Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

       Honestly, Echo being on tour wasn't too stressful for me. At least not yet. I couldn't say it was always going to feel the same, but right now, we were really making it work. She was in New York right now and was there for two weeks to learn and rehearse the dances, so it was easy finding time to talk to each other since we were still in the same timezone.

       There were times where she was going to be overseas and the timezone between us were going to be very apart, especially with her rehearsing and performing. We were going to have to wait and see what things would be like when we got there.

      Right now, I was video chatting with Echo when Kingsley decided to walk in the house, saying he wanted to get away from his sisters since his dads went out of dinner. Then, he saw me video chatting Echo and literally took the tablet out of my hand.

      "Are you serious?" I asked.

      "No, I'm Kingsley," he said before looking at the tablet. "Hello, favourite girlfriend of all my cousins."

       "Am I the only girlfriend of all your cousins?" Echo asked.

       "Not everything is about you, Echo," Kingsley said. "So, how's tour? Good? Exhausting? Boring? Fun? Do you miss D.A.N.C.E? Do you miss me? Do you miss Rhys?"

       "Uh, why do you think we were video chatting?" I asked.

       "I'm sorry, but I didn't know I was talking to you," Kingsley said. "I'm trying to talk to Echo. Stop being so rude. Sorry, Echo, that my cousin is being so rude. Just think, if I wasn't here to tell him to stop, he would be so horrible."

       "You are such a hero," Echo said, and I could imagine her rolling her eyes.

       "Can I have my tablet back?" I asked.

       "Hey, Uncle Ryder?" Kingsley said. "Can you tell your son to stop being so rude? I'm trying to talk to Echo."

       "Kingsley, you're the one being rude," Dad said.

       "Don't worry, Rhys, I got this," Zayden said. "Hey, Kingsley, would it be okay if I tell everyone that you were hooking up wi--"

       "Bye, Echo!" Kingsley said before handing my table back to me.

       Zayden was always blackmailing Kingsley with the fact that he used to hook up with Everett, and honestly a bit funny. Zayden was able to get Kingsley to do anything.

       So Kingsley couldn't ignore me, I headed to the kitchen to talk to Echo. "I'm sorry about him," I said.

       "Don't be, he's hilarious," Echo said. "Annoying, yes, but in a funny way."

       "Yeah, I admit he's annoying in a funny way," I said. "He rarely decides to annoy me, though. It's mainly Zayden, or his dads, or his sisters. Basically everyone but me. So, how are rehearsals going?"

       "They're going good," she said. "And speaking of, I have to be at the studio in five minutes so I should probably get off so I could get ready and actually be there on time. The choreographer is really strict about being on time."

       "Alright," I said. "Have fun."

       Echo smiled softly. "I will. I'll text you when I'm done."

       After we ended the video chat, I turned off the tablet then went back to the living room and sat down on the couch. "So, how's Echo doing?" Zayden asked.

       "She's doing good," I said. "She said things are getting a tiny bit stressful, but that's just the life of a dancer having to learn a bunch of dances in two weeks."

       "Yeah, whatever," Kingsley said. "So, Zayden, how are things going with your mystery girl?"

       It wasn't really a mystery for me. Zayden told me that he had been talking with a girl on Nonpareil. They've been talking for a while now, and that was how Zayden found out that a lot of the dancers on other teams thought Rhys was actually him.

       Nobody else knew, however. As long as nobody asked me directly who Zayden was talking to, then I wouldn't say a single thing about it. But if anyone else found out, things might not be easy since the dance world was such a serious competition.

       "Good," Zayden said. "How are things going with you and E--"

       "I will smack you," Kingsley said.

       "Why are you so mean to me?" Zayden asked. "I'm just asking how things were going with you know who?"

       "We ended things, and you know that," Kingsley said.

       Zayden just shrugged. "I'm just happy I could blackmail you with that now."

       "No, don't blackmail him," Willow said. "I want to know who he was seeing. Tell me, favourite brother."

       "Hey, what about me?" I asked. "I'm the nicer one."

       "I know that," Willow said. "But telling Zayden that he's my favourite will mean that he'll definitely tell me who it was."

       "No, I won't," Zayden said. "I need to keep blackmailing him, especially when he won't listen to me in dance rehearsals, even though I'm the dance captain."

       "Yes, but you were my cousin first so I can't show favourites," Kingsley said.

       "That....Doesn't make any sense," Zayden said.

       "Gee, I wonder where he got that from," Dad said. "Totally not my brother-in-law who is the most annoying person on earth."

       "Don't bash my papa," Kingsley said. "Honestly, you're being so disrespectful."

       Yeah, Kingsley was a lot like Jerome when it came to their personality.


I love Kingsley so much. cx Oh, sorry. KingSLAY. He's amazing.

Ooh, and little Zayden might be getting another girlfriend soon. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

We got some drama and emotions coming. Yay. :D

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