to do. She pushed herself off the wall and figured that this was Stella. However, she needed to make sure that she had gotten the number right. "Um, is this Stella?" She asked, skeptically. She chewed her lip as she waited for a reply with bated breath.

Stella turned to Rolando who was sitting on the couch. She was confused about who was calling her. The voice didn't have a French accent, but a southern American one, not to mention there was skepticism in the voice. "Yes, this is Stella. May I ask who is asking?" She questioned, which caught Rolando's interest, making him come over. 

Tessa took a deep breath before speaking. "I'm Tessa, I'm a friend of Risa. She told me to call you or um, this Rolando. You answered he didn't. Anyways, she is kind of in jail and I suppose she needs you to help her? I am sorry if I am bothering you and you don't know me from Adam, but I promise I am telling the truth." She placed her hand over her heart, although they couldn't see it she hoped they believed her.

Stella stood there for a few seconds trying to fathom what she had just heard. "Risa is in jail? How on earth did that happen? Never mind, don't answer that. I'll be there soon so then Risa can explain it to me first hand." With that, she told Tessa bye and hung up the phone.

Rolando searched her face as he had heard part of what happened. "Risa? In jail?" He could hardly believe that could happen. She wasn't the one to cause trouble or do anything bad. She was supposed to be looking for a job and yes he was glad she had found a friend, but what was she doing in jail?

Stella grabbed her coat and her purse, placing her hat on her head and pulling it. "I know, I am just as surprised as you. I hope once we get there we can figure out what is going on? I sure hope this isn't a joke, but Risa isn't the time to do that. What do you think could have happened?" She inquired, walking towards the door.

Rolando followed beside Stella, wondering what Risa could have gotten herself into. He racked his brain for an idea as he closed the door behind him and walked towards her car. "I hope it is nothing too serious and a misunderstanding. I don't know what she could have done for her to go there." He opened the door and got in, followed by Stella.

Stella turned on the car and drove off, heading towards the police station. The whole way she pondered what could have happened? What trouble Risa could have gotten herself into? This Tessa girl seemed to be friends with her but how was she not in jail and Risa was? All these thoughts made her head spin.

Once there she parked and got out, Rolando following hot on her heels. She rushed up the steps and into the building looking around. She had never been here, nor did Rolando, but she did figure that it shouldn't be too hard to find who they were looking for. Yes, there might have been many officers there, but she was trying to find Tessa, a single girl amongst all these men.

Tessa looked up when she saw a man and a woman enter through the doors. She quickly got to her feet and rushed over to them. "Are you Stella and Rolando? The ones Risa told me about?" She hoped she had gotten the right person. Of course, she was pretty sure she had, considering they seemed to be in a rush.

Rolando looked towards Tessa, poking the girl up and down while his head to confirm they were who she had asked. "Yes, we are. What is going on?" He asked, wanting to know how Risa ended up in a place like this? Perhaps she could give some clarification so then they could figure out how to help.

Tessa rubbed her arm. Where would she start? "It's a long story. I don't know where to even begin. You should ask the officers over there." She pointed to Henry and Robert who were chatting away. It was best if they explained it since they were the ones to arrest Risa and Jaelle.

Stella walked over to the two men, who looked vaguely familiar.  "Pardon moi, I am here about a girl named Risa? I was told she had been locked up? What happened?" She asked, hoping that these gentlemen could clarify a few things for her. She was polite as she spoke and kept a smile on her lips.

Henry looked up and couldn't believe his eyes at who he saw. So, that funny little orphan was telling the truth. "So, she didn't lie about knowing you. A punny little orphan knows Lady Stella Bearenia and Rolando Galvin, hmm, what are the odds? To start, Risa was trying to intervene on behalf of a gypsy, whom we were arresting for criminal acts." 

Stella simply raised an eyebrow. She looked over at the cells that had a depressed Jaelle and a glaring Risa. "I hardly see the matter with that. Has she done anything wrong? Has she physically harmed anyone? Verbally abused anyone? If not, please enlighten me on the serious issue." She simply said.

Henry shook her head, she might have not done any of those things but interference with police wasn't something they could let slide. "If you just know, Lady Bearenia, Risa did prohibit us from doing our job and she looked as if she was going to try something underhanded to free the gypsy. This gypsy girl here was using spells to charm hard-working people out of their money like she and the others always do, which is theft."

Jaelle looked towards them with pleading eyes as she rushed to the bars, grabbing hold of them. "I swear I didn't use a spell or charm anyone. I don't do witchcraft or anything like that. To believe that about Romani is just awful and racist! I was entertaining the crowd, bringing some joy on this cold day and that is all. I love to dance and sing, it has been my dream ever since I was a child!" She exclaimed, getting a bit emotional.

Rolando could tell that the girl had done nothing they were accusing her of. It wasn't common for people who stereotyped Romani to follow the racist ideology about them. He felt bad for her but he didn't get a chance to speak because Stella had quickly spoken after Jaelle had said her piece.

Stella couldn't help but feel sorry for her. "Let the two girls go and give the young Roma girl back her bag of money. Last I heard you two were unlawfully arresting Romani and taking their money for yourselves, which I believe to be more serious. I know your superior and he would side with me on this one and I don't think you want to get him involved, hmm? You may think you can get away with it but what if I said I had proof?" 

Henry couldn't believe that a noble such as Stella was asking them for proof. He never thought she would hold such modern views. "Proof? Lady Bearneia, you must be joking. There is no need to have proof because we have done nothing wrong. And why would we oblige you just because you know our boss? Theft is a serious crime and we are not pocketing, we are returning it to their rightful owners."

Rolando crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. "How could you possibly find the rightful owners of the money? Besides, I think you forget that Stella knows a lot of people and knows many things, why would you presumptuously doubt her? If we must pay bail then let us do that so we can get the two young ladies out of this place." He just wanted to get this over with.

Robert was reluctant, but unlike Henry, he knew they both had a point. Even if Stella was bluffing, no one would believe them because she was held higher than they were. Not to mention he was sure someone might have caught onto what they were doing. "Now, now, we do want that. We will let them go and just say this was a  terrible misunderstanding and it won't happen again." He turned to Henry and narrowed his eyes at him. "Get the girls now."

Henry reluctantly walked over to the cell and unlocked it, opening it so the two girls could leave. He didn't say a word as they left the cell, he did notice the glares they gave him but if Robert said to do it. Then he would do it since he wanted no trouble. 'I can't believe she knew Stella. If she hadn't things would have turned out differently.' He thought to himself, closing the cell and walking back over to Robert.

Risa ran to the two of them and hugged them both tightly. She was more than happy to see them. "Thank you so much, Rolando and Stella. I knew I could count on you! I am sorry I used your name like this, I promise it will never happen again. I should have gone another way to help her but I couldn't think of anything else and I thought if I made a scene -"

Rolando gave Risa a stern look shaking his head and cut her off. "Slow down, you don't need to explain. It is very honorable that you chose to help despite what could happen to you. Just be mindful next time and don't end up here, because next time we may not be here to help get you out." He rested his hand on her shoulder and gently gripped it. "Just be careful next time and know your battles. Brush up on the laws here alright?" 

Risa looked down at her shoes, taking her purse back from Tessa. "Yes, I will so that next time I will be able to do it rightfully and not end up here." She didn't want to end up in jail or even prison over something like that. She had a lot to learn and as daunting as it seemed, she was going to dedicate herself to it.

Jaelle bowed her head with a couple of tears running down her cheeks which wiped away. "I will, for what you did. I am grateful she stepped in or else I probably wouldn't be going home to my family tonight and they would worry about me thinking the worst." She then paused and looked up at them wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand. 

Stella smiled looking down at the young girl. She seemed so polite and she could tell by her voice she was barely keeping it together. "She seems to help everyone no matter what it costs nor if she knows them or not. I do hope you two girls take care and I do hate to leave right now, but I did leave a pie in the oven when I left so I should be getting back to it." She didn't want to burn her hard work.

Rolando told the girls goodbye and followed Stella out of the station after they had said their goodbyes to them. "Take care ladies." He opened the door for Stella to go out first then followed behind her, also getting the car door for her.

Risa smiled gently, waving to Stella and Rolando then turned to Tessa. "Tessa, I am sorry I got you mixed up in that. I never anticipated getting arrested for trying to help. I suppose it went better in my head than in reality." She admitted, averting her eyes in shame. She is bad for having gotten Tessa into that mess.

Tessa scoffed and waved her hand in the air. She normally would have been livid, but she was a forgiving person. "It is alright Risa. I know you were just trying to help. I perhaps can help you better know your knowledge of the law so that it doesn't happen again. Then next time you won't go rushing in hot-headed." She hugged her tightly, having a sweet little moment.

Risa smiled, hugging her tightly before pulling away. "Thanks, Tessa." She turned to Jaelle and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "I am deeply sorry for getting you deeper into the whole situation. I will admit I didn't know what else to do since I haven't had much experience in this department." She admitted sheepishly, hoping her apology sounded sincere.

Jaelle shook her head and hugged the girl tightly. "Oh no, you did more than a normal person would. Thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't do what you did. Do not apologize, I am so grateful for all you did for me. I must repay you in some way." She pulled away, her eyes had their spark back.

Risa smiled, hugging the girl back just as tight then pulled away. "Oh no, you don't owe me anything. Think of it as just a friend helping another friend out. Although I would like to know your name if that isn't too much to ask." She didn't know anything about the girl other than her dream was to sing and dance since a child.

Jaelle smiled, pushing her hair to her back after pulling away. "I'm Jaelle Gray. Despite what they say, I was born in Paris, and just because I am a Romani, doesn't mean I am not a Parisian. But you probably didn't need to know that." She said, holding out her hand for Risa and Tessa to shake.

Tessa reached out her hand and gently but firmly shook the girl's hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you Jaelle. I wish I could stay longer but alas I must get back home. I have a few things to get done before it becomes dark and certain places close. I shall see you, Risa, at work and see you Jaelle around." She asked, looking at the two girls.

Risa nodded, shaking her hand as well with a smile on her lips. "See you at work Tessa. Take care and please be safe." She called as she exited out the door. She turned to Jaelle and motioned for her to follow her. "So, um, are you going back home yet or?" She felt a little awkward after all that happened. 

Jaelle turned towards Risa, crossing her arms over her chest as she followed her out of the doors. "Oh, not yet, or I don't have a set time to be back. Although they may be a little worried about my whereabouts." She paused as the snow crunched beneath her shoes. "Tessa is quiet, isn't she? How did you become friends?" She asked, wondering how the two of them are friends. They seemed so different.

Risa rubbed the back of her neck. She didn't know much about Tessa. She had only known her for a few hours. "I was looking for a job, I managed to get it and I followed her out after shift. We became friends after talking for a bit. Although I am pretty sure that isn't how you make friends and we have a lot more time to spend together before I know her better." She admitted with a sheepish smile.

Jaelle gave an amused smile looking up at the sky. "A job. I would love to have a job and work hard for my money. People won't hire me though. I am not sure whether they speak the truth or not, either way, it is hard. I want to get my place and have my own life instead of sharing it with my family, even though I love them, there is only so much you can take." She laughed at the thought but it was true, she did sometimes get driven crazy with her siblings.

Risa then had an idea and a smile crept on her face as she pulled her pocket watch out and looked at the time. "Perhaps Tessa can get her boss to hire you too! I do know they need more help since I only saw two people in there excluding Tessa." She was going to have two friends at her job, oh, that was going to be good. Well, at least if Tessa's boss would hire Jaelle as well.

Jaelle's eyes brightened at the mention of a job opportunity. "Oh, I would like that. Can you ask her tomorrow?" When she saw Risa nod she squealed but quickly composed herself and took a deep breath. "Oh, your pocket watch, it is so nice. Where did you get it?" She asked, looking at it as Risa closed it.

Risa looked down at the pocket watch in her hand. "Well, it's the only thing I have left of my past. This pocket watch is what brought me to Paris in the first place. Next week Rolando and I are going to take it to the man who made it to see who all bought it. It should help me find my family." She at least hoped that it did because it could be a dead end.

Jaelle found it touching, and a bit sad that it was all she had of her past. "That is fascinating. If that falls through and doesn't help find your family, I know a few people who can help. I would love to help you find your family because I love my family and everyone needs one." She offered, placing her hand on her shoulder.

Risa was surprised but glad nonetheless for what she offered. "Thanks, Jaelle. It would mean a lot. I need too much help because this is a huge task. Who knows where my family could be or what even happened to them. Just thinking about it makes my head hurt." She shook her head not wanting to go down that road.

She then looked at her pocket watch as she stuffed it into her coat pocket. "Like Tessa, I better get back to the hotel. I have a big day tomorrow with it being my first day of work. I'm nervous but know it won't be as bad as I am thinking it will." She stopped at a crosswalk and turned to Jaelle. "I will see you tomorrow or around? Be safe "

Jaelle smiled brightly and hugged her again before pulling away. "Tomorrow, at the cafe. I will be there to see how it goes as moral support! Take care Risa, and stay safe please." She said, waving to her as she walked away in the opposite direction, towards her house where she lived with her parents.

Risa waved at her and smiled contentedly as she crossed the road. She never would have thought in a matter of a day she could have made two friends. This was no doubt going better as planned and she hoped to keep her attitude on a high note. Things were looking up for her and for the first time she had no doubt she would find her family.


A/N: Questions have been taken out and they will no longer be at the bottom. Also I am almost done with this book. Ten more chapters give or take and this book will be coming to an end. So, don't be sad be happy and the last two chapters of the end will be majorly awesome, maybe even three. Will have to see where it goes.

I will also be editing the chapters after this book is finished. I won't get to it all at once but I will be using my phone only to see what is pointed out to fix and then fix it on my laptop or my kindle if I am able too. It all depends on what I am able to do.

Chapter Talk: 
So our Risa has made another friend which she will also play a huge part in the end. I did manage to tweak her character a bit more than I originally had. I am happy with how I have her now and I had to do a bit more research that I had done to make sure everything is okay.

Edit: I changed the whole last part from Stella and Rolando coming upon Risa, Jaelle and Tessa to Risa and Jaelle being taken to the station and having Tessa call Rolando and Stella. I thought it seemed more realistic than the latter. Besides, it really helped add some more length onto this chapter.

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask my pals away. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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