Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

       Echo and I were at the movies right now, but I had a feeling neither of us were paying attention to the movie that was playing. I was too busy thinking about what would happen if Echo did go on the dance tour with her sister, and Echo was probably thinking if she should actually go or not.

       She didn't say yes as soon as her sister asked. She said she had to think about it, though her parents were pressuring her to take it.

       Finally, halfway through the movie, I asked Echo if she wanted to go somewhere else so we could actually talk about what was going on instead of avoiding it. She agreed, so we left the theatre and headed outside to the car.

       I drove to the park nearby so we could walk around and talk. Echo was the one who started the conversation once we were walking around the park. "I don't know what to do, Rhys," she said. "Going on the tour is an amazing opportunity, but I like it here. I like being part of D.A.N.C.E, I like dancing with you, and I like being around you. If I take it, we can't see each other for three months."

       "There's always video chatting," I said. "I know it won't be the same, but it's always an option."

       Echo sighed. "I know. It won't be the best one because I'll be going all around the world, in some places where you'll be awake while I'm asleep. I'm tempted to decline the offer, but then my parents will be really mad."

       "Well, you should do what you want to do, not what everyone else wants you to do," I said.

       "What do you want me to do?" Echo asked.

       "It doesn't matter, because it's not my decision to make," I said. "It's yours. If you choose to stay, great. If you choose to go, great. No matter what you choose, you'll make things work."

       Echo sighed. "I wish this was an easy choice to make. Part of me really wants to stay, but the other part wants me to go. I'll get to travel the world and get paid for it and I'll have my parents off my back. They won't be making me train at excruciating ours, even when I just came home from dance rehearsal."

       "It sounds to me like the bigger part is wanting you to go," I said.

       Echo looked over at me. "I do really want to go."

       "Then what's stopping you?" I asked. "It's an amazing opportunity for you to go on a dance tour when you're only sixteen. You get to travel all around the world and see so many places. If it's what you want to do, then you should do it."

       "But what about us?" Echo asked. "I don't want to be apart from you. You're one of the few reasons I can wake up with a smile."

       "We'll make things work," I said. "It's only November. We have the me rest of this month and December to spend together, and you'll be gone for three months. That's not too long. Just think of it as summer vacation, only a bit longer. We'll call each other, text, video chat. If it's something you really want to do, then don't let me hold you back."

       "So....You'll be fine if I take the offer?" Echo asked.

       "Of course I will," I said. "All I want is for you to be happy, and I know this will make you will happy."

       Echo took a deep breath before nodding. "Okay. I'm going to take it."

       I smiled slightly. "Okay. You'll do amazing on the tour."

       "Thank you, for talking to me about it," Echo said. "I was honestly worried you would be upset with me if I went, so I'm really happy I have your reassurance."

       "Echo, come on, it would be selfish of me to get upset with you if you go," I said. "If I was in your spot, I would want you to support whatever decision I made."

       "Well, thank you for that," Echo said. "You are seriously the best boyfriend ever. You know, one of the downsides of going on the tour is that I won't be able to be part of Nationals with D.A.N.C.E."

       "You technically can," I said. "The tour is three months long, and Nationals is at the end of April, about a month after you'll be back. My dad already told me he wants me and you to do the duet round, and I know we can choreograph a duet in a month."

       "That's....true," Echo said. "You think your dad will be okay with me still being part of it even if I go on the tour?"

       "Of course he will," I said. "He's a dancer too. He wants all the dancers at the studio to have these amazing opportunities. He'll be proud of you."

       Echo smiled before pulling me into a hug. "I'm really going to miss you when I go on tour, Rhys."

       "I'll miss you too," I said as I hugged her back. "But we still have just over a month to spend together and like I said, we are going to make things work."

       "You're right, we will," Echo agreed.

       I smiled at her before giving her a quick kiss. "I'll always be here for you to talk to about anything."

       "I know," Echo said, still smiling. "Hey, you know what I really want to do before I go on tour?"


       "Get Kingsley and Calliope together. I ship it."


       "Yeah, really. Calliope likes him, it's highly possible Kingsley likes her back. And that way, Kingsley won't be feeling confused about the whole Everett situation going on."

       "That's true," I said. "I don't know how to get them together though."

       "....Yeah, neither do I," Echo said.

       "But, come to think of it, I may know someone who can help get them together," I said.

       "Really?" Echo asked. "Who?"

       "Let's just say that he calls himself the love genius," I said.



Guys, I'm registering for my classes tomorrow for my autumn term at school AND THERE'S ONE SPOT LEFT FOR A DRAWING CLASS AND IF SOMEONE TAKES IT FROM ME, IDK WHAT TO DO. There's literally no classes I can take because they're either all full, or interfere with the only class I can take as of right now.

Well, if someone does take it, I'll be forced to have a class starting at 4 pm and I really don't want that. Or I can go on the waitlist in hopes that I get in. I need three classes, and there's literally ONLY ONE I CAN TAKE SO FAR.

I'm so angery. (jk i can't be angry lol)(its too hard for me with jerlan and jylan existing)

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