Chapter 12

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From now on whenever there's French, I'll write translations in the inline comments so you can get a translation right away instead of waiting to look at the AN.

Chapter 12

       "So, I say we have a game night Friday," Gray said during lunch with all of us, except Zayden, sitting at the table. Zayden and Eleanor were sitting at their own table since there wasn't enough room for her to join us now that Octave was here.

       Not that she would anyway. We were too crazy at lunch time and had a lot of inside jokes.

       "Like, board games?" Liberty asked.

       "Ew, no, gross," Gray said. "Video games."

       Kingsley just groaned and rested his head on the table. "Count me out."

       "What? Why?" Gray asked.

       "He's grounded for a month," Liberty said. "And Cerise for a week."

       I looked over at Cerise. "What did you do?"

       Cerise sighed. "I knew what Kingsley was doing and I tried covering it up for him."

       "Yeah, and because of Kingsley, our dads are mad at each other," Makenna said, glaring at Kingsley.

       "Come on, that's not his fault," Cerise said. "They're just disagreeing about his punishment, that's all. They'll get over it soon."

       Liberty snorted. "Yeah, right. You're only saying it's not his fault because you'd do anything to keep you out of trouble."

        "That's not....okay, that is true," Cerise said. "But it isn't Kingsley's fault Dad and Papa are arguing. Like I said, they're disagreeing about his punishment. There's nothing wrong with that."

       "Yeah, once Zayden came home around midnight without saying where he was and my parents disagreed on how to punish him," I said.

       "Yeah?" Makenna asked. "Because Dad made Papa sleep on the couch, all because Kingsley was an idiot."

       "Okay, I get it," Kingsley snapped. "You don't have to keep saying it's my fault. I made a mistake, so get over it. You're not perfect children either," he looked at Makenna, "Miss I Never Tell Dads Where I'm Going," he looked at Liberty, "and Miss I Don't Know What it Means to Pass a Class."

       "At least we don't smoke pot," Makenna shot back.

       "At least I don't blame people for someone else's problems," Kingsley said. "And at least I'm not doing drugs or drinking."

       "Yes, because weed is so much better," Makenna said sarcastically.

       "Can we please just stop arguing?" Cerise asked. "Seriously, Kingsley isn't the only one to do something bad, and it's not like he's the only teenager to do it. Just leave him alone."

       "At least someone's on my side," Kingsley muttered.

       "Uh, I am too," I said. "I don't agree with it, but it isn't your fault your dads are arguing about it. Like I said, my parents disagree all the time about punishments. And yes, my mom has made my dad sleep on the couch before."

       "But our dads never argue," Makenna said. "And now because of Kingsley, they are."

       "Oh, relax," Gray said. "If they're arguing about punishments, it's not Kingsley's fault. It's the way they parent."

       "Exactly," Cerise said. "Dad thinks Kingsley should be punished for a month, and Papa thinks Kingsley shouldn't be punished at all."

       "And you think it's Kingsley's fault they're arguing?" Lilac asked. 

       "They wouldn't be arguing if he wasn't smoking pot in the house," Makenna said.

       "No, they wouldn't be arguing if Jerome thinks Kingsley should get away with it," Magnolia said. "Seriously, you can't blame Kingsley for something a lot of teenagers do. Gray has done it before and he didn't get away with it."

        "Exactly," Gray said. "Hey, wait, don't tell them I did that."

       "Too late," Magnolia said. "Look, this is Nolan and Jerome we're talking about. They'll get over it once Jerome realizes he'll be sleeping on the couch and not with Nolan if he continues being an idiot."

        "Okay, seriously, can we stop talking about this," Kingsley said. "I already had to heard Dads arguing. I don't want to hear everyone else argue about it. I made a mistake, I'm done with it. Geez."

       "So....No to the game night?" Gray asked.

       "We can if it's not video games," Cerise said. "Board games and other games like that are actually quite fun, and we could get a lot of food and drinks. But we'll probably have to have it at our house because Dad said Kingsley and I can't go out anywhere."

       "I'm down with that," Gray said. "Your house is a lot bigger anyway, and there's a pool for me to push Nolie in."

       "What?" Magnolia asked.


       Magnolia just glared at Gray before continuing eating her lunch.

       "Someone ask Zayden if he's interested in the game night," Gray said.

       "I'll text him," I said, grabbing my phone, but Kingsley had other ideas.

       He stood up and faced the table Zayden was at, which was almost on the other side of the cafeteria. "Hey, Zayden!" he called and Zayden looked over. "Vendredi! Nuit de jeu avec la famille! Oui ou non?!"

       "Peut-Eleanor venir?!"

       Kingsley looked at us. "Can Eleanor come? Yay or nay?"

       We were all fine with it, but Zayden was going to have to warn her that it was going to get crazy.

       "Si elle veut venir!"

       "Okay! I will!"

       Kingsley sat down at the table. "And my dad thinks I can't get along just fine without my phone."

       "Uh, I could have texted him," I said.

       "Too late, I already asked him," Kingsley said. "Hey, you know who you should invite?"

       "No one," I said quickly. "I shouldn't invite anyone because I don't talk to anyone outside of my family. No one at all."


       I just glared at him. Seriously, one day, he was going to tell everyone that I liked Echo. Or even tell Echo himself.

       I wouldn't talk to him ever again if that happened.

       Surprisingly, no one question who Kingsley was suggesting I invite to the game night. Usually, everyone always insisted on knowing who everyone's crush was.

       Though, it was probably because I was rarely a target of being bugged because Kingsley stated that I "was too nice to be bugged." Same with Cerise.

       When lunch ended, some of us headed to our next class and some of us went to our lockers depending on what our class was and if we needed anything. Kingsley and I needed our notebooks, so we headed to our lockers.

       "Ooh, look who's at her locker," Kingsley said, gesturing to the locker beside Makenna's, aka the last one to end the Prince-Roy chain.

       Echo's last name just had to come right after Prince. Stupid Proctor.

       "Hey, you know what I'm going to do?" Kingsley asked and before I could even ask, Kingsley looked at Echo. "Hey, Echo."

       Echo looked over and smiled. "Hey."

       "So, my family is having a huge game night on Friday," Kingsley said. "And by my family I mean me, Rhys, Zayden, Gray, Magnolia, Lilac, Cerise, Makenna, Liberty, and my uncle Octave. You should join us."

       Echo furrowed her eyebrows. "But wouldn't that defeat the purpose of a family game night?"

       "Oh, no, not at all," Kingsley said. "Eleanor is coming too, so that would make eleven. And we don't want her to be the only non-Prince slash Roy, and with her coming there would be eleven people. Twelve would be a better number."

       "I don't know," Echo said. "I don't want to impose."

       "Uh, you're not imposing if we're inviting you," Kingsley said. "Come on, Rhys wants you there and you owe him."

       "What?" I asked.

       Kingsley may be my best friend, but some times, I just wanted to kill him.

       "Yeah, she owes you for dancing with her at the duet competition," Kingsley said.

       "No, she doesn't owe me anything," I said.

       "Shut up, you don't know anything," Kingsley said before looking back at Echo. "Are you going to let the son of the D.A.N.C.E's owner down? He can get you kicked off the team."

       "Would you stop saying things like that?" I asked. "Just ignore Kingsley, Echo."

       "Rhys, shush," Kingsley said.

       Echo laughed slightly. "Alright, I'll come. I have nothing else to do on Friday night anyway, and knowing you, you wouldn't stop asking until I came."

       "That is true," Kingsley said. "Unfortunately, I am currently grounded at the moment and cannot use my cellular device, so Rhys here will text you the information when we have it all planned."

       "Well, then I can't wait," Echo said before grabbing what she needed out of her locker, then closing it. "I'll see you later, Rhys." Kingsley cleared his throat. "And Kingsley."

       When she walked off, I said, "I hate you."

       "Nah, you love me," Kingsley said.


Kingsley is a love guru. It is settled decided and no one can convince me otherwise. (i say that as if it isn't my own book lol)

Okay, I'm really loving Cerise here. <3 She gets along with Kingsley a lot more than her own twin sister, and she's always looking out for Kingsley and trying to get him out of trouble. She's so sweet. (no wonder why i adopted her lol)

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