Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

       Zayden had been a lot happier now that Eleanor decided to give him another chance. He was still a very arrogant person, but that wasn't his fault. There was an arrogant gene in almost all of us Princes. But he was trying his best not to be arrogant around Eleanor.

       I could tell it was very hard for him because he was a naturally arrogant person.

       Dad and I were both sitting at the kitchen table; he was working on some paperwork for the dance studio and I was working on my psychology homework.

       "So, did you make up your mind if you're going to join the studio or not?" Dad asked. "Because tomorrow is the last day I can submit the names of the team."

       "I'm not sure I will right now," I said. "There's too much going on."

       Dad furrowed his eyebrows. "Too much going on? The only thing you have going on is school, and it never takes you a long time to work on homework or projects, and you never study for your tests. What's going on?"

       "Nothing," I said.

       "Rhys, come on, you're my son," Dad said. "I can tell when something's going on. You didn't mind stepping in for Zayden for both the solo and duet competitions, and on stage you really seemed to love performing. What's stopping you from doing that even more?"

       I debated whether or not I should tell Dad the real reason why. He was my dad after all and I had always been able to trust him for everything.

       "Well, I...." I began, but I was cut off when Zayden came down the stairs.

       "Dad, I'm going to go hang out with Eleanor," he said.

       "Okay," Dad said. "What time will you be back?"

       "I don't know, around eight, maybe? Is that okay?"

       "Yeah, that's fine," Dad said. "Call me if you're going to be home later than that."

       "Okay, thanks," Zayden said before leaving the house.

       "Does you not wanting to join the studio have something to do with Zayden dating Eleanor?" Dad asked. "Because you like her?"

       "Oh, no," I said. "I don't like her anymore. I thought I did because she was always nice to me, but she's always nice to everyone. Besides, I was the one who got Eleanor to give Zayden another chance because he really likes her."

       "Then, why don't you want to join?" Dad asked.

       Once again, I was about to tell him, but then his cell phone rang.

       I think it was the universe's sign for me to keep the reason I didn't want to join to myself.

       Dad looked at the caller id before answering it. "Hello, dear brother? To what do I owe this pleasure?....Nolan, come on, you know me. I never answer the phone with a simple 'hello'. That's boring. Seriously, what's up?....Yeah, sure, he can come over....Wow, one month grounding? That's a lot. What did he do? Eat your ice cream?....Wait, what?....Uh, no, you're not being too harsh. If I caught one of my sons doing that, I would probably ground them for a month as well. Mae would probably want it to be longer though."

       I wonder what Kingsley did to make Nolan ground him for a month. It must have been bad, considering Nolan rarely got mad at any of his children and they had probably been grounded less than three times.

       "What did Jerome say?....Seriously? He was going to let it slide? Then again, this is Jerome we're talking about....No, I already told you, you're not being too harsh. He could have done it plenty of times before you caught him....Nolan, seriously, you're not being too harsh. Jerome isn't being harsh enough....Okay, I'll see you."

       "What did Kingsley do?" I asked as Dad hung up.

       "Something that would cause his dad to lose trust in him so for a month, Kingsley has to come over every time his dads go out," Dad said. "So....You won't join the studio because...."

       I sighed. "Because there's a girl I like that I don't want to like and if I join the team I'm going to have to spend even more time with her and I don't want to because I just can't like her."

       Dad raised an eyebrow. "So you won't join the studio just because you like Echo?"

       "I....I didn't say it was Echo."

       "You didn't have to," Dad said. "She's the only girl you ever talk to that's on D.A.N.C.E, and you did the duet with her. I'm not an idiot. I can put two and two together. I just don't get why you don't want to like her."

       "Because Zayden liked her first," I said.

       "So? You liked Eleanor first and that didn't stop him. Forget the bro-code."

       I sighed. "I't just complicated."

       "Whatever you say," Dad said. "Look, I'm not saying you have to ask her out or whatever, but....You can't let your feelings stop you from doing something you really want to do. How about I put your name on the list anyway just in case you decide to join later on? You don't have to join now, but you might actually want to after I send the list in."

       "Okay," I said. "That works."

       There was a knock on the door, so Dad got up to answer it. It was Nolan and Kingsley, and Kingsley did not seem happy.

       "Dad, seriously, you're overreacting," Kingsley said. "A month not being able to go out anywhere except for dance related things or use any electronics? That's not fair."

       "It is completely fair and if you keep whining, I'll extend it," Nolan said. "Now go work on your homework or something."

       Kingsley just scowled as he walked over to the table and sat down across from me. He had his backpack with him, so he opened it and took out his psychology homework.

       "So, what did you do that's so bad?" I asked.

       Kingsley sighed. "My dad caught me smoking pot in my bedroom."

       I raised an eyebrow. "And you think he's overreacting?"

       "Thanks for being supportive," Kingsley said sarcastically.

       "What?" I asked. "It's illegal, and you're only sixteen. Why were you doing it anyway?"

       "What is this, an interrogation?"

       "I'm just asking."

       "Well, if you keep asking, I'll do something you regret."

       "Are you threatening me?"


       "Not working. You'll never hurt me."

       "Hey, Uncle Ryder?!" Kingsley called. "Rhys has a crush on Echo!"

       "I'm aware of that!" Dad called back.

       "Wow, thanks for throwing me under the bus," I said. "Seriously, I just ask a simple question."

       "Well, I'm not in the mood for a simple question," Kingsley muttered.

       Someone was cranky for once.

       Dad walked back into the kitchen and sat back down at the table. "Uncle Ryder, can you please tell Dad he's overreacting?" Kingsley asked. "Even Papa thinks he is."

       "He's not overreacting," Dad said. "If anything, your papa is taking it too lightly. What you did is illegal."

       "So is drinking underage, but I'm sure Dad and Papa did all the time," Kingsley said.

       "Your dad didn't," Dad said. "Look, I'm sure if you actually listen and follow the rules of your grounding, and not do it again, your dad will lift your punishment. But until then, be prepared not to do anything for a month."

       "Great," Kingsley muttered.


RIP Kingsley.

Omg, my wifi is such a snake. It's been down for a while and it's still down and all I want to do is post this chapter smh.

Okay it's up now so I'm going to post this before it shuts down again.

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