Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

       I had a feeling Echo's parents weren't particularly happy about her having a boyfriend, because I tried calling her but she wasn't answering. I just hoped she wasn't ignoring me on purpose because of her parents.

       Well, everything was cleared up the next day at school, which was the last day before winter break. I was at my locker when Echo walked up to me. "Rhys, I am so sorry I haven't been answering your calls," she said. "I was about to answer the first one, but then my mom walked into my bedroom and took my phone away."

       "All because you have a boyfriend?" I asked.

       Echo sighed and nodded. "Yeah, They really think dating you is going to distract me from dancing and the tour, even though I kept telling them that you were the one who convinced me to go on the tour. So, I am currently grounded and I'm not allowed to use any electronics until I'm on tour."

       "That's not really fair," I said.

       "I know, but what am I to do about it?" she asked. "Oh, and they told my sister to monitor what I use my electronics for when I'm on tour, and to tell them if she finds out I'm talking to you."

       "So, we're not going to be able to talk for three whole months?" I asked.

       "Oh, no, my sister doesn't care that I have a boyfriend and she thinks our parents are overreacting," Echo said. "Besides, my sister is currently dating someone on the tour with her, so she can't rat me out unless she wants our parents to know about her boyfriend. I'm really sorry they're overreacting and that they're really crazy."

       "Don't worry about it," I said. "My family is full of overreacting and crazy people."

       "I bet not as much as my family," Echo said.

       I raised an eyebrow. Did she not know how crazy my family was? She literally met them before.

       Well, they weren't as crazy as they normally are the time Echo met them.

       "My aunt Rose once locked herself in my family's minivan when she was four year old and they were at the beach for the day, just because my uncle William bit her arm. She refused to get out once my family found her, so my dad had to call a locksmith."


       "Yeah. And trust me, there are a lot more crazy stories from my family. Oh, like once, a bunch of them stayed overnight in a furniture store."

       "Why would they do that?"

       I shrugged. "Don't know. They're crazy. I'm one of the few sane ones."

       "The lies," Zayden suddenly said as he opened up his locker. "Remember that time you ate half of a burger at McDonald's, then took a strand of your hair and put it in there and complained to get a free burger."

       "That was you," I said. "I can't even order my own food at restaurants. You really think I'd complain about something."

       "Right, right," Zayden said. "Oh, what about the time one our first day of preschool when you poured paint all over the floor."

       "Again, that was you," I said. "I know we're twins, but it shouldn't be hard to keep our memories separate."

       "Ooh, what about the time I was going to fail a class if I didn't past the final test, so you took it for me."

       "....Don't say that out loud in the hallway. And that's not really being crazy. That's helping out my twin brother because he was crying in his bedroom because he didn't want to fall the class."

       Zayden gave me a look to tell me to shut up, but it wasn't my fault I said that. He was the one who brought up me taking the test for him in the first place.

       The bell rang just then, so Zayden, being childish, stuck his tongue at out me before heading off to the first classroom.

       "Any chance we can hang out after school today?" Echo asked. "You better say yes, because I already gave my parents an excuse."

       "Of course we can hang out after school," I said. "What did you tell them anyway?"

       "That since I'll be away from the studio in two weeks, we're going to be rehearsing a lot more so I'll be all caught up and will just have to refresh my memory with the choreo when I get back. Jokes on them, though, because if they want me to go home, they won't be able to call me."

       "You're really taking this whole them not approving of us too lightly," I said.

       "Only because I know it won't last," Echo said. "At least, I hope it won't. I'm still going to be dancing the same I had always been, though I definitely will be dancing stronger whenever we have a duet together. That's all they care about; my dancing. I just need to show them that us dating won't impact my dancing negatively at all."

       "You really think they'll listen?" I asked. "I mean, at the dance rehearsal yesterday, they didn't seem....that fond of me."

       "I know, it will just take a while for them to realize it," Echo said. "Maybe they will at the National competition with our duet."

       "We're going to have to make sure it's the best duet ever, then," I said.


I'm sad because I'm hungry but I can't eat because it's too late for me to go downstairs....This is why I always stash food in my room but I'm currently out of food. :(

This book is going to start getting a bit emotional. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

I mean whaaaaaaaat?

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