Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

       I tried ignoring my family's calls every single time, but I knew I couldn't ignore them forever. So after my dad called for eighth time, I had to answer. I winced as I did, holding my phone up to my ear. "Hello?"

        "Oh, glad to know my son is still alive and willing to answer the phone," Dad said. "Mind telling me while you're halfway across the wolrd in England?"

       "Technically, England isn't halfway across the world," I said.

       "Don't be smart with me," Dad said. "You still went on a plane, left this continent, and went to England, without even telling me! And don't bring up the fact that I drove to Canada when I was a teenager, because that's different."

       "How is it different?" I asked. "You went to Canada to see your girlfriend because she was ignoring you, and I'm in England to see my girlfriend who was clearly upset about something. She started crying the last time we video chatted, Dad. Something was clearly wrong, so I had to make sure she was okay."

       "You couldn't have called?"

       "You couldn't have when you went to see Mom?"

        "She was ignoring me."

        "Okay, so I should have just found a way to talk to Echo, even though she wasn't answering my calls like Mom did to you. Makes sense. Look, I'm sorry for going to England without telling you, and I'll take whatever punishment you give me, but I just really had to make sure Echo was okay."

       Dad sighed. "And is she?"

        "I don't know fully yet," I said. "She said she can't be on tour anymore and it's not for her, and there's a reason why but she didn't tell me yet. She's going to tell me after the show tonight."

       "Alright," Dad said. "We'll talk about your punishment when you get home, which will be...."

       "I'm not sure," I said honestly. "Definitely the next time we're able to book a flight."

       Dad sighed again. "You're lucky you're already there and I can't get you to come back. Just next time, please talk to me so we can figure things out and you don't have to fly all the way to England."

       "Yes, sir, Mr. Go-to-Canada, sir," I said.

       "I swear, you are starting to sound too much like a brother," Dad said.

       "Don't compare us," I said. "Twins don't like getting compared to each other. It's a huge insult."

       "Then tone down the arrogance," Dad said.

       Yeah, I probably should tone it down a bit. I really wasn't an arrogant person. I only was being one right now because Dad did the exact same thing I did as a teenager, Well, not the exact same thing since we went to different countries, but it was close enough.

        After Dad and I said our goodbyes, we hung up the phone. "You know," Kingsley said. "If I were you, I wouldn't have said that I would take any punishment my dads would give me. They could just deal with the fact that I went to another country."

       "You really shouldn't expect to get away with every single thing," I said.

       "It's not my fault I have cool dads," Kingsley said. "Well, my papa is cool. Dad is cool too, but he stresses out too easily and if Papa didn't tell him that I'm in England, I can tell he's going to be very mad about it."

       "Oh, but you should just tell him to deal with it," I said in a mocking tone.

       "Don't be rude to my dad," Kingsley said. "It's not his fault he stressed out easily."

       "Uh, I was mocking you, not him," I said. "Anyway, you should start heading to the venue for the show."

       "Fine, but I'm taking that as a sign of you giving up the argument."

       "What argument?"

       "The fact that you don't know which argument also is a sign that you're giving up."

       I didn't even know how I could deal with Kingsley most of the time. He was too confusing for even me to understand, and I was the one who understood him the most apart from his dads.

       Kingsley and I got ready and left the hotel before heading to the venue. I had to admit, most of the way there I was trying to think of a possible reason that Echo didn't want to be on tour anymore, but I couldn't think of anything. I guessed I was going to have to wait until I met with Echo backstage.

       When we got to the venue, Kingsley was the one who told the ticket salesman that there were tickets and backstage passes on hold for them. After receiving them, we headed into the auditorium and found our seats. They weren't the best seats since we got them at the last minute, but I still had a somewhat good view.

       "Rhys, my man, switch spots with me," Kingsley said.


       "Because I can't see."

       "Uh, Echo is my girlfriend, so out of the two of us I should be the one to see."

       "Why are you so mean to me?"

       I just sighed and ignored him, something everyone had to do a lot to Kingsley.

       When the dance started, I only kept my eye on Echo the whole time. She was such a beautiful dancer, and one of the best things about her dancing was how she was able to portray the emotions in the dance. She never ceased to amaze me.

       The show ended after a lot of performances, and that was when Kingsley and I headed backstage with our backstage passes. As soon as we got there, Echo hurried over to me and wrapped her arms tightly around me. "You were amazing," I said.

       "Thank you," I said.

       "I can't tell you otherwise because I was unable to see," Kingsley said.

       "Oh, shush," I said before looking at Echo. "So, are you ready to talk about why you don't want to be on tour anymore?"

       Echo nodded before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from Kingsley so we could take quietly. "I just....don't fit in here," she said. "Everyone is a lot older than me, and my sister is always out with her boyfriend. Not only that, but...." She sighed before continuing. "There's this guy that keeps hitting me no matter how many times I told him I have a boyfriend. He even tried kissing me once, but I pushed him away. I don't think I can be on tour anymore when he makes me really uncomfortable."

      "R-really?" I asked.

      "Yeah," she said. "It was clear that I wasn't interested, but that didn't stop him. Anyway, I already told the person in charger of the tour that this was my last show and it was getting too much with me still in school and having to learn on my own time. I just don't know what to do about my parents."

       "Don't worry about that," I said. "I may have an idea."


Rhys is still a cinnamon roll. <3

Lol, so I'm camping now. Yay. I'm a bit mad because for some reason, we weren't allowed in our only spot even though there's no one in it right now, so we're quite cramped. And I don't have my laptop with me, only my phone and a very old tablet. The Wattpad app on my tablet doesn't have word count and most of the time, I'll be writing on here so I'm not sure how long the chapters are oops.

On the bright side, I won't be getting distracted as much since I can't just randomly open up a new tab and go on YouTube or Facebook. cx      

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