Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

       Dad was really happy that I told him I decided to join the studio. I still didn't know why I decided to.

       Oh yeah. It was because I had no idea how to say no to Echo. She was just way too persuasive.

       Even though all she did was ask if I was sure I didn't want to join the studio....

       Echo was already there when Zayden and I showed up, and she gave me a smile and a wave. I smiled back, and when Echo wasn't looking, Zayden nudged my side. "She totally likes you," he said.

       I just glared at him before putting my things in one of the empty lockers. At least Zayden wasn't mad that I liked Echo, and even tried encouraging me to ask her out. Not that I would, but it was nice to know he wouldn't be mad at me if I ever did.

       Dad came in just then and everyone looked at him. "So, for those who don't know, Rhys has officially joined the dance team," he said. "Perfect timing for the state competition. And speaking of, we're going to start working on the different dances. There's the male solo, female solo, group dance, and the duet."

       "Who's doing what?" Kingsley asked. 

       "Well, since everyone did so good with what they did at the sectional competitions, I thought it would be the same," Dad said. "The same female solo, male solo, group dance, and duet. Oh, and to clarify, the duet would be Rhys and Echo since Rhys was the one to perform."

       I silently sighed. Of course it was.

       "And they've changed it so for the semi-finals and finals, there can be eight to ten dancers," Dad said. "There has always been complications in the past, so they thought it would be better that you don't need an exact number, so Rhys will always be able to dance in the semi-finals and finals if we make it that far."

       "Uh, when, not if," Zayden said.

       "Yeah, when, not if," Dad said. "We're really hoping to go to Nationals this year, since D.A.N.C.E hasn't gone in a while, so we're going to try our best, right?"

       Everyone agreed.

       "Great," Dad said. "We'll start choreo for the semi-final and final dances, so for today, work with what you're in."

       I swear he was making me do the duet with Echo because he knew I had a crush on her.

       Well, and we did place first in the duet competition, so that was another reason.

       Echo and I decided to work in one of the smaller studios and once we got there, we sat down trying to decide what song we were going to dance to. 

       "I'm really glad you decided to join," Echo said with a smile. "And we get to do another duet together."

       I smiled softly. "I'm happy too." No matter how much I didn't want to like Echo, I actually was happy I did get to do another duet with her. The chemistry was there and I couldn't deny it.

       It didn't take us long with decide on a song and we soon began throwing around ideas. Our dance was going to be about a couple in a toxic relationship, but they couldn't stay away from each other no matter how hard they tried.

       Like how I couldn't stay away from Echo no matter how hard I tried.

       Our ideas were going so well with each other, and it wasn't taking long for us to make choreography. It was rough choreography and we might end up changing it in the future, but it was still pretty good for the first day.

       Before I knew it, dance practice was over, so Echo and I headed back to the main studio so we could get our things.

       When we got there, I saw Kingsley and Zayden standing by each other. Kingsley was making a heart shape with his hands, and Zayden mouthed, "Ask her out."

       Not happening, but....

       "Hey, Echo?" I asked.

       "Yeah?" Echo asked, looking at me.

       "Are you planning on going to the homecoming dance?" I asked.

       "Yeah, why?" Echo asked.

       "Kingsley and Zayden are trying to force me to go, but Zayden will be with Eleanor and Kingsley....Well, I'm not sure if he'll be allowed to go," I said. "If I do, I just want to know if I'll see some other people I talk to there."

       "Well, if you do go, I'd love to hang out with you then," Echo said with a small smile before grabbing her bag, then closing the locker. "I'll see you Monday."

       "See you," I said.

       As soon as she walked away, Kingsley and Zayden walked over. "Did you ask her out?" Kingsley asked.

       "No," I said.

       "Lame," Zayden said.

       "Come on, Zayden is giving you permission to do so," Kingsley said. "You said that was the only reason why you weren't asking her out."

       "That's not the only reason," I said. "Come on, you guys know me. I'm never fully comfortable around people."

       "You are around me," Kingsley said. "And Zayden. And Echo."

       "Yeah, I told you, it didn't look that way during the duet," Zayden said. "You know the chemistry is there and you'll never be able to deny it."

       "Can we just go home now?" I asked. "I'm hungry."

       "Fine, fine, but you will ask her out soon," Zayden said.

       They were never going to let this go.

       Zayden and I left the dance studio and got into our car. He thankfully didn't say anything else about Echo, but I knew it wasn't going to be long before he brought her up again.

       As soon as Zayden pulled into the driveway, we saw a car parked there as well. Looks like someone was here for a visit.

       We got out of the car and headed into the house, where Mom and Willow were in the living room with Grandma and Grandpa --Dad's parents, that is.

      "Oh, finally, my grandchildren are here," Grandpa said before getting up and giving both of us a hug. "How are you?"

       "Horrible," Zayden said. "Rhys is ruining my ship."

       I sighed. And there it was.

       "What ship?" Grandpa asked. "Flower, you here that? There's a new ship."

       "Ooh, a new ship?" Grandma asked. "Who is it?"

       Our family was a bunch of fangirls.

       "Remember how I liked a girl named Echo?" Zayden asked.

       "Ooh, are you dating her now?" Grandma asked.

       "Nope," Zayden said. "I'm over her and I have a different girlfriend, but Rhys is totally in love with her and refuses to ask her out."

       I glared at Zayden. "I am not in love with her."

       "But you like her and you refuse to ask her out," Zayden said. "So you're ruining my ship."

       "I'm not asking her out," I said. "Get over it."


       Dad shortly came home, and smiled when he saw his parents. "Hey, Mom and Dad," he said. "What are you doing here?"

       "Surprise visit," Grandpa said. "Perfect timing, because we have a new ship. Well, ships. Zayden, what's your girlfriend's name?"

       "Eleanor," Zayden said.

       "Zaydeleanor," Grandma said. "I like that."

       "Are you two every going to stop fangirling?" Dad asked.

       "Nope," Grandma said. "At least we're not as bad as my dad. Just wait until he finds out that Zayden has a girlfriend and Rhys likes someone."

       I sighed. "I'm never going to hear the end of this, am I?"

       "Nope," Zayden said. "But if you ask her out...."

       "Oh, would you look at the time?" I said. "It's time for me to hide in the kitchen and eat a lot of food. I'll come back once everyone stops talking about me."

        They were never going to stop.


I'm a snake ssssssss.

Aww, but Grayson and Poppy are grandparents and not dead. :D Omg, I still can't imagine them being so old. I still remember writing about Grayson and Poppy in high school....The memories.

I still have their fourth book planned, but since I have a lot of Protector books, I have no idea when it's going to actually be posted. cx Because now Jerlan is going to eventually get a third book and they're my OTP.

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