❅ Chapter Twenty-Nine ❅

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When Medusa, Hans, and Iggy arrived in Paris - which was the day after Risa made two friends - Medusa made herself at home in an abandoned building, scheming on what she should do next. She had a few plots she had come up with, but they needed work and she had a few of her people to speak to before she was able to carry them out.

Hans and Iggy had time to explore Paris since Medusa had plans. They were beyond thrilled and Hans' little map was going to help them a great deal. The duo prepared to leave the warmth of the fire for the coldness that was just outside. Yes, the sun may have been out, but it wasn't any warmer.

Iggy leisurely flew through the cold air, his little sweater and scarf keeping him warm. His eyes were big as he surveyed every little thing he saw through small black glasses."Oh, it's even more beautiful up here! I never thought I would ever get to see any place other than Frontrance." He exclaimed, diving down and doing a few circles in the air.

Hans smiled looking over at his friend, having his scarf around his neck and their map around his stomach. "I couldn't agree more with you. This place is so much better than Canada any day. I think after all this is over I am going to stay." He watched his buddy do a few circles before flying with him.

Iggy had to agree, Paris was much more inviting than Canada. He could see himself staying and making a home here, it seemed to have more opportunities for him. "I will stay too. I'm not getting any younger and I want to settle down and find a lady so I can start a family." He so badly wanted what his parents had, he had always yearned for love.

Hans sent him a cheeky look, happy to hear he wouldn't be alone in this vast city. Since they both were quite new, neither had made any friends as of yet. However, they had been friends since they both were young. "I get to be the best man at the wedding. I want to find a lady, have some chicks of my own." He did want to settle down and have a family.

Iggy couldn't have been happier for Hans and what he chose to do with his life. He had always admired Hans' father, he was a good bird. "Your father is great! He was more of a father to me than my father was. I felt like I was a crow with you, despite being a bat." He chuckled at the memory of him trying to imitate what the other crows used to do.

Hans chuckled as he stopped landing on top of a building. He remembered those times fondly. "Iggy, now where's the first place to visit?" He asked me to pull out the map and open it up, standing on it so it didn't go anywhere. It was a good thing it was a small size map, or else neither would be able to handle nor carry it.

Iggy landed beside Hans and looked at the map. "Okay, let me see," His eyes followed the path they had just taken and where they were currently at. "So, we are here." He pointed to a boutique. "So, for now, we should try and visit places close to us. Since we're so small, we would easily get tired of flying back and forth all over the city. We won't be able to see it all today, not even half." He explained, rubbing his chin.

Hans tapped his wing on his beak as he thought about where he wanted to go. "I want to get some food first. I'm famished. Medusa isn't providing any food for us, which isn't surprising. There are several good animal restaurants underneath the human ones." He touched his wing to the list of restaurants and looked for one close to them.

Iggy's eyes jumped between the list and where it was located on the map. The detail sometimes made his head ache. "Hmm let's see . . . how about here: the Café de Coco. It has a restaurant for animals below the building. It's supposed to be the cream de la cream of animal restaurants." He suggested, seeing as it was the closeted one by them.

Hans was surprised his friend knew so much about a place they had never been before. He had only found out due to a lot of research from the library. "How do you know so much about the restaurant?" He curiously asked, beginning to roll up the map so he could put it away.

Iggy grinned after memorizing the path just as Hans' was rolling it up. "I asked one of the spiders in the clock tower some great places for animals. Spiders are very talkative and are knowledgeable." He was glad he was outspoken. "Come on, let's get there before it becomes a lunch rush." He flew off, his crow friend following right behind him.

It took a few minutes for them to get there from where they were, thanks to the wind that helped. When they did, they landed on the ground and went into a hole in the side of the building. Bright lights were from lightning bugs who were perched on a nail and the tables and seats were doll size, seeming to be from a dollhouse.

Iggy marveled as he and Hans were shown to a table where they sat down and were handed small menus. This was the most hospitable place he had ever been to. "Look at this menu! So many tasty things to choose from categorized for every species of animal! I'd never thought we'd be in Paris, let alone a cool place for animals to eat." He exclaimed. It was a lot for him to take in.

Hans opened his and looked through the menu. There were a lot of options for him, which he was grateful for. "Oh yes! The baked greens and rice seem delicious. At least here we know it will be cooked, because I learned as a kid, dry rice and water don't mix well in my stomach." He cringed at the thought of the rice expanding in the water, which made him very sick. It was a good thing he had only eaten ten pieces of rice, any more and he'd be dead.

Iggy hummed in reply to what he had said as he looked over the menu. "The fruit stew sounds really good." Just the very thought of juicy fruit stew made his stomach growl. He could almost taste it. "Heh, I didn't realize how hungry I was until I came here. I would like to come back tomorrow and try more dishes." He wasn't going to be a glutton.

Hans nodded and chuckled, his friend seemed to like food. "We can do that. Any chance to get out of seeing Draco I'm going to take." He mused, flagging down the waiter with his wing so they could order. Once he walked over, he told the waiter what he wanted. Iggy followed suit, telling him what he wanted as well. The waiter nodded and went back to have the kitchen staff prepare the meal. Which would have been either making it from scratch or taking pieces of the humans' dishes or finding leftovers before they got thrown away.

Hans set the menu back between the napkins, in awe at how everything was just a miniature human world. "I would love nothing more than to forget about Medusa and the Rosenberg stuff for the rest of my life. I hate even the idea of Medusa trying to harm Rosenberg again. She's just unbelievable! I just want her to leave them alone and get a life, you know? Trying to get through to her is hard." He groaned at the thought.

Iggy set the menu down on the table in front of him. He never understood the logic that drove her to revenge. "She's so consumed with them she can't see that it's ruining her life. She wants to be known for murdering the Rosenbergs. That isn't something to be proud of and how she has gotten away with it is beyond me." He had recalled a newspaper saying Medusa took credit for their demise.

Hans couldn't have agreed more. She was so proud of the fact she played a hand in their demise. Yet, no one ever tried to find her and lock her up for a crime, apparently, it couldn't have been proven. "You know, I always thought she was a psychopath if you ask me. She grew up without a family and she was bounced from house to house growing up. Because of it, she had been treated badly by the very people who were supposed to protect her. You would think she would be compassionate towards Risa who is in the same place. But she didn't, she had become cold-hearted." He explained, knowing the story quite well.

Iggy had to stop him right there. He placed his little. He put up his little hands and waved a few times. "Wait, wait, wait, Medusa was an orphan too?" He couldn't believe that Medusa was an orphan, he had always thought that she had a family. It did explain why she never spoke about them or had any pictures, also if she did she wouldn't have been so outspoken about taking credit for the Rosenberg's demise. "Why was she called Medusa and how did she become friends with the Queen?"

Hans thanked the waiter as he had set their food before them and continued to explain. "Medusa means guardian, so her parents must have named her that before they died because they believed she would become a protector of people. I don't know much about it, she never really talks much about her past. I only found out from the diary she had kept from her childhood. It was a bit ironic seeing as she is doing the opposite of what her name means, which before she did was help children like herself."

"Anyways, when she got older she met Queen Persia, but she wasn't a queen yet, she was just a girl from the city traveling around. They had become friends rather quickly and were as thick as thieves, almost like sisters although Persia had a sister, Stella. From what I recall, Medusa felt something she had never felt before: love. The love that one feels for a family: agape, you could say." He explained, knowing it was pretty hard to imagine. He couldn't even picture it.

Iggy's jaw dropped to the floor as he heard that Medusa was a person who could feel and recuperate love! It seemed unimaginable! "It is hard to imagine Medusa as anything but how she is now. I can't imagine her with a genuine smile and bright eyes, wearing lively colors instead of the dark ones she normally wears." He was beginning to question everything he knew about her, which wasn't anything.

Hans laughed at how flabbergasted Iggy was as he ate some of his food. "Yes, it's hard to imagine huh? Seven years after they met and became friends, Persia had met Prince Nathan and married him when he had become king! Medusa was the maid of honor, which she was thrilled to be part of such a monumental moment in history. Every young woman was either jealous of her or had a great amount of respect. She even made Medusa, her royal lady, and became part of the nobles that helped out with royal affairs and affairs with the kingdom, which she ended up living up to her name, as a guardian of those underprivileged and poor people."

Iggy titled his head as he bit into a juicy piece of fruit. He munched on it as he pondered what Hans had just said. "Then what went wrong?" He couldn't comprehend how any of that contributed to her seeking revenge. He did know something happened, but he wasn't sure how it played out nor anything of that nature.

Hans looked down at his food and sighed heavily as he answered him. "Sadly, Medusa soon found herself in trouble which had nothing to do with what the other nobles were doing. She had gotten caught in the crossfire and roped into the blame because they knew that if Medusa had known about it any sooner, she would have done something about it. She ended up finding out about it by accident and was going to bring to them what they were doing behind their back the but she wanted to get hardcore proof before coming to Nathan and Persia."

Iggy could see how that could make her look guilty. She knew about it but waited too long to tell them, whether she had proof or not. "Did she even find proof or bring it up to them?" He wondered if she had found proof and Nathan just didn't believe it. Had he believed it was fabricated? It seemed plausible considering how Nathan was.

Hans was sad to admit it, but he confirmed that she never had found the proof.  "She never was able to get proof but she did tell them what she had overheard. Neither of them listened or believed her which was a shock to Medusa. After all, they had been through, he listened to the other nobles, who swore that Medusa was in on it too no matter how earnestly she denied it. All of the nobles were banished from Canada without trial."

Iggy couldn't believe it. They never were given a trial? That didn't seem fair to him. He wondered how it looked to the kingdom that nobles who did that were banished without hearing their side or seeing proof. "Did they get escorted out or?" He figured they had to have been shown out of the country, he couldn't have just let them leave in hopes that they would.

Hans took a few sips of his water. "All of the nobles were but Medusa was. At the time Persia had given birth to Clarissa so security might have been tightened,  that is just a theory. He never let the guards escort her out like the others, which to this day no one knows why. It was a foolish mistake. After that he was making bad decisions and letting things go to his head, letting what happened to get to him as well. Not to mention he was taking on many of the tasks that the former nobles had." It did seem like he had taken too much on his plate.

Iggy now was starting to understand things better. Now that Medusa wasn't around, he could get to hear more about things and better understand her and the whole royal family. "So, that event made him turn into an awful king? Didn't anyone in the kingdom notice? Or even bring it to someone's attention?" Someone had to have noticed a change in him and often changes in someone's life affected their decisions.

Hans shook his head. He wasn't so sure about that. "I don't think so. My mother said that there might have been a seed of doubt planted into the people's hearts about Nathan and his choices. I can't say for sure. I do know that other times, Medusa helped spread lies with false evidence to corrupt the townspeople through an anonymous scourge in the paper. Nathan never addressed it despite being told about the lies, which to some, made them believe they were true. I don't recall what they were, but they were bad, almost criminal?"

"Not everyone believed it, but a majority did, which set in motion the rebellion. It is kinda hard to believe Medusa helped set everything into motion, but she was always good with planning things. She wanted them to know how she felt when they banished her, having everyone turn against you." He knew that she just wanted them to have some sympathy or empathy for what she went through.

Iggy was feeling even more sorry for Medusa. No wonder she was like she was. If that had happened to be. He could have gone down the path she was on. "But wouldn't everyone else who worked for Persia and Nathan be marked as war criminals or something?" It was logical that when those types of things happened anyone who acclimated with that said person would have some sort of target on their back.

Hans knew that was the logical thing that should happen. However, it oddly didn't turn out that way. "You know, one would think anyone associated with them would. I can't say for certain about the other family members because they didn't live in Canada at the time, but as for Rolando, he could do no wrong in their eyes. He was always on the people's side and at times clashed with Nathan, which made people believe that he was doing all he could to help them. Which was true, he did look out for them and often flat out told Nathan things he was doing wasn't for the people. He never listened though."

Iggy nibbled on a grape, reminiscing about all he had been told. Things were clearer for him and he would be looking at Medusa in a different light than he previously had. Not that he would let her know that. "Now that I know the full story, I pity Medusa. No wonder she is hell-bent on revenge, it is understandable to a certain extent. However, the choices she is making aren't good, including trying to murder an innocent girl who perhaps even isn't Clarissa." He felt bad for the orphan girl to be put through all this.

Hans felt bad too, but he was to blame for all this too. "Yeah, that was all kinda my fault for bringing it up. So, I have to take the credit for that because if I never said anything none of this would be happening. I was foolish to think Medusa wouldn't take it seriously, she is Medusa, of course, she'd take it seriously." The guilt he was carrying had only recently begun to float to the top and make him feel bad.

Iggy looked over at his friend with a soft look in his eyes. He could tell how thinking about it hurt him deeply. "At least you can try to stop her from doing any more harm. Anyways, I had heard Nathan made a lot of decisions with his clouded judgment. I think he didn't have the support he needed and was too stubborn to run a whole kingdom, which only made his people turn on him." He recalled how much the mice loved to gossip about that.

Hans shrugged his wings, chewing up what was in his mouth. "What most people don't know is that he grew cold and chose to ignore Persia after Medusa was kicked out. He blamed her for it because she was best friends with Medusa so he holds animosity towards her. Which over time turned into bitterness deep down in him he tried to hide by pushing it deeper and deeper only trying to show everyone they truly were in love which he ended up believing it in a warped sense I suppose." His father told him that because he had a sister who lived in the palace.

Iggy didn't feel sympathy towards Nathan. The only thing he felt was that it was partly his fault as well for what happened. "The one thing I have learned from this is that: the ego will be the fall of everyone who allows it to fester and grow to let it take advantage of the person to the point where all judgment is clouded." He vowed that from this day on that he would never turn out like Medusa or Nathan.

Hans put up his wing in agreement with what his mammalian friend had said. "Couldn't have said it better myself. I will never let my ego get the better of me because I was taught to stay humble. Come to think of it, I don't think I even have an ego. I am pretty level-headed and can admit when I am wrong and I don't think highly of myself, I have low standards." He laughed sheepishly at admitting that.

Iggy sighed leaning back in the chair. "I would like to meet Loyal and maybe we can warn her and she can help stop Medusa from hurting Rosenberg's by somehow telling Risa about her plans!" He straightened up abruptly at the very thought, his eyes began to glow as a smile grew on his lips.

Hans shook his head. Although that was a good idea, it just wouldn't work. "Medusa is the only one who can talk with animals that I know of. Besides, I still am holding out hope that Medusa will listen to me and stop her revenge. I know it may be foolish, but I truly think I can get through to her if I continue to show her love! I know I can! I've known her for longer than anyone!"

Iggy shook his head. As nice as that sounded, it wasn't possible. The probability of that happening was one person being hit by a car, by lightning, by drowning, by falling, and surviving it all within the same month. "Medusa is a cold person, Hans, nothing will unharden her heart towards the Rosenbergs. She is set in her ways like a mountain! Besides, even if "love conquers all" no one would ever show her love. I doubt she has any love or good in her. She probably has chained love up and kept it in a dark, wet dungeon in the deepest pits of her heart that it will never see the light of day!"

Hans knew he had a point. As much as he said wanted to disagree, he knew that he was right. The chances were not in her favor and all the bad she had done was outweighing the good. "You are probably right, but I'm not going to give up!" He declared heartily, truly believing that he could change her.

Iggy knew that people couldn't be changed by others, they had to do that themselves when they hit rock bottom. He left the issue alone as they continued to eat and tried to find other things to talk about that didn't lead back to Medusa. Whatever happened, Medusa would be paying the consequences, no one else.

Meanwhile, Loyal was out with Éclair cruising Paris while Risa was preparing for her first day of work when Monday came. All Éclair was doing was making sure Loyal didn't get lost since she wasn't familiar with Paris and couldn't ask humans for help. The night prior, Risa had asked Stella if it was possible for Éclair to keep Loyal company while she was gone, to which Stella agreed.

Loyal bounded up and down, going backward while looking at Éclair. Her fluffy tail wagged back and forth. "Come on Éclair! Will you pick up the pace? You are moving way too slow and this is such a huge city. I wanna see everything before dark!" She exclaimed energetically, her eyes sparkling brightly.

Éclair sighed, giving her eyes a gentle roll at the enthusiasm and energy that the little mutt had. "All I'm doing is making sure you don't get lost while you galavant around Paris. Otherwise, I'd be back at home on my puffle, taking a nice nap while Stella is out and about." She explained, her head up in the air and her eyes avoiding making eye contact with Loyal.

Loyal whined a little, lowering her head to the ground. "Why can't you just be nice to me? I haven't done anything to you! I've been nothing but polite and nice to you! If you don't like young animals like me, just say so, then I can make sure that I never spend time with you!" She yelled, her voice laced with hurt as she turned around and kept her back towards the poodle.

Éclair growled softly under her breath. She was making it seem like she was a bad animal. "I don't like young animals, or at least being about them. Your outlook on life is so childish that once you get a real taste of the real world you will hate it." She might have been being a little rude, but she was just fed up with having to deal with that mutt.

Loyal didn't understand what she was saying. She tilted her head giving her an innocent expression. "What do you mean in the real world? Have I not been in the real world? I have seen people try and hurt Risa! I saw her almost drown. I know the real world can be awful, but it doesn't outweigh the good!" She yelled, at her breaking point with this stuck-up poodle.

Éclair saw how hurt the little mutt was with what she had said. She couldn't help she felt a pang of guilt about her actions and she barely knew anything about what Loyal had to go through to come here. "I may not be good with empathy and I may have been a little insensitive, I . . . am uh s-s-s-s-sorry." She stammered out an apology looking at everything but Loyal.

Loyal opened her eyes and they went wide as she gasped, her jaw going slack at what she had just heard. "You're sorry? I don't need an apology, I just want to know why you treat me so badly? Why do you hate me so much? What have I ever done to you?" She asked, sitting right there on the sidewalk, waiting for Éclair to clarify.

Éclair clenched her jaw, hearing how hurt Loyal was upset her. "I don't exactly know how to put it into words? It's not that I hate you, it's more that I find you annoying. I have no patience for pups like you. I am also a pedigree pooch who was bred with high standards and has an image to uphold. Which, if you look at it, that sounds shallow and not entirely true. It's simply a cop-out because I just don't know how to interact with mutts like you, heck, I've never even had a friend." She admitted, straining with every word she tried to get out.

Loyal couldn't believe that Éclair had never had a friend. She was less shocked about hearing how she had no patience for pups, it wasn't something that bothered her. However, she was a bit hurt that Éclair was ashamed to be with her because she was a mutt. "Oh, um, I can't say I'm not hurt about what you said, I will admit that I can try and understand where you are coming from. I won't hold it against you, I'm just glad you told me." She beamed.

Éclair wasn't going to admit she was relieved to hear that Loyal didn't hold anything against her. "I will try to be a better dog and overcome my prejudice out of respect for you, well, for others I meet." She did mean it but her voice sounded flat as she spoke it, once again not making eye contact with Loyal but looking at the ground.

Just then, Iggy and Hans were flying towards Éclair and Loyal's direction after having finished with their meal. Of course, a gust of wind caught Iggy by surprise and sent the little bat tumbling through the air, with a rushing Hans trying to grab him. Iggy ended up smacking into the concrete not too far from the duo of dogs, tumbling a few inches before stopping.

Hands gasped as he saw what happened to his friend, flying after him and landing beside him. "Oh Iggy, are you alright? That was a massive fall. It looks like it hurts. Are you hurt? Please tell me you're not hurt?" He rambled on in a panic state at his friend.

Before Iggy would say anything Loyal dashed over and spoke quickly. She couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. Such a small creature could easily get hurt on the pavement. "Oh no, are you alright little bat? Are you seriously hurt? Do you need help?" She asked concern laced in her voice as she nudged Iggy with her nose.

Éclair darted towards Loyal and gently grabbed her by the collar around her neck and pulled her away. "Loyal, never get close to a bat. They could have rabies and other diseases! It is odd for a bat to be out during the day." She explained after letting go of her collar and narrowed her eyes at the little mutt.

Iggy shook his head and looked up at the two dogs. He could finally reply to everyone and let them know he was found. "I am fine, I am fine." He stood up and patted him himself. "Oh no, I ripped my sweater!" He pouted but then paused recalling the other things they had said. "Now wait a moment, I don't have rabies! That is rude of you to say!"

Éclair rolled her eyes at the small black bat that was before her getting overworked and making various gestures with his wings. "How is it rude? Is it common knowledge that rodents like you carry such diseases? How can a fact be rude?" She countered, her voice held such dignity as she spoke.

Hans recognized Loyal from Medusa spying on Risa, Vincent and Rolando. He interrupted his friend before he could counter the poodle with a quip. "You look familiar, I have seen you before. I have always thought you were super cute but in person, you look ten times cuter!" He gushed, looking up at the towering pup.

Loyal tilted her head to the side as she sat down, looking down at the bird. "How have you seen me before? I have never seen you in my life! How do you know about me?" She asked, growing weary of the duo.  There was a big red flag waving in front of her face, telling her that she needed to be careful.

Hans flapped his fingers towards her and scoffed. "I saw through Medusa's mirror. She has been watching your owner and her companions ever since she came to the palace after I stupidly told her." He explained not knowing how weird that sounded, but before he could clarify Loyak had spoken.

Loyal was even now more confused and a little creeped out. "Medusa? Who is that? It is kinda creepy you have been watching us. Unless you're like a guardian angel, you don't have a halo or wings! Do animals even have them? I don't think so. But that is creepy! Very, very creepy. Why are you watching us?" She asked, standing up on all fours, baking up, and baring her teeth a little.

Hans sheepishly stammered a little at how terrifying a cute little puppy could truly be. "I - I don't think I am at liberty to say anything about Medusa's plans. She has been keeping it on the quiet and if she ever found out I spilled, I would wish I was dead. Besides, I don't know any of her more recent plants and I don't think you should worry about it." He rambled on, feeling like he was an ant looking up at a towering human.

Loyal was more confused than ever. What was going on? First, they had said they've been watching them since she and Risa had come to the palace, then that this Medusa had plans, but what were they? From the gist, it sounded bad. "You are starting to freak me out. Now all I can think is that they are in grave danger! You may not be outright saying it, but you being vague about it only tells me one thing: that Risa and the others are in danger!" She stood up on alert.

Hans sheepishly looked at the mutt. He was regretting even saying anything about knowing them. Perhaps he should have pretended like they were strangers. "Even if that was true - not saying it is - you couldn't warn anyone. No one can understand you. Iggy and I have been working to get her to stop her plans. You have nothing to worry about because we can handle this." He was just digging himself a deeper hole.

Éclair rolled her eyes stepping in front of the young pup. "Loyal, you can't honestly tell me you believe them? What they are saying is ridiculous. They may know who they are, but didn't you say they were on the front page of the newspaper in Russia to stop those criminals? Seeing you in a mirror is ridiculous!" She exclaimed, hoping the mutt wasn't falling for it.

Loyal nodded, for the first time Éclair was showing how she cared, even if it wasn't outright. "You're right. Now do I know you're not lying? You could be making this up because you know who I am!" She had a point but this whole mess probably could have been avoided if Hans hadn't mentioned knowing them and Medusa.

Hans knew she had a point. He wasn't anticipating meeting them and having things end up like this. "I don't think anyone would want to make this up. I hope we never have to meet again, but if we do, I will explain everything, I promise." He figured it was best to start over another day if they ever met. "Come on Iggy, we better get back and hope Medusa hasn't been spying on us, and uh sorry if you are confused or anything." With that, Hans and Iggy took to the sky without even saying goodbye.

Loyal frowned and flicked her tail, trotting off down the road. "I am confused now. I don't know what to believe anymore. It would make sense considering how many people tried to harm Risa, but why? Why would anyone want to hurt her? Is it because this Medusa believes she is Clarissa like Vincent had thought? I do recall hearing about the whole story -"

Éclair sighed softly and followed behind Loyal and cut her off before she could say anything else. "Don't think or worry about it. I am sure it is nothing and it seemed like they had things under their control. Forget about it and let's simply focus on the rest of exploring Paris!" She wanted to get Loyal's mind away from such silliness.

Loyal knew she was right. It was silly to believe anything they said. A small part of her wanted to believe that Risa was in danger because it made sense, but the other part knew that no matter what she believed, there was no proof nor could Risa understand her. The only thing she could do was hope for the best, which was all they could do.


Sorry it has taken so long. I took a hiatus during April from writing because I was busy and didn't have many ideas for this chapter however I finally decided to finish it. Yes it may be shorter than I wanted but oh well, I didn't want to dilly dally any longer. But now I do and the creative juices are flowing like never before, so expect more updates.

I do hope to have this story done soon and it will be my first ever completed book. Yes I do have major editing to do but that will come much later when I am able to get onto wattpad on my laptop, which would be easier for me to edit. Then I can use my phone to see all the suggestions that were given to me.

Chapter Talk:
I am sure you guys waited long enough to know what really happened that started the whole story off. I figured it was best to wait until now to have it explained, because anywhere else wouldn't have been necessary. I did expand on it a bit more than previously. I answered a lot of the questions on why Nathan did what he did, why Medusa did what she did. I may end up coming back later and expanding on it even more. For right now I am pretty happy with this chapter.

Edit: I expanded more on what happened and added a few extra things in that were questions that was asked in the first two prologues. So, I hope that clarifies a few things.

And lastly, anything else I forgot to ask my pals. I am happy to answer anything!

In closing, all rude, impolite and mean comments will be replied to in a diplomatic way, reported or deleted if I feel like it is attacking me personally.

Thanks for reading!

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