Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

       I felt a lot more nervous for this final round in the state competition than I did for the duet round, if that was even possible. I felt a lot more pressure for the duet round because D.A.N.C.E never made it passed that round, but for some reason, I was a lot more nervous now.

       The final round had already started, but D.A.N.C.E was going last so we had a lot of time to get prepare to perform. On the bright side, I wasn't going on the stage right away. I was going to be off for the first verse, the first chorus, and the second verse before going on, so I would see everyone on stage and maybe that would calm my nerves a bit.

       Right now, I was attempting to put the contacts in since we decided I wouldn't wear my glasses so everyone would think there was two Zaydens. Yesterday, a lot of people were talking about the duet saying how Zayden did such a good job, so they didn't even think he had a twin brother.

      I didn't care that people thought it was him and not me. They were going to realize afterwards that it wasn't him anyway.

       "I really hate wearing contacts," I said, still trying to get them in.

       "Do you wear them regularly?" Echo asked.

       "Nope," I said. "The only reason I got contacts in the first place was so I could pretend to be Zayden. We switch places all the time." Dad was standing nearby and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Don't give me that look. You know we do."

       "Have you ever switched places during school?" Dad asked.

       "Don't answer that, Rhys," Zayden said.

       "Why? Because you have?" Dad asked.

       "Whaaaat? No," I said. "Definitely not. I mean, why would we? There's no point."

       Zayden punched my arm. "I told you not to answer."

       "It's not my fault he asked me a direct question," I said. "I can't lie. Now leave me alone so I can concentrate on getting these stupid contacts in."

       I was able to right before it was our turn to perform our dance. Our dance was sort of like a 1950's theme. The girls were wearing a polka-dot 50's styles dress each in a different colour; red, yellow, green, and blue. The guys were wearing black jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacked.

       At first, each guy was going to wear a colored shirt the matched their partner, but then Zayden and I would both have to wear red and when we were both on stage, the colours looked a bit off.

       When D.A.N.C.E were called onto the stage, they all went on in their starting position, frozen in any pose they chose. It wasn't until the singing came that they had a tiny bit of movement, then the guys were in the front row and the girls were in the back.

       At the chorus, it switched so the girls were in the front and the guys were in the back. The chorus ended, so Zayden and Echo exited stage right, and Kingsley and Calliope exited stage left.

       "You ready?" Echo asked me, and I nodded. I still was nervous, but I was just thinking about the bright side; Echo and I were going to be doing partner work right away.

       It didn't take long for it to be time for us to go onto the stage for the partner work section for the second chorus. My nerves immediately washed away dancing with Echo. I knew I wasn't going to for the whole dance, but at least I wasn't feeling too nervous right now. 

       We all froze in a pose right before the guitar solo, and that was when Zayden, being Zayden, flipped onto the stage, front and center. 

       Like we guessed, that got a lot of cheering once people saw two look-alikes on the stage, especially since Zayden was huge in the dance world.

       After two counts of eight, Kingsley and I joined in, and then the other dancers did two by two. This was my first time performing with the whole team, and I was really enjoying it. There was a tiny bit of nerves, but not enough to make me mess up or forget any moves.

       When the dance ended, we got a standing ovation, even by some of the judges. I was feeling really confident about this.

       We all got off the stage while the judges were totaling the scores for the four dances to find out who would be moving on. 

       "Alright," Dad said. "Which one of you is Zayden? I totally can't tell."

       "That's so disrespectful, Uncle Ryder," Kingsley said. "You should be able to tell the difference between your sons."

       "He's kidding," I said. "He can tell the difference between us."

       "I can't," Calliope said. "You're....Hold on, let me guess."

       "Just say a name," Kingsley said. "It's a fifty percent chance you'll get it right."

       "You're....Zayden, right?" Calliope asked me.

       "Nope, it's Rhys," Echo said.

       "You can tell the difference now?" I asked. "You couldn't before."

       "Well, I had to learn the difference so I wouldn't confuse my boyfriend and his twin brother," Echo said. "Kingsley taught me."

       "Yes, because I know everything," Kingsley said.

       While we were waiting for the judges to be finished, I took my contacts out and put my glasses back on. I liked wearing my glasses a lot more.

       All the teams were then asked to go onto the stage so they could announce the two winners. "In second place with ninety-five points, we have...." one of the judges said. "Nonpareil!"


       I thought Zayden would be mad at that, but he didn't look mad. In fact, it looked like he was checking out one of the girls on the team as they celebrated. 

       And it looked like she was doing the same to him.

       Well then.

       Hey, as long as she wasn't like Eleanor, I didn't care.

       "And in first place with ninety-six points we have....D.A.N.C.E!"

       I couldn't believe it. D.A.N.C.E was actually going to Nationals for the first time in a long time, and I was going to be part of it. I never thought I would ever be part of this dance team, but I was and I couldn't be happier.

       We all got off the stage and where the audience was sitting so our family members could congratulate us. Echo went to go talk to her family as Mom and Willow walked over, and Dad come out from backstage. "I am so proud of you two," Mom said. "That dance was amazing."

       "Uh, of course it was," Zayden said. "I was in it."

       "You just had to get the Prince arrogance, did you?" Mom asked. Everyone thought I was going to be the one to get the Prince arrogance since I was so close to my dad as a baby, like he was to his dad.

       Then Zayden opened his mouth and proved everyone wrong.

       After talking for a bit, Echo walked over to me. "Rhys, can we talk?" she asked.

       "Sure," I said, so Echo grabbed my arm and pulled me away from everyone. "Is everything okay?"

       "Yeah," Echo said. "I just got an offer and I'm not sure if I should take it or not."

       "What offer?" I asked.

       "To go on tour with my sister, for three months starting in January," Echo said.



Okay, not too much drama, but still :O

Omg so I went to my favourite store and everything ended up being 70% off so I got a jacket that was originally $50 but then it was $15. cx


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