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verb ~ to travel in or through an area to learn about it

Charlie had told me the story of how he and Phoenix met and I felt my heart ache in sorrow for the pair. Both had lost their parents at a young age, Phoenix hadn't even shifted naturally when they passed. Charlie had lost his mind to his wolf and I bet it was a long and tiresome journey for him to be as in control as he is now.

"I still have moments where I lose my crap, especially around the time they passed."

"It was only a couple of weeks ago, right? How did you handle it?" I wondered as we walked back to the house.

He shrugged. "I stayed inside, I have Calida now and as much as she thinks she hates me, she really doesn't. It calms Axel, and it helped a lot."

A light blush tinged his cheeks and I raised my eyebrows. "You 'have' Calida? What does that mean?"

He laughed. "Not what you think it does. I stole one of her t-shirts."

I laughed back at him, shaking my head. "So... you're a thief now?"

He nudged me playfully, causing me to stumble. I looked at him with wide eyes before pushing him back, my hands pushing into his side. He yelped in surprise before his eyes darted to me with determination. He growled before jumping and I squealed, realising I have unleashed unwanted torment. I began to run but he had grabbed me before I could, his arms wrapping around my throat.

I growled at him. "Not fair!"

He chuckled. "No rules were set! I win fair and square."

I grunted as he released me and just as he went to pridefully walk away, I stuck my foot out. He stumbled, catching himself on a nearby broken wall. I grinned innocently at him as he narrowed his eyes.

"If you were not my Luna, you would be so in for it." He grumbled.

I fluttered my eyelashes. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I quickly hurried away, blinding seeking out my twin and Alessea. I found them wandering the tree line, Pollux's hands behind his back as he nodded at whatever she was telling him. I let out a loud breath as I came to step in time with them and Alessea raised her eyebrow at me.

"What happened to your guard?" She wondered.

I almost rolled my eyes at her jab. "My Beta is on his way. I just happened to have a head start."

She pursed her lips, casting a look over my shoulder as she did so. I could hear Charlie grumbling like a child as he made his way through the damp grass. It was overgrown and making his trousers wet, which of course he did not like. When he finally came to stand beside us, his face was set in a scowl.

"Everything okay?" I smiled.

He huffed, crossing his arms. "Peachy."

I snickered and he looked to the other two. His eyes narrowed at Alessea before softening when he looked to Pollux. Pollux raised an eyebrow at him but neither of them said a word.

"So, what do you want to do now?" Alessea asked.

I shrugged, looking to my twin with a questioning gaze. "I dunno."

"Is there anywhere you want to see?"

Where my mother died, I thought but knew it would sound strange so shook my head. I chewed on my lower lip to keep my mouth shut, but Alessea didn't know me well so she didn't know that I was lying. Pollux, however, narrowed his eyes at me but I avoided his gaze.

"Okay then, well we've been here a couple of hours so we can trek back if you'd like. I'm sure you'll be getting hungry, or we can go for a hunt? It's been a while since I've hunted."

I wrinkled my nose up at the thought, but Cel perked up at the possibility of a chase. I shrugged nonchalantly and eventually they all decided a hunt would happen. We walked into the trees and I looked away as Alessea started to strip off her clothes, Pollux has stepped to the side to do the same and I caught Charlie's eye before I gestured to a nearby tree. He nodded once, keeping his back to me as he scanned the surroundings. I appreciated his concern, as I walked to the tree.

Taking off my clothes, I stuffed them into my back before pulling them onto my shoulders. I was quick as I did so, the cold air making me shiver. I called Celimene forwards and with one quick shimmer of warmth, I fell onto four fluffy, warm paws. I barked once and Charlie turned to smile at me. He then began to change himself and we all waited as his body cracked and popped into his wolf's shape.

I yipped at him as he stretched his body, his brown fur bouncing healthily. He claimed he had scars and uneven fur when he was a teenager, but I hardly saw it now. I'm sure if I got close to him, I would see what he meant, but he looked great for a wolf who lost control easily.

Just as I went to move forwards to my twin, I was harshly pulled back. Within a second of being yanked, I stumbled forwards as the bag on my back snapped into my skin. I yelped, spinning around to find Charlie's wolf looking anywhere but me. I growled at him and he barked a laugh, coming to run his tongue over my ear.

Oh, it is on. I growled.

His tongue hung from his mouth as he stared at me. Bring it, Luna.

Celimene felt excited and she snapped at him before launching into his side. It had been a while since she played and so I let her beat up Charlie for me. She had the upper hand a lot, his instinct not feeling brave enough to harm his Luna. A lot of it was her tugging on Axel's ears, paws and tail as he tried to flip and pin us down.

A sharp bark filled the air and my head darted up to see Alessea and Pollux stood to the side of our brawl. Celimene gave one last nibble to Charlie's ear before stumbling from his body. He grumbled, rolling over so he was back on all fours. She flicked her tail happily as she came to stand beside the twin. We couldn't communicate with Alessea in our wolf form but our wolves could understand her language naturally so when she gestured for us to go, we followed.

We ran for a while before Celimene caught onto a mix of scents and began to follow one. The other's turned in sync as we all trailed behind the smell of a family of deer. I was surprised that they were so close to wolf land, their instinct usually drove them away, but I suppose after being uninhabited for so long did not give them the sense of danger.

Spotting the deer in the distance, I dropped to a crouch, my underbelly dragging through the damp grass. I could smell the storm in the air, feel the change in the wind in my wolf form. It was going to snow in a matter of days, perhaps even tonight. There were seven deer busy grazing in the tall unkept grass, a small clearing full of life in the forest.

My ears twitched with their movement; my gaze focused on a female deer. There was a large stag, but Celimene decided she wanted the female. I saw Alessea on the far side of the clearing, Pollux to my left some and Charlie to my right. Once we were at the edge of the trees, we glanced at each other, small whimpers of excitement leaving our throats.

All ran by instinct, we leapt into the clearing, Celimene heading straight for the female. The deer all scampered, shrieks of protest escaping their mouths as the wolves pounced on them. The female we had wanted was smarter and quicker than the others and began to run. Celimene growled with excitement before bunching up and following behind her. We ran through some trees around the clearing, claws scratching at its hind in torment.

She was toying with her prey as it chased around terrified. Eventually, thankfully, she pounced and took its throat into her jaws. She clenched hard, the deer kicking with all its might to survive before she snapped its neck. A small whine escaped the deer that had my chest ache slightly before Celimene huffed in approval.

As she tucked into her dinner, I heard the faint sound of the others eating and a trickle of water nearby. A while later, Celimene was gnawing on a bone when she decided she was done. She stood to her feet, licking her jaws before moving to the sound of running water. A small stream barely three feet wide was in between some trees and she crouched down to have a drink and clean her snout.

Lapping at the water, a crunching of sticks caught my attention. She froze, focusing on the nearby intruder. I half expected it to be Charlie coming to check on me, but when an unfamiliar figure stepped before me, a low growl escaped my throat. The figure paused, cast in shadows and Celimene's hackles raised.

It moved, like a flurry of birds, flowing like water. I came forwards in mind to try and make it out, Celimene growing confused as it moved so strange. It moved like a shadow, a black figure weaving through the trees. It stopped a bit away and turned its dark head to glance at me. My breath caught in my throat as my eyes met theirs. Their whole face was shrouded in darkness except for the eyes; they were a haunting familiar green.


I took a hesitant step forward, eyes hooked onto her own. She was ghostly, enshrouded in darkness, but her arm raised to beckon me forwards. Celimene had fallen quiet, unsure of the situation I found myself following. I walked slowly, watching as she seemed to smile with her eyes before she turned her back to me and drifted forwards.

I kept myself low to the ground, walking slowly as I followed her. My eyes were locked on her figure, afraid if I blinked or looked away she would disappear. My chest heaved with nervous anticipation as we followed her through the undergrowth. She passed through bushes like butter as I leapt over them.

I was confused and wanted to understand what was happening but I found myself unable to think of anything other than to follow her. I don't know how far or long we walked, following the stream until we came to a stop. I paused, my foot halfway from the ground as I waited a few feet behind her. Her face turned to look at me, and she faintly nodded before looking back ahead.

I blinked, stepping forwards to stand beside her. She never moved, merely hovered from the ground, shimmering in her darkness. I turned my eyes from my mother to look ahead at me only to find myself becoming short of breath.

It was the place from my visions. I stood on the far side of the stream, looking through the alcove created by the trees. Their leaves having fallen to winter, most of them looked naked and bare as they circled each other. I swallowed the tension away, flicking my ears around to gauge the situation. No one was here, nothing was happening but a calling in my chest.

I stepped forwards, eyeing the river before doing exactly what I did in the dream. I jumped over it gently, landing on the other side. I glanced at my mother's dark figure to find her still staring at the trees. Inhaling deeply, I continued forwards, my fur brushing against the sharpness of the bushes and lower branches.

My nose twitched as the hauntingly familiar clearing came into view. I paused, standing off to the side as my eyes came face to face with the fallen tree. It was a little off centre, laid to the side of where it had fallen and crushed my mother. I hesitantly sniffed at the ground, finding the deep remains of ash beneath the dirt. It was old and musty, but the smell of wood splinters met my nose; this place had been left alone all these years.

I snorted, blowing the smell away before walking in deeper. Looking up, I found overhanging tree branches looking down at me. It was as though they had been protecting this place; all circled around the one fallen tree. A bitter chill shifted through my fur and I shuddered before looking for the source of it.

The dark figure stood facing away from me, on the far side by the tree. I felt a sudden unease overcome me as it began to shimmer more violently. It moved strangely; its edges and shadows shaking. I remembered my vision and hesitated my next step. In my vision, it had charged at me and I had fallen. Although this time there was no white wolf present...so could that be happening right now?

I held my breath, as the dark shimmering figure darted away in the speed of light and I was left here alone in the eery silence.

Happy new year! Have a chapter to celebrate !
Hope you have had a wonderful end of year and here's to better things coming 🤞

Question of the Day:
If you're gonna celebrate 🎉 and have a meal, what's on your dish?


Finding Luna © 2021 XDeafening_SilenceX on W a t t p a d

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