Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

       Winter break went by too fast because before I knew it, Echo had to head off on tour with the dance company. We tried spending as much time as we could out of rehearsals, but she had to keep making up an excuse of where she was going since her parents stopped believing she really was rehearsing that much.

       The worst part was that I couldn't even say goodbye to her at the airport since her parents were going to be there. Echo tried finding an excuse so she could say goodbye to me in person, but she wasn't able to. Her parents wanted her to be at the airport early, and she wasn't getting her phone back until before she boarded the plane.

       While my family was eating breakfast, the door suddenly opened. "I have arrived!" Kingsley announced. "So, what's for breakfast?"

       "Food that wasn't made for you," Dad said. "Why are you even here anyway?"

       "Because Dad made dinner, but my stupid sisters decided to eat it all before I was even able to get out of bed," Kingsley said as he closed the door before walking to the kitchen. "Cerise even saved a plate for me, but Makenna and Liberty ate it when she wasn't looking. And because I'm too lazy to make my own breakfast, I came here in hopes that my favourite aunt and uncle made extras."

       "Well, you're lucky we did," Mom said, so Kingsley smiled before grabbing a plate and sitting down at the table.

       "So, Rhys, Echo is leaving today, right?" Kingsley asked and I nodded. "Did you say goodbye to her yet?"

       "Nope," I said.

       "What do you mean nope?" Kingsley asked.

       "I can't," I said. "She's not getting her cell phone back until she's going to board the plane, and her parents will be with her at the airport."

       "So?" Kingsley asked.

       "So, her parents don't approve of her having a boyfriend," I said.

       "Again, so?" Kingsley asked. "It's not like they'll be able to ground her when she's travelling across the world away from her parents, and they won't be able to stop you two from talking to each other once she's on that plane."

       Kingsley had a point.

       "I say you go to the airport anyway, even if her parents are there," Kingsley said.

       I had to think about it for a bit before I got up from the table, grabbed the car keys off the counter, and quickly left the house. I had to get to the airport before she boarded her plane, especially since I had no idea which plane she was going on. I knew what time she was leaving though, and I was either just going to make it or miss her completely.

       I got into the car and quickly buckled up before pulling out of the driveway to head to the airport. It did take a while to get there and when I did, I parked the car as quickly as I could before getting out and locking the doors.

       I went into the airport to try to find the plane she would be boarding on. It took me a while to find it but when I did, I made my way there. I had to get there before Echo went through the gate.

       I got there right as she was about to walk in, so I called her name. "Echo!"

       Echo turned around, looking a bit confused before her eyes landed on me. She looked before happy and confused before she rushed over and wrapped her arms tightly around me. I wrapped my arms around her just as tight, digging my face in her neck. I really wanted her to take this opportunity, but it was just hitting me how much I was going to miss her.

       Echo was the best thing that has ever happened to me so far. I was slowly coming out of my shell because of her, and I don't know what I would do without her by my side.

       I pulled away from her. "Sorry, I'm probably going to get you into a lot of trouble."

       "Who cares?" Echo asked. "Thank you for coming. I really wanted to say goodbye to you in person."

       "Me too," I said. "Thank Kingsley for convincing me to come."

       "Well, make sure you thank Kingsley for me," Echo said. She looked over at her parents standing nearby and sighed. "They're giving me the stink eye, so I should probably board my plane. But, one more hug." Echo pulled me into another hug. "I'm really going to miss you, Rhys."

       "I'm going to miss you too, Echo," I said.

       "I'll make sure I call you every chance I get," Echo said. "I promise."

       I nodded, and she pulled away before pressing her lips softly on mine. 

       "I'll call you when I land, okay?" Echo asked.

       "Okay," I said, giving her a small smile before she had to head off to board the plane.

       And I quickly left so her parents wouldn't be able to say anything to me.

       When I got back into my car, I sighed and rested my head against the seat. I had a feeling things really weren't going to be easy with Echo gone. Things were going to start getting a lot crazier, but Echo and I made a promise. We promised we would get through anything with her gone.

       We will. We had too.


Aww, Rhys, you cinnamon roll, running after your girlfriend so you could say goodbye to her. So cute. <3

I need more Rhys and Echo gifs. :( Too bad the next episode of TNS isn't on until next Friday, and I'll be camping then so I won't be able to gif anything. (im stacking up on gifs now for other books lol)

And this will probably be getting updated every day until Thursday because there's a certain chapter I want to get to and I need a certain gif....

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