Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

       If Echo didn't want to be on the tour anymore, I wasn't going to try talking her out of coming home early, especially with that guy constantly hitting on her. The only problem was dealing with her parents when they found out she left the tour early. She didn't want to go straight home, but I had a solution.


       As soon as we got to Miami, the three of us headed to my and Kingsley's house. When we got there, Kingsley said, "Good luck not getting grounded," he said.

       "And you're not?" Echo said.

       Kingsley snorted. "No, because I actually told my papa that I was going to London."

       "Told?" Echo asked. "Not asked."

       "Why would I ask when I already knew he would say yes?" Kingsley asked. "I was saving time. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going into my home in love and welcoming arms."

       I sighed as Kingsley headed into his house. He was just lucky he had a dad that was stress free. Well, I guessed his other dad made up for things since he was stressed really easily.

       I gestured for Echo to follow me, and we headed into my house. As soon as we walked in, Zayden walked over and punched me in the arm. "What was that for?" I asked.

       "For not taking me with you," Zayden said.

       "So, you want to get grounded too?" Dad asked.

       "If it meant being able to go overseas to London, yes," Zayden said. "I'm just proud of the inferior twin being rebellious for once."

       "You're the inferior twin," I said.

       "You can keep saying that, but it won't be true," Zayden said.

       When Dad noticed Echo standing with me, he looked awfully confused. "Echo?"

       "Oh, can she stay here for a while?" I asked.

       "How long is a while?" Dad asked.

       "About....two months," I said.

       Dad raised an eyebrow and Echo sighed. "I just didn't want to be on the tour anymore. It wasn't mean for me and I was really wanting to come home, but if my parents find out I left early....Well, I don't know what would happen. You did meet them, so you know what they're like."

       "Oh, trust me, I really know what your mom is like," Dad said. "I mean, no offense."

       Echo furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm guessing you know here."

       "Very well," Dad said. "She went to school with my siblings, and let's just say she had a thing for one of my brothers."

       "Really?" I asked. "Which brother?"

       "Wait," Mom said before Dad could even answer. "Don't tell me it's who I think it is."

       "It is who you're thinking of," Dad said before looking back at me and Echo. "Long story short, your mom had a thing for my brother Nolan, she didn't like that she was gay, so she kept trying to 'help' him, and she was always quite the bully to Orchid and Alan."

       "That, I fully believe," Echo said. "Is it bad that I'm a daughter who isn't that fond of her mother?"

       "No, not at all," Dad said. "Anyway, you can stay here as long as you like. Now, Rhys, what kind of punishment would you like for flying off to London without asking me and your mother?"

       "The same punishment you had for driving off to Quebec when you were about my age," I said.

       "One month it is," Dad said.

       "One week, no eletronics, and you have to do the dishes every night for the week," Mom said.

       "Mae!" Dad said. "I could have gotten away with punishing him for a month, especially because he's sassing me right now."

       "You sassed your dad all the time, and it's fair that he gets the same punishment you did," Mom said.

       I didn't even bother complaining. Echo was staying here, so I wouldn't need to use my phone to talk to her. I just hoped Dad didn't think about that.

       "Fine," Dad said. "One week. But since Echo is also staying here and you wouldn't have to use your phone to talk to her, I'm also grounding you from something you really love."

       Dang it. I should have known he would have thought about that since he was a certified genius.

       "No, don't do it," I said.

       "I'm doing it," Dad said. "No reading for a week."

       "That's just cruel and unusual," I said. "No reading? Are you trying to kill me?"

       "Hey, you're the one who decided to run off to another country," Dad said. "Since we don't have a guestroom, Echo is going to have to share with Willow. I'm sure she'll be okay with that, so why don't you show Echo where it is."

        I gestured for Echo to follow me, and we brought out suitcases up the stairs. I put mine by my door before knocking on Willow's bedroom door. "Come in!"

       I opened the door and she looked over at me. "So, you get a roommate for the next two months."

       "No way."

       "What about Echo?" I asked.

       Willow's eyes immediately lit up. "Ooh, yes! I want her to be my roommate."

       I smiled slightly and stepped aside for Echo to come in. "Thank you for wanting me to be your roommate," she said.

       "Of course!" Willow said. "I like you, and a sister's job is to embarass her brothers, so I can tell you all sorts of stories about Rhys."

       "You can, but there aren't any embarassing stories," I said.

       "Oh, I'll find one," Willow said. "Believe me, I will."

       Believe me, she wouldn't. I was already a very insecure and quiet person. I would never do anything that would even be close to embarassing me in the long run. At least Willow was excited about Echo sharing a room with her for two months.

       I just hoped her parents wouldn't find out.


What? Janelle is Echo's mom? What? WHAT?

Lol, I'm so evil at times. MORE ROMEO AND JULET THINGS, minus both sides being against it. Only Janelle is, but Ryder isn't because Ryder. (my logic 100%)

I'm still camping and I still miss my laptop. :( It's so lonely right now, sitting in my room doing nothing. It missed being used for me to gifafy things....

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