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noun ~ a memory or scene set earlier than the present

"Find anything interesting?" Charlie asked.

I had made my way back outside to find him standing on guard by the back door. My eyes ran along the burnt and broken porch with distaste, the image of my dying father forever burned into my mind. He noticed my staring and frowned, calling my name.

"Sorry, this is just where..." I rambled, my eyes unable to leave the ground.

"It's okay. I get it." He breathed, coming to stand closer to me. "When my father died, I constantly found myself avoiding the place where he passed."

"You did?" I wondered, finally looking away from the wood.

He nodded with a faint smile. "It wasn't a place that I could avoid much so it meant I had to take the long way around the house often."

I smiled slightly at his half-hearted laugh. "If you don't mind me asking, how did he pass?"

His face fell and he studied my curious one before sighing. "I've never really spoken to anyone about it."

"I'm all ears if you need someone to talk to." I smiled gently.

He chuckled. "If I tell you, that means you are officially as cool as Phoenix now."

I grinned. "I would be honoured to be that cool."

He rolled his eyes before the garden fell tense. I could hear Pollux talking to Alessea around the front of the house as they discussed the fire. When their footsteps crunched on the dirt path I sought out my brother's mind to find him leading her towards the trees and gardens. I blinked back at Charlie, giving him a small smile.

"Okay, I will tell you. Only because I love you that much."


"You love me?" Nova teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Not as much as I love Phoenix."

We laughed as I pulled her away from the burnt wreckage, inhaling deeply. "My father was a Beta, it was only apt that I too got the Beta genes. He...died the day after I shifted. We were out on a hunt, his wolf wanting to teach me the ways of the hunt. My mother had not come with us, being heavily pregnant with my little sister. It was her fourth pregnancy, but I was her only child."

She winced, mumbling an apology for my loss which I shrugged off.

"Nature calls when it is not meant to be, I guess." I frowned. "My story is similar to Phoenix's. As my father and I were hunting, we allowed our wolves to be free. Little did we know what was about to happen back home. There was a border breach, on the opposite side of the pack lands. They managed to get to the packhouse and slaughtered a lot of our wolves. Being mostly wolf, my father became enraged. He ordered me to follow behind him after we heard our Alpha's call...

"The Luna was one of the first die, which lead to the Alpha becoming savage and killing anything in his path. One of those things happened to be my mother."

She inhaled sharply, the sounds of her shaky breath filling the quiet. She was so small beside me, I couldn't help but feel protective of her as she looped her arm through mine.

"The breach had caused her to go into labour, they say caused by the panic." I continued, looking into the trees. "She went to the Alpha for help, but he had lost it by then after feeling the bond break. He pushed her and she fell right over the edge of the upstairs bannister. It was a clean ten feet drop onto the cold tile. She died instantly, and I lost both her and my little sister."

The images of my mother's dead body laying on the floor burned in my mind, her brown eyes open wide with horror. I felt the dread crawl up my spine like it was yesterday, the feeling of the loss so great it crushed me. My wolf had become so distraught, so upset with the horrors...

"Did the Alpha save the pack?" Nova's quiet voice met my ears.

I looked down at her, shaking my head. "He was blinded by the rage. He tore down most of the rogues, but when my father felt my mother die, his wolf wanted revenge. They fought for blood, but being only a Beta, and both with the same cruel intent of revenge, their wolves were an uneven match. My father was killed in the entryway of the packhouse, the fight not even making it outside. He died beside my mother, coincidentally, and I just stood there. I just stood there as the Alpha won and eliminated the rogues. Stood there as they took my mother's body to try and save my sister..."

"You were only young, you couldn't have stopped them from attacking." She tried.

I smiled softly at her but shook my head. "I know I couldn't. The Alpha ran, ditched the pack to be taken over by the rogues. I was one of the few survivors, left to fend for myself, I too ran. My wolf took over, and it was only a matter of time before Phoenix found me. I trespassed his lands."

"Did he give you mercy?" She wondered.

I chuckled and she looked up at me confused. "He was different before he met you. You've softened him."

"I have?" She frowned.

I nodded. "He would kill or torture rogues. But for some reason, he didn't that day."

"What happened?"

"It was two years after my parent's death, although at the time I didn't know that. I had been a wolf for so long, my consciousness barely had time on the surface." I explained. "I had been me this day, my wolf finally allowing me forwards. I found him by a lake. He had been so deep in thought, he looked so pained..."

I felt my mind drift into the flashback, the clarity of the day so vivid in my memory.


I whimpered, my feet dragging across the floor. I was so hungry, it had been days since I have fed. Axel had hunted well but we had been on the move for three days now without stopping. He was stronger than me, mostly in control. I had become feral, only able to come to my senses when he tired himself too much. I didn't know what day it was, or where I was, or how I got here. I have vivid memories of Axel tearing apart anything that got in his way.

I remember the first time he took over and left me in the subconscious. When I had awoken, it was to the sheer terror that he had killed a person. Some hikers had tried to shoot at him and he killed them both. He was always tearing into everything, taking no prisoners and enjoying his hunts. It hurt my heart every time I came too and saw what destruction he left behind. He has killed humans since then, but the most recent was another rogue and I shook that thought away.

I slowed my feet to a stop, looking around my surroundings. My legs were shaky but I could smell a source of water nearby. I huffed, deciding the thirst and hunger was worth the risk of travelling and followed the scent of fresh water and fish.

I grew closer as the minutes went by, my legs too exhausted to carry me any faster. My ears twitched as the sudden appearance of loud breaths caught my ears and I froze behind the nearest hedge. I sniffed, not recognising the wolf to be a rogue, but not recognising his probable pack scent.

I crept closer, keeping my head and belly to the ground as I crept around the hedge. My nose broke round the corner and I came to find the source of the smells. I found the water source, a large blue lake lit up by the early morning sun. At the edge of the lake was a figure, their back hunched over bent knees as they stared into the lake.

I stepped closer, preparing myself for a fight. Axel was exhausted and I wasn't sure if I could compete when I felt so weak. He must've scented me, despite the fact I was upwind because his back tensed and a growl left his throat. I paused, my hackles rising in anticipation.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

My ears twitched as his voice filled the air and I faltered. I couldn't communicate with him; I was stuck in this form.

"I said, what are you doing here?"

My eyes widened when his face turned to look at me over his shoulder. A sharp nose with a firmly set jaw was cascaded in shadows from the unruly hair on his head. But it was the darkness of his eyes that had me come to a complete stop. Pitch black and endless, he met my gaze with an unwavering firmness. He didn't look much older than eighteen, weathered by demons of his own.

When I didn't respond he growled, flashing sharp canines. "Can you shift back?"

I hesitated but shook my head.

"You can understand me at least?"

I nodded, my hackles lowering. Despite his terrifying expression, I didn't feel too threatened.

"Strange for a rogue." He mumbled.

I clenched my jaw, my wolf teeth digging into my gums. He turned around to stand at full height and I took a hesitant step backwards which only made him growl.

"I usually do not speak to rogues who trespass on my land." He began, his voice low. "But I am not feeling a fight today."

He eyed my wolf form, running his eyes along my many tufts of broken skin and fur with distaste. Despite his words he wasn't going to fight me, I still felt on edge.


I growled as his words caused a shudder to run along my spine. His eyes narrowed when the simple command didn't make me shift. His eyes seemed to glow, a low growl escaping as he took a sharp step forwards.

"I said shift."

A pained gasp escaped my snout as my wolf was forced to submit. He growled at being thrown away and I winced as the painstaking snapping of my bones took over. This was the second time I have shifted back to human, the fourth time I have ever shifted in total. The first was when I shifted for the first time, the second was when I went on the hunt. I have been a wolf ever since.

My knees hit the floor and I whimpered as the cold air met my skin. The sun had barely risen in the sky and provided little warmth to my bare skin. I stared at my hands, black with filth. I could feel my hair brush past my shoulders, creating a curtain to block my surroundings.

This Alpha was strong. I could feel it within me, my wolf growling at being forced to submit. My throat was dry, body aching from exhaustion, but I lifted my face to stare up at him. His face was blank as he stared down at me and I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

"What is your name rogue?" He asked slowly.

I licked my lips, my hands shaking as I forced myself to sit more comfortably rather than on all fours. I pushed my weird long hair behind my shoulder and covered my crotch with my hands as I tried to answer him.

"Charlie." My voice croaked, being unused for so long. "Charlie Evans."

"Are you a rogue, Evans?"

I nodded meekly.

"Did you have a pack, Evans?"

I hesitated but nodded again.

"How long have you been rogue?"

I shrugged. "This is the first time I have shifted."

He cocked his head, humming. "You are Beta blood."

I nodded again.

"Tell me why I should not kill you right now."

I froze, the hairs on my arms standing to attention. My wolf wanted out, he wanted his blood, he wanted to kill. The Alpha growled, sensing my shift upcoming and it caused Axel to retreat.

"Your wolf is unruly. I should kill you right now."

I shook my head, keeping my eyes from his face in respect. "Please, don't. I can't..."

He growled and I shut up, grimacing.

"What is the last day you remember?"

"October sixth," I replied, images of my dying mother coming into my mind again.

Axel growled, wanting to take the awful memories away and run again. I pushed him back with no use, he was too strong and stubborn. I felt my claws elongate, my jaw aching as my canines pushed through. But the Alpha held on, he growled at Axel to submit and after a small battle of wits, I was in control again.

I breathed heavily, shaking my head in frustration.

"Year?" The Alpha asked.

I shuddered, a cold breeze blowing past me. "Two thousand seven."

He nodded. "Today is January eighth, two thousand ten."

My eyes widened but I nodded in understanding. I have been gone for over two years. I turned seventeen and never even knew it. I felt sick to my stomach, knowing that so much time has passed and it felt like days. I begrudged my wolf even more than I did before.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was hungry. This is the first time I have had control in months." I mumbled, before risking a look at him. "Why are you out here?"

He had been staring at me until I asked him a question. He looked away, jaw tense as he glared into the trees. I wondered why the lone, young-looking Alpha had been all out here alone, and I hoped my curiousness wouldn't get me killed.

Just when I thought he was going to lash out, his shoulders dropped.

"It's my parent's anniversary. They died three years ago."

The silence met my ears once more, only the gentle swooshing of wind running past me and through the leaves was heard. I swallowed, taking the conversation to add my part. I could tell the Alpha was not one for conversation, and well, it was life or death.

"My parent's died too," I spoke quietly.

His head turned to me and he studied my face with a frown. He seemed to be working something out in his head, for he didn't blink for a solid minute. He studied me harder, blinking from his daze to take in my no doubt disgusting appearance. I was starved and dirty, not much to look at.

"What pack are you from?" He cocked his head.

"Midnight Moon."

His eyes widened and he once again scanned my face. "Your father was Beta Lucas?"

I swallowed harshly and nodded. He hummed, relaxing his face once more. He knew my father so that most likely meant he knew what happened.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I visited your land to help clean up." He grimaced. "I knew a lot of pack members had been killed, I checked the records and found a lot missing. Your name was one of those."

I winced but curiosity caught me. Standard packs didn't just go and do welfare checks or post-war checks. Those were saved for the higher up packs.

I swallowed, staring at this Alpha wolf before me. I had a slight sinking feeling in my stomach as dark eyes glowered down at me. I felt the terror grow as I took in his powerful aura.

"What pack did you say this was?"

"I didn't." He blinked slowly. "I am Alpha Titan, of Blood Moon Pack."

My blood ran cold. I was gonna die today.


Hope you liked the Charlie point of view! There's some big adventure coming!
May even treat you to an extra chapter tomorrow 😉 what do ya think?

Thank you all for 500k reads!

As my last chapter of 2021, I would just like to say thank you. Thank you for sticking by, for reading and making my life seem so exciting! Hopefully bigger things coming in 2022 for my series !

Question of the YEAR;
What are you taking into the new year? Any resolutions, anything you're leaving behind?

wc: 2645

Finding Luna © 2021 XDeafening_SilenceX on W a t t p a d

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