14. A chance to happiness

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Shekhar disconnected the call with happy smile on his face.

"What happened Shekhar? You look so happy?" Shomi asked with smile.

"Yes Shomi, I am so happy. It's matter of happiness only. Infact, I am happiest person on the earth right now." Shekhar said.

"Shekhar, don't go around suspense and tell us na " Shomi said.

While on the other hand, Swara was also waiting to hear what she wants, so eagerly. But how can she show her eagerness in front of her father. So, she tried to maintain normal expression and small smile. But her inner condition was only known was her.

"Shomi, Sanskar is ready for this marriage. He said yes to marry our Swara." Shekhar said happily.

Listening this, Swara's heart skipped a beat. Her happiness knew no bound.

"What? Really Shekhar?" Shomi asked as she was also too happy.

"Yes." Shekhar said.

"Oh thank god. I m so happy for my Swara. But how he changed his decision all of the sudden? He said no yesterday then..." Shomi was happy but she got confused a bit.

"Yes, that's only I was thinking but Dp ji said that he rethought about his decision and wants to firstly understand each other and then marry. He wants some time." Shekhar said.

Swara knew what this yes meant. He said yes means he was giving a chance to this proposal and it's enough for her. Although she doesn't need to know him more but he needs to come out of his insecurities. When he will understand her, he will believe in this relationship too.

"Well, it's good thing Shekhar. And we are living in modern era. Two people should understand each other, be compatible to each other. It will only make their bond stronger. I m happy that he tried to think in another way." Shomi said with smile.

Then they looked at Swara, who had having smile on her face. A small glint of blush appeared on her cheeks and she blinks and looked down as she saw her parents looking at her.

Although they didn't need to ask her as they can know it from her face expression only that she is happy. Still, Shekhar asked.

"Swara beta, see I know he rejected you yesterday and you were hurt.  So, if you want..." Shekhar was about to say when Swara looked at him immediately and said

"Dad, it's not any game to take turns in rejecting one by one. Firstly him and then me, right?" Swara said.

Shomi and Shekhar Chuckle at her and nodded.

"I don't have any problem in marrying him. Neither I want to think about my decision again. Yes, I was hurt but I m happy that he has given a chance to this. " Swara said with smile.

Shekhar and Shomi smiled.

Swara thinks something and then say.

"He has his insecurities Maa and Dad." Swara said.

"What?" Shomi asked confusingly.

Swara nodded at them. Then she told them that she went to meet him yesterday to talk to him.

"I just wanted to talk to him and know the reason. And then I came to know. He didn't intend to hurt me. You know, in his rejection also he thought about me. Thinking that I deserve someone better." Swara said.

She likes to talk to her parents freely and express herself. Sometimes, she needs time which her parents give her. Because they know she will tell them whenever she will feel like.

Shekhar and Shomi were listening everything. After knowing everything, they only felt proud of their choice. They were not wrong to choose Sanskar for Swara. Not for once, they felt pity of Sanskar. They knows a person should be pure with his heart. Perfection and imperfections are only myth. And, their upbringing can be seen in Swara's thought and understanding nature.

"Maa, If he can think so much about me then do you think you need any kind of assurance that he will keep me happy?" Swara said.

"No Swara, we never had doubt on him. Yes his rejection was a bit confusing but now, we understand everything. " Shomi said smilingly.

"Yes, As I told you, Sanskar is a gem. It's too hard to find a guy like him." Shekhar said.

Swara smiled.

"And no one can be like my daughter too. One always need to see beauty of heart of the person, not the outer one. You always make us proud Swara." Shekhar said.

"Indeed." Shomi said.

"Because, I have most wonderful parents who are always there for me." Swara said.

They smiled at her.

Maheshwari mansion:

Sanskar looked at his family, how much happy and excited they were. Yesterday, it was quite silence after his denial for the marriage. But today's morning brought a wave of happiness with his one yes. Even though, he said he is taking time and then marriage. Still, their faces shows joy and contentment.

Then only, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and looked at his Bade papa. He looked so happy.

"I am happy Sanskar that you thought to give a chance to your happiness." Dp said.

"Bade papa, for the first time it felt so hard to take one decision. I don't know anything about future but I just need your blessings." Sanskar said.

"Our blessings are always with you Sanskar and sometimes hardest decision store best things for us. " Dp said with smile.

Sanskar smiled at him. Patting his shoulder, DP went from there.

Ram looked at him smilingly hugged him. Sanskar hugged him back.

"Glad that you gave yourself a chance Son. Always be happy." Ram said and broke the hug with smile.

Then only Sujatha calls Ram for something and he went from there. Sanskar saw his father going to his mother and then turned his face only to find Laksh looking at him with teeth full smile. The next moment, Laksh almost jumped on him leading him to stumble a bit. Laksh hugged him tightly.

"Laksh" Sanskar said in unbelievable tone.
Sanskar pats his shoulder with his left hand signing him to move back. Laksh broke the hug abruptly and said.

"Believe it or not, I am so so happy. More than anyone. Infact more than Uttara, who is only excited for your wedding just because she will be buying new dresses." Laksh shouted happily.

"Hawww bhai!! How mean Lucky bhai!!" Uttara said as she heard. She knew Laksh said to tease her but can she keep quiet. No way!!

"What mean? You only wants a reason to apply layers of make up and wear dresses. Still, you look so horrible." Laksh said making faces and chuckled.

Sanskar shook his head as now again the battle is going to started between Lucky and Uttara. Ap had same face expression as Sanskar.

"How dare you Bhai!! You can't say anything about girl's make up or dresses. And, I am genuinely excited and happy for Bhai and Swara bhabhi's wedding." Uttara said.

Swara bhabhi, this is really unexpected thing he heard. And, he couldn't ignored the sudden raise of heart beat. Still, it felt so special. A part of him wanted to say that Swara is not married to him yet. But he heard the another part of himself to let it be as it didn't feel wrong.

"yeah yeah, I know how genuine you are? Just let the date fix once, your shopping list will be longer than bride or groom. Bhai knows it. I am truly happy for bhai's wedding. Oh god!! How much I have waited for this day. You heard my prayers." Laksh said and looked up with fake tears in his eyes.

Ap Chuckled at him.

"Ohh now I understand why you are happy. Because you will be able to marry Ragini bhabhi na. How selfish Bhai." Uttara said teasingly.

"Oyee shut up!! I am not selfish. You are selfish. You small bird, shut your chi chi!!" Laksh said.

"I am small bird then you are giant dinosaur." Uttara said making faces at him.

"You are not selfish. Ok, Oh!! so you don't want to marry Ragini bhabhi? Wait, I will tell her." Uttara said taking out her phone.

Laksh's face expression chanced.

"Oyee Uttara stop!!" Laksh yelled.

Uttara gave him smirking smile and runs from there.

"This girl will make me and Ragini divorce before getting married. Oyee stop!!" Laksh ran toward her.

Ap and Sanskar looked at them chasing each other and running outside the mansion. Then only Sujatha came there.

"These two will never grow up." Sujatha said with Chuckle.

Ap nodded with smile. She came to Sanskar and said.

"Thank you so much beta, for giving us happiness with your decision. Most of all, thinking about your happiness too." Ap said and caress his face lovingly.

Sanskar smiled at her. Then Ap and Sujatha also went from there toward kitchen.

Standing in the middle of the hall, Sanskar thinks about everyone's words, their happiness, smile. This happiness is something he hasn't seen since so long.

"I have given us a chance Swara but now only destiny knows what it holds for us. I am so happy to see everyone so happy but how can I give you pain Swara? I want you to understand that we are not perfect. You will realise that I m not perfect for you. That's why, I am trying to not to raise my hopes high. I can fight with anything but not with my fate. Somewhere, I know that you are not written in my fate. Still, I am giving this chance to us. "Us " Only if me and you can ever be. " Sanskar thinks.

Gadodia mansion:

After having breakfast, they were sitting in hall and talking casually. When Shekhar said.

"Shomi, I am thinking why don't we call them for lunch or dinner at our home this weekend. It will be good for bonding between two families also." Shekhar said.

"It's nice Idea Shekhar. We all will get to know each other in better way. And it will be good for Swara and Sanskar also." Shomi said.

"What do you say Swara?" Shekhar asked thinking she shouldn't feel uncomfortable.

"As you both decide Dad and Maa. I don't have any problem." Swara said with smile.

They nodded at her.

"Okay then I will talk to Dp ji. Anyways, Shomi and Swara bye. I should get going for office. See you in the evening." Shekhar said.

Shomi and Swara nodded at him.

Caressing Swara's hair, Shekhar went out.

After that, Shomi came to Swara and Sat beside her. Swara looked at her. Shomi smiled and hold her face gently.

"You happiness can be seen in your eyes Swara. May god bless you and Sanskar with all the happiness in the world. Our happiness lies in you. Never let this smile fade away.  A smile can teach us to deal with most difficult situations in life. You know Swara, men are not what they show to world. The more they are hard they show, they are equally sensitive and soft from heart. It's just that some understand them and some fails to understand. The guy like Sanskar is not someone who will easily express himself. He told you everything so that you deny to this proposal. But you listened to your heart and always do it Swara. Be his inspiration, his strength. One day, you will find a most unique and special bond that will connect your heart together. This time before your marriage is important as well as most beautiful phase of both of your life. You will always cherish it with him. Just be yourself. Don't change and don't try to change him also. Just start with a trust. It's enough." Shomi said and Swara was listening everything patiently.

"Maa, you think I will be able to take him out from his insecurities? Will I able to ...." Swara tried to say when Shomi interrupted.

"You know Swara, I don't have single percent of doubt. I know very soon my beautiful daughter is going to get married to the person for whom she has started developing feelings. " Shomi said with smile.

"You knew?" Swara asked in surprised tone.

"I m your mother Swara and as I said, eyes express everything." Shomi said.

Swara looked down and hugged Shomi feeling shy a bit. Shomi Chuckled at her daughter.


She was watering some plants in her balcony. A beautiful smile adored her lips thinking about him. She smelt the fresh fragrance of the flower then looked up.

"Thank you for this chance Sanskar, I believe myself that we are perfect for each other and I know somewhere you still must-have fear and insecurities. But I want you to accept our relationship without fear. And I believe that day will come. Maa said right, This time will be very special for us and I want to cherish it with you. We only get what's written in our destiny and you are my Destiny. I will find my way to reach you, to your heart." Swara thinks with smile.

To be continued...

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