Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

       Things were a bit easy with Echo being on tour at the beginning. Once she entered a different timezone, that was when things were starting to feel a bit more stressful. We always had to find sometime to talk, and that mainly included me talking to her when I was supposed to be sleeping.

      So I was normally very tired at school, and ended up falling asleep in the last class of the day because I couldn't escape the exhaustion anymore. My English teacher didn't even seem to care that I fell asleep in class because she didn't even wake me up.

       Zayden was the one who woke me up, and that was only because class was over. Unfortunately, I still felt very tired and D.A.N.C.E had rehearsals. I was honestly hoping this rehearsal was going to be for everyone to practice their dances for the rounds, because my round was the duet with Echo meaning I could nap.

       Hopefully nap. I didn't know if Dad would let me.

       "You seriously should have gotten some sleep at night," Zayden said as we walked out of the classroom.

       "It was kind of hard when I was talking to Echo," I said. "It was the only time we were able to talk without me being in school and her being in rehearsal."

       "Well, at least you two are making things work," Zayden said. "I thought you wouldn't be able to with her touring the world, meeting all sorts of different guys."

       "Have I ever told you how much I hate you?" I asked. "Because that just made my confidence plummet a lot."

       "I was kidding," Zayden said.

       "Jokes are supposed to be funny, like your face," I said.

       "Uh, we have the same face," Zayden said.

       "Not close enough for people to not be able to tell the difference."

       "Then take off your glasses."


       Zayden didn't reply as he took off my glasses and placed them behind his back right as Kingsley and Calliope were walking by. "Calliope, I have a question," I said. "Can you tell the difference between us?"

        Calliope looked back and forth between me and Zayden before nodding. "You're Zayden, he's Rhys."

       "Boo," Zayden said before handing me my glasses, and I put them back on. "How did you tell the difference?"

       "Your clothes," Calliope said. "Next time you ask me, make sure I haven't seen what the both of you are wearing. That, and you seemed a bit more arrogant."

       Zayden shrugged. "What's right is right. Now, can you tell Rhys that he's not the better looking twin."

       "He is the better looking twin," Kingsley said.

       "Calliope, Kingsley used to hook up with Everett," Zayden said. "Everett Bennet."

       "Oh, I know," Calliope said. "He told me."

       "And that is why Rhys is the better looking twin," Kingsley said. "He's not mean to me, and knows how to keep a secret."

       "Whatever," Zayden said. "Come along, younger twin. We shall head off to dance rehearsal and get away from this annoying." 

       "You're the one who told Kingsley's girlfriend about his past hook up," I said as I followed him to our lockers to put our stuff away. "If anything, you're the annoying cousin."

       "He said that you're the better looking twin," he said.

       "So, that means you could tell someone one of Kingsley's secret?" I asked. "You know if anyone else heard that, it would get around the school, and that's not something he wants. People already assume he's gay just for having two dads, and while there's nothing wrong with being gay, it gets really annoying."

       Zayden sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry."

       "Don't apologize to me," I said. "Apologize to Kingsley."

       "Do I have to?" Zayden asked in a whiny voice. "He's annoying."

       "So are you."

       "Fine, fine. I will once we get to the dance studio."

       As it turned out, everyone really was rehearsing their dances for the rounds they were in, so I asked Dad if I could just take a nap in his office since there was a small couch in there.  He let me, thankfully. I went in there and lied on the couch as he sat as his desk.

       "So, is everything going okay with you and Echo?" Dad asked.

       "Yeah," I said. "Just the timezones being different is starting to be hard. Thus, me being tired. I was talking to her at, like, four in the morning."

       Dad chuckled. "Then I won't stop you from getting some sleep."

       I was able to nap for a tiny bit before I heard some sort of commotion outside. I sat up, rubbing my eyes to see Dad talking to Echo's parents outside of the office, and the two of them didn't look happy.

       And I had a feeling it was about me.

       I got up from the couch and walked out of the office. "Dad? What's going on?"

       "Nothing, I'm dealing with it," Dad said.

       "No, he should hear it," Echo's mom said.

       Dad sighed and looked at me. "They want you to stop talking to Echo."

       "She's on tour and she can't afford being distracted," Echo's dad said. "And don't deny you talking to her. We had a feeling our oldest daughter wouldn't tell us if Echo was still talking to you, so we got someone else to keep an eye on her, and she saw Echo a few times talking to you."

       "There's nothing wrong with it," Dad said. "Especially because they have the duet for the national competition. They need to keep their chemistry strong, so they have to keep on talking."

       "They don't have to keep on talking," Echo's mom said. "And they definitely don't have that chemistry everyone speaks of."

       "Trust me, I know chemistry when I see it, and my son and your daughter have it, no matter how much you deny it," Dad said. "And don't bother saying I can't see chemistry, because I can. I'm a dancer, and I can definitely see it. You may not be okay with your daughter having a boyfriend, and I'm sorry but I don't know why you came here because there's nothing I can do, or will do, about it. If my son wants to continue talking to her, he will. I'm not going to punish him."

       "You will be making a huge mistake," Echo's dad said.

       "Try me," Dad said.


Yas Ryder, you slay Ryder, you be a Prince and slay Ryder.

Lol, I accidentally just erased everything, but I just had to undo to get it back. Oops.

I have a new motto for me: The distraction is strong with this one.

It's true oops.


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