Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

       "Dad, I need your help," I said as I walked into the kitchen where Dad was currently making dinner.

       "With what?" Dad asked.

       "Well, you consider yourself the love genius, so...."

       As soon as I said that, Dad turned off the stove and sat down at the table, gesturing for me to sit down as well. He really took relationship advice very seriously.

       When I was sitting at the table, Dad said, "So, what did you do?"

       "Oh, the advice isn't for me," I said. "Well, it kind of is. There are two people that I want to get together because I really think they're compatible. So does Echo, and she thinks they should get together."

       "Well, are they really compatible, or do you think they're compatible?" Dad asked.

       "Uh....I'm pretty sure they are? Wait, you know them. You can tell me if they really are. It's Kingsley and Calliope."

       "Oh, yeah, they're one-hundred percent compatible," Dad said. "They're basically the same person, so I know they would get along extremely well."

       "See?" I said. "So....How do I get them together?"

       "Do they like each other?" Dad asked.

       "I know Calliope likes Kingsley for sure," I said. "I'm not sure if he likes her back. I'm pretty sure he does considering he loves bugging her and calling her Cantaloupe, but even if he does like her, I don't think he realized it yet."

       If he did realize it, he would end things with Everett so he could go out with Calliope. Kingsley said he really wanted to end things with Everett because it was confusing him, but to do that he needed to be with someone he actually have feelings with.

       "Have you asked him about it?" Dad asked.

       "Dad, come on, this is me we're talking about," I said. "I'm not going to just randomly ask if Kingsley likes Calliope."

       Zayden walked into the kitchen just then, and he immediately smiled having heard the conversation. "Are you two trying to get Kingsley and Calliope together?" he asked.

       "Yeah, but I don't even know if Kingsley likes Calliope," I said. "She likes him, though."

       "Oh, I could find out," Zayden said, taking his phone out of his pocket. "I just need some assistance from my wonderful cousin." He dialed someone's number before holding his phone up to his ear. "Hey, I have a quick question. Do you like Calliope....?"

       "Zayden!" I said.

       "Shut up, Rhys," Zayden said before turning his attention back to Kingsley. "No, no, Kingsley, not as a friend. Do you like her? As more than a friend?.....Yeah, that's what I thought. She likes you too, by the way."

       You have got to be kidding me.

       "Why would I lie about that?" Zayden asked. "You said you actually want to be in a relationship so you're not confused about the whole you know....Sweet, bye."

       "Are you serious?" I asked when Zayden hung up.

       "What?" Zayden asked. "I'm not all about the complicated life. Make things nice and simple."

       "Simple like me dating the girl you liked first and you dating the girl I liked first?" I asked.

       "We never speak of her again," Zayden said.

       "What happened between you and Eleanor anyway?" Dad asked.

       "It all started in the eleventh grade...."

       "Uh....You are in the eleventh grade."

       "I know that. I'm trying to tell this story dramatically. Anyway, like I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, Eleanor was basically a demon in disguise. Seriously, she would probably win a yearbook superlative for the nicest person, but she's the complete opposite once you get to know her."

       "She got mad when Kingsley, Uncle Nolan, and I were in a car crash and Zayden left the homecoming to go to the hospital," I said. "And she kept getting mad whenever he had dance rehearsals because he wasn't spending enough time with her."

       "And she did a lot more," Zayden said. "At least I can prove that not everyone ends up with their first girlfriend or boyfriend like everyone else in the Prince family."

       "Lies," Dad said. "Alan didn't. My dad didn't. And....yeah, that's basically it. We're all just lucky to find our soulmates early in life."

       "Ugh, barf," Zayden said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I will go upstairs and continue to text a girl I'm talking to."

       "What?" Dad asked.

       "What?" Zayden said before leaving the kitchen.

       Dad went back to cooking and since the whole Kingsley and Calliope situation was, I guessed, figured out, I left the kitchen to head to my bedroom so I could talk to Echo on the phone.

       After I called her, it didn't take her long to answer. "Hello?" 

      "Hey," I said. "So, I got some good news. Kingsley and Calliope will most likely get together."

      "Oh, so this person who calls himself the love genius was able to help you out?" Echo asked.

       "Not really, no," I said. "It's my dad, by the way. Anyway, I was talking to him, but then Zayden walked into the kitchen and heard the conversation, then decided to make things really simple and call Kingsley to find out if he likes Calliope. He said he does, so Zayden then told him that Calliope likes him back and he should ask him out."

       "Well, that did make things a lot easier," Echo said. "I have some good news too. Well, kind of good news. My parents haven't been forcing me to train for a while ever since I got offered the spot on the tour. I think they finally think I'm good enough if I got offered it."

       "I'm surprised it took them so long," I said. "You are an amazing dancer. Probably one of the best I've ever seen."

       Echo smiled. "Thanks, Rhys. You always know what to say to make me smile. I'm really going to miss you while I'm tour."

       "I'm going to miss you too," I said. "But we are going to make things work. I know we will."



I can actually sleep in tomorrow. :O YUS. Unless my dad decides to wake me up, though he hasn't done that for a while surprisingly. I think he only did it when I was off of school and my siblings weren't.

Ooh, and I'm going camping soon. My family goes every year, but it's basically luxury camping because there's wifi and indoor plumbing and electricity there. cx I won't bring my laptop, but I will bring my tablet. However, my tablet is old and no longer gets Wattpad's updates, so it doesn't even have the word count on there, meaning some chapters may end up shorter than normal. idk we'll see.

AND I ALMOST GET TO POST THE FIRST CHAPTER OF SPOTLIGHT ON WATTPAD. :D I'm really loving how it's turning on so far, so on Wednesday, I get to officially have it on Wattpad, and it will only be updated every Wednesday.

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