Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

       Since I lived right beside Kingsley, I got there early before the family game night to help get the snacks ready. We had no idea what games we were going to play since Gray insisted he would be the one to choose the game.

       I was certain I knew what game he was going to choose since he loved started fights during family game night.

       Since Kingsley wasn't allowed to go out, even to a grocery store, he gave me the money to buy some food. After school, Zayden and I went to the grocery store, then he dropped me off at Kingsley's house so he could go pick up Eleanor.

       When I got there, Kingsley was already in the kitchen. I brought the food over and set them on the counter. "If you didn't get jalapeno chips, I am going to be extremely disappointed," Kingsley said.

       "Uh, of course I got it," I said. "You think I was going to forget after you kept reminding me every ten minutes?"

       "I was just being cautious," Kingsley said. "That's the only thing I care for. Oh, and the whipped cream because we're going to be making milkshakes and it's impossible to have milkshakes without whipped cream."

       "What game will you all be playing?" Nolan asked. He was sitting at a small table with his laptop, probably writing a book or something.

       "We don't know yet," Kingsley said. "Gray said he's choosing since it was his idea for the game night."

       Things went silent for a bit before Kingsley started talking again.

       "Hey, Dad?" Kingsley asked.


       "Is it my fault you and Papa are mad at each other?" Kingsley asked.

       Nolan looked up from his laptop and at Kingsley. "Why would you think that?"

       "Because you two haven't been talking to each other, and you're making him sleep on the couch," Kingsley said. "And Makenna and Liberty say it's my fault."

       "We're not mad at each other," Nolan said. "We're a disagreement."

       "You don't have to lie," Kingsley said. "We all know you're mad at each other."

       Nolan sighed. "Look, whatever we're mad about, it's not your fault. Sure, it may be because of your punishment, but it isn't your fault. I just don't get why he thinks you should get away with it."

       "Speaking of my punishment," Kingsley said. "I know you said I can't use any electronics, but would it be okay if I film just one video explaining why I won't be posting for a month? That's really going to suck not posting for a month...."

       Nolan was silent for a bit before speaking up. "Okay, here's what we'll do. VidGalore technically is your job since you do make money off of it, so you can make an update video and you can continue posting only songs, and you have to edit the videos in the living room. But you have to promise that you won't smoke again, okay?"

       Kingsley nodded and smiled before giving his dad a hug. "Thank you," he said. "You're the best dad ever. Don't tell Papa."

       "Uh, you're the one who tells him that," Nolan said. 

       "That's because it's quite rude that one of your biological daughters likes him more," Kingsley said. "That's what I like about being adopted. It's not hard to choose who I like more since neither of you made me....Will you and Papa be okay, though?"

       "We'll see," Nolan said.

       Everyone started showing up around five. Since we were going to have a lot of food, we decided it could also be our dinner, and Gray was going to pick up pizza before he and Magnolia showed up.

       And of course, when Echo showed up, Kingsley started wiggling his eyebrows towards me, which made me glare at him.

       "Oh, thank goodness," Eleanor said when Echo showed up. "I'm not the only non Prince or Roy here."

       "Exactly why I invited her," Kingsley said. "And for other reasons that I will not disclose."

       "You mean there now being twelve people with her here?" I asked.

       "Yeah, sure," Kingsley said. "Anyway, Eleanor and Echo, this is my dad." He gestured towards Nolan. "He'll be supervising."

       "Not really," Nolan said. "I was already sitting here when you got home, and I'm too lazy to go upstairs."

       Gray and Magnolia were the last ones to show up. By that time, we had already set up all the food on the counter.

       "So, the first game we're playing requires partners," Gray said. "You know, since twelve is too much. And since I'm the host, I get to pick the pairs."

       "Whoa, how come you're the host?" Kingsley asked. "This is my house and I paid for all the food."

       "Yes, but it was my idea for the game night, and I brought the game," Gray said. "And let's face it, I'm the best looking one here."

       "Uh, excuse you, but I am the best looking one here," Kingsley said. "My biological parents were models."


       "No, it's true," Nolan said. "They were. Ruth told us."

       "Nolan, come on, you're my brother," Gray said. "Side with me on this."

       "Sorry, but he's obviously going to be siding with his son," Kingsley said. "He has a lot of brothers but only one son."

       Magnolia sighed. "Can you two just stop arguing? Gray can pick the teams, but he isn't the host. There is no host."

       "Good," Kingsley said.

       "Whatever," Gray said. "So teams....We'll have me and Magnolia. Zayden and Eleanor. Kingsley and Rhys."

       "What? No, I want to be with my favourite uncle, who isn't you, by the way," Kingsley said. "I want to be with Uncle Octave."

       "Then who will Rhys be with?" Gray asked.

       "Echo," Kingsley said. "He'll be with Echo."

       I hated Kingsley.

       "Fine," Gray said. "Rhys and Echo. Kingsley and Octave. Cerise and Lilac. Makenna and Liberty. And now for the game."

       Gray pulled a board game out of a black cloth bag and most of us groaned when we sat what it was.

       I knew he was going to choose Monopoly.

       "Are you trying to start a war?" Liberty asked.

       "Yes, that's the whole point of family game night," Gray said as he placed it on the coffee table to set it up. The real argument was going to be deciding who got which piece.

       While the game was being set up, the door opened and Jerome walked inside. After taking off his shoes, he headed towards the kitchen, only to stop when he saw the game being set up. "Wow, Nolan," he said. "I'm surprised you're letting Kingsley and Cerise play."

       "It's a board game," Nolan said, his eyes staying on his laptop. "Anyone with a brain would know that it does not fall under the electronics category."

       "Are you saying I don't have a brain?" Jerome asked.

       "That's a pretty high possibility," Nolan said.

       "Whatever," Jerome said before walking to the fridge.

       "So, how are we going to decide who gets to choose their piece?" Magnolia asked.

       "Let Eleanor choose first," Zayden said. "She is a guest, after all."

       "You're only saying that because she's your partner," Kingsley said. "If we're playing that way, then Octave should choose since he's new to Miami."

       Everyone soon started arguing about who gets to pick their piece first, so Echo leaned over. "Are game nights always like this?" she asked.

       "Oh, yeah," I said. "This is natural."

       "Well, I can see that with a family this big," Echo said. "I am confused how you're all related though. There's way too many people to remember."

       "Yeah, there is," I said. "So, my dad has nine siblings. Gray, Magnolia, Lilac, and Nolan are my dad's siblings, and Octave is my mom and Kingsley's other dad's half-brother. They're step-siblings and their parents had a baby together."

       "Ah, got it," Echo said. "So....Your dad said you're most likely not joining the studio."

       "Yeah...." I said slowly.

       "Aww, okay," Echo said, and I heard some disappointment in her voice. "I was kind of hoping you would. You're an amazing dancer and I was hoping we could dance together even more, not just once."

       Don't do it, Rhys. Don't do it.

       "If you don't want to, I'm not going to force you," Echo said. "But are you sure you don't want to?"

       Don't do it, Rhys, just say you don't want to.

       "O-okay," I said.


       "Okay, what?" Echo asked.

       "I'll join the studio," I said. 

       "Really?" Echo asked with a smile and I nodded. "You won't regret it, trust me. D.A.N.C.E is amazing. But you already know that since you sit in the practices. You just didn't participate. And you've watched us compete so you do know how amazing that is. And your dad is the head of the studio....What was I saying?"

       I just smiled back at her, but I didn't say anything because the argument between everyone else seemed to die down. Well, mainly because Kingsley saying, "Okay, okay! I'll settle this." He then turned to Nolan. "Hey, Dad? Can you help us?"

       "With what?" Nolan asked.

       "Deciding who gets to pick their piece first," Kingsley said.

       "Why are you getting him to help?" Jerome asked. "He'll probably end up grounding you if you choose the piece he doesn't want you to choose, and then make you sleep on the couch."

       "Why are you the one so mad about the punishment I gave him?" Nolan asked.

       "A month of no electronics, no going outside, nothing?" Jerome asked. "You really think that's fair on him? You're being too strict."

       "Not according to Mae and Ryder," Nolan said.

       "Yes, because they're such perfect parents," Jerome said sarcastically. 

       Kingsley said. "Can you two please just make up already? It's annoying hearing you argue all the time. Papa, I'm completely fine with being grounded for a month. Dad's right about it. I was being an idiot, I made a mistake, and I have to own up to it. He's at least letting me post an update video on VidGalore, and he said the only videos I can post are songs."

       "You didn't seem okay with it last week when he grounded you," Jerome said.

       "Uh, because when he grounded me, I was still high," Kingsley said. "Seriously, Papa. Get over it and apologize to Dad so you don't have to sleep on the couch. Though, I don't know why you did since we have a guest bedroom."

       "No, they could get over it later," Gray said. "Right now, us finding out who will get to choose their piece first is more important."

       "More important than your brother's marriage?" Zayden asked.

       "Uh, it's not like they're going to get divorced or anything," Gray said. "Seriously, this game is important and we need to decide who gets to choose which piece."

       "Just put the pieces in a hat and have someone from each pair choose," Nolan said.

       "But how will we decide who gets to choose from the hat first?" Gray asked.

       Nolan sighed. "You are thinking too much about this. I don't know how else you'll pick."

       "I do," Jerome said. "Rhys, who's your partner?"

       "Echo," I said.

       "You two get to pick first since I noticed you weren't arguing," Jerome said.

       "That's how you're going to decide?" Kingsley asked.

       "Yes," Jerome said. "It's either that or argue for another half hour and never start the game, so Rhys and Echo get to choose first."

       No one else argued to that, so I told Echo she could choose the piece, and she chose the battleship.

      Jerome kept choosing like that until each pair got their piece. Then we rolled the dice to see who got to go first.

       We should have just rolled the dice to choose who got to pick their piece first.

       "Now that it's settled...." Kingsley said before looking at Jerome. "Can you and Dad please go talk it out? We don't like seeing you mad at each other."

       Jerome looked at Nolan and gestured for them to head into the dining room. Nolan closed his laptop then followed his husband to the dining room so they could talk out why they were mad at each other.

       We started the game of Monopoly after we each got a plastic plate and filled it with food, but the game didn't last that one. Echo and I ended up getting the best property, which many people didn't like because they knew we were never going to trade it. Well, a few turns later, we ended up getting the other one, so everyone pretty much claimed the game over.

       Even though no one went bankrupt and none of us even started building on our properties. 

       I didn't mind ending the game early. I knew if we kept going, it was just going to get a lot worse. I still didn't know why Gray ended up thinking it was a good idea to bring the game. Or why he wanted to start a feud.

       A few feuds did end up breaking out for other games we played but in the end, it was a great night. 

       Except for Kingsley always finding a way for me and Echo to be paired up or on the same team.

       Echo and I walked out of the house together since we were both one of the first people ready to leave. I just wanted to lay in my bed and be lazy, and she said he parents didn't want her out too late.

       "I had fun today with your family," Echo said. "You know, minus the arguing."

       "Yeah, I got used to the arguing," I said. "So....I guess I'll see you tomorrow at the dance practice."

       Echo smiled softly. "Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow." After she got in her car and drove off, I went inside my house.

       "So, how was the game night?" Dad asked.

       "The same as always," I said. "A lot of arguing. Uncle Gray decided it was a good idea for us to play Monopoly."

       "Of course he did," Dad said. "Who won?"

       "No one," I said. "Echo and I got both Park Place and Boardwalk so everyone quit."

       Dad raised his eyebrows. "Oh, Echo. Did you invite her?"

       "No, Kingsley did," I said. "He has this insane idea that I like her."

       "Uh, because you do, and you even told me," Dad said.

       "No, I don't recall," I said before going up the stairs. Dad just chuckled in reply.

       When I got to my bedroom, I flopped down on my bed and pulled out my cell phone to watch a bunch of random videos because I was now bored.

       Zayden had to drop Eleanor off at her house and as soon as he came home, he knocked on my bedroom door and opened it. "Hey," he said. 

       "Hey," I said. "Can I help you or are you here to steal my hidden snacks?"

       Zayden snorted. "No. I have my own in my room. I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine with you asking Echo out."

       I sat up on my bed. "Huh?"

       "Yeah, Kingsley isn't the best at keeping secrets," he said. "He got mad at me after you and Echo left. He actually pulled me aside and said that the only reason you're not asking her out is because you'd never stab me in the back."

       I sighed. "You liked her first."

       "So?" Zayden asked. "I don't like her anymore and I'm very happy with Eleanor. "I don't even think I liked her. I just liked the way she argued with me, but you....You two get along so well. She's one of the few people you talk to, and I can't even deny the chemistry that was there when you two did the duet."

       Zayden was right. The chemistry was there. It was fully there.

       "So....are you going to ask her out?" Zayden asked.

       "I don't know," I said. 

       "Well, you should decide soon because you know what's coming up?" he asked. "The homecoming dance. That would be the perfect time to ask her out."

       "Like I said, I don't know if I will," I said. "I'm never fully comfortable around people and even if I like her, I might not even be fully comfortable around her."

       "It didn't look that way tonight, and it definitely didn't look that way during the duet competition," Zayden said before leaving my bedroom, closing the door behind him.

       I sighed and laid down on my bed. I had no idea what to do.


Like always, I was getting distracted so easily. (it doesnt help that i have cramps omg help) 

Okay, I think it's safe (and obvious) for me to say who my ship is for the book. I wanted to have a tiny bit of controversy at the beginning, which was why Rhys liked Eleanor, and Zayden liked Echo. BUT RHYS AND ECHO FOR THE WIN YUS.


(snakesak sssssssss)

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