2. A girl with beautiful Heart

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A very beautiful and big mansion is shown. It's not as big as Maheshwaris but still big enough. Moving inside, a woman around her late forties was sitting in hall. She was telling servant to do something when a man in his early fifties came inside mansion. The lady saw him.

"Shekhar, you came back from trip?" Lady said happily coming to him.

"Yes Shomi." Shekhar said sitting on couch.
Shomi took the bag from him and told the servant to keep that in room and bring tea for Shekhar.

"So how was everything?" Shomi asked.

"Everything was good. Project is going good." Shekhar said.

"I was asking about you not work?"Shomi said with Chuckle.

"Hey Dad, when did you come back?" A girl in pink suit came downstairs and sees him. She came to him happily and sat beside him.

"Hey princess. I just came back." Shekhar answered smilingly.

"But you were going to come tomorrow na? Still I am happy to see you back soon. Anyway, how was the trip?" The girl asked.

"It's about work so it's always little but stressing but I am glad everything went good." Shekhar said.

"Okay but I hope you didn't ignored your food and your health?" Girl said.

"No Swara, I didn't. It was just for two days princess."

"Still sometime you become so workohollic." Swara said with smile.

Shomi chuckled and Shekhar smiled hearing it.

Swara Gadodia: Daughter of Shomi and Shekhar. She is only child of her parents and is their princess and she also love them a lot. A very kindhearted, beautiful, caring and strong girl who don't give up so easily. She came back to India after spending a long ten years in Newyork with her parents away from her country but she is modern still traditional, respect her culture and values.

They were talking casually. When Shekhar said.

"Today, Dp ji called me in afternoon." Shekhar said.

"Dp ji? He is owner of Maheshwaris na, with whom your company working together for a big government project." Shomi asked.

"Yes Shomi. He is. He invited us for a party at their Mansion after two days. I was thinking that I should go with you both. They are very good, they helped our company and me after shifting from New York and also working with us. And now they invited us personally. It won't look good if I go alone. So, I want you both to come. Will you?" Shekhar asked.

"Ofcourse Shekhar." Shomi said.

"Yes Dad, as you say. We will come with you. " Swara said with smile.

"Okay." Shekhar said with smile.

"Anyway Swara, you say, how did you find Kolkata? It's been ten years we came back here." Shekhar asked.

"It's so Nice Dad. I loved this city very much. Not only Kolkata but I really like India. It's just been a month we came back but I fell in love with this place, culture, everything. I find myself so fascinated. Here's a kind of affinity. I really don't think so, I would like to go back New York." Swara said with smile.

Shekhar and Shomi smiled hearing her.
"It doesn't matter where we live but it's important to be grounded and connected to the soil and I am happy that you never disappointed us Swara." Shekhar said and pats her hair and blessed her.

Swara smiled at him.

"Oh no, we forgot about dinner in our talks. Dad, You came back after journey and you didn't have anything till now. You go and get fresh and up till then I will arrange dinner." Swara said.

"It's ok Swara." Shekhar said.

"No, it's not Dad, You should take rest after Dinner." Swara said.

"She is right Shekhar. You go and get fresh. Come Swara, I will also arrange dinner." Shomi said.

"No Maa, Let it be Maa, I will do it. You be here." Swara said with smile.

Shomi tried to say something but before that Swara assures her that she will do it and she went toward kitchen. Shomi smiled at her.

"I never knew when our Swara grew up so much." Shekhar said looking at the way she went.

"Me too Shekhar but I am happy to see her so mature and understanding.  We are really lucky. Sooner or Later she will be married and I just wish her life to be as beautiful and nice as she is." Shomi said.

"It will happen Shomi. I want someone who understands her just the way She understand everyone and accept her with his heart. Her life will be filled with happiness and love." Shekhar said.

"Did you find any good Alliance for her?" Shomi asked looking at him.

"The most important thing is the guy, Shomi. If he is best for our daughter then other things come later. And about finding someone, may be or may be no. I will let you know soon." Shekhar said with smile.

Shomi nodded at him smilingly understanding him. Then shekhar went from there to room to get fresh n up.

Swara who was coming from kitchen with a bowl to keep that on dinning table, heard them. She felt something strange inside her heart. About her marriage and
"about finding someone, may be or may be no" It's not that her parents will force her for anything. For them, her consent will be priority but she was feeling a heat rushing inside her. An unknown emotion, a weird feeling of nervousness or something else she was feeling she didn't understand. She closed her eyes and took a deep breathe thinking her parents will think best for her.

"Papa, Maa, you let me do whatever I wanted in my life. So, I know whatever you will think, it will be best only. And I also know, without my consent, you will never force me to do anything." She thought.

"Swara..." She heard shomi calling her.

"Yes maa, coming." Swara said and she went out taking bowl.

Sanskar's room:

Sanskar was in his room balcony, looking in sky and thinking about whatever happened in morning. Another alliance for him but again reminding and giving him a feeling of being imperfect. He know that he will never get married but his parents and family doesn't want to understand. He don't blame them but he don't want to be the reason of pain for a girl by spoiling her perfect life with his presence. And other side, His brother Laksh, he don't want to get married to Ragini till He don't marry. He tried to make Laksh understand a lot of time but he just wasn't ready to listen when it comes to this topic. Ragini also supports Laksh's decision. And Family doesn't say anything about this matter even Ragini's family. He just doesn't understand what he should do.

He was lost in his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up only to find his brother who smiled at him.

"Thinking about Morning incident?" Laksh asked.
Sanskar looked way from him and nodded as he knew he can't hide anything from his brother.

"Bhai, there's nothing to think. Chachi ji had already said them no. You aren't going to live separately from us . Chill." Laksh said trying to light his mood.

"It's not about only living separately Lucky. It's their insecurity. Oviously a girl dream to have a perfect life partner and no parents would like to marry their daughter to a guy who is disable in any way. You know it very well, all the alliance that came for me are only because I am successful and son of Maheshwaris. No one sees me as the way I am. They put their conditions because they are insecure that we are two brother and what if I will get nothing later ( sad chuckle). They want me to live separately taking all my shares and property that will be divided among us. Living away from a family and dividing it, both are different. I know nowadays, people are less interested in living in joint family. Family doesn't mean adjustment Laksh. They accept you the way you are, without any condition, without any fear and insecurity." Sanskar said.

"But all these factors comes later because marriage and all... It's just not for me." Sanskar said further with small smile.

"One day you will have to Bhai." Laksh said.

" Why should I Lucky? To spoil her life? Being selfish to make my life little but easy and her tough with me and my imperfection. And I should live with a guilt inside my heart for whole my life." Sanskar said.

"Bhai!! Why do you always talk like this?" Laksh asked.

"Because this is the truth Lucky and I have accepted it long back. There's no one for me neither I want anyone. I have this family and that's all. I don't need anything else." Sanskar said

" Why are you so scared of marriage bhai?" Laksh said.

"It's my fate and I accepted it. I just don't want to spoil a girl's life by marrying her." Sanskar said.

"Marriages don't spoil lives Bhai." Laksh said.

"Why don't you understand Lucky? (Sighs then say) Fine, I will marry Lucky but just tell me, why will any girl agree to marry a disabled guy like me without feeling pity over me and just.. just forget that, I am a successful businessman, being son of Maheshwaris, just remove these tags from me and then just tell me a single girl who will happily and wholeheartedly accept to marry a guy who is imperfect for her without any condition. And top of that, will her family agree with this without any fear or hesitation? Can you answer it Lucky?" Sanskar asked.

Laksh looked away from him hearing him as he didn't know what to say.

"I can't answer it right now Bhai." Laksh said averting his gaze.

Sanskar gave a sad chuckle hearing this.

"But I got my answer Lucky. You can't answer it because you know what I am saying is right. There's no one for me Lucky. So, don't spoil your life. Please try to understand me and Marry Ragini. Don't stop your life for me." Sanskar said putting his left hand on his shoulder.

Laksh looked at him and laughed dryly and then say.

"Bhai, I know you are stubborn but what to do I am your younger brother and you are my idol. I am little bit more stubborn than you and you know that. Till you don't get married, I won't. Ragini don't have any problem with it. Neither anyone. If you are stubborn on your decision then so I am Bhai. And you will definitely get your answers when you will find someone perfect for you." Laksh said.

"I have answer for your questions Sanskar." They turned around only to find Sujatha was standing there.

She came to them and nodded at him.

"There will be a girl who will accept you without any condition, without hesitation." Sujatha said.

Sanskar looked away from her.

"Mom, you can never find a girl who is ready to marry me without feeling pity over me and without looking at my success." Sanskar said.

"There will be a girl Sanskar, who will love you the way you are. For her, you will be perfect with imperfection. She will accept you with all your flaws without any pity. She will see your beautiful soul and person you are, not your status and you will find it difficult to avoid her." Sujatha said.

Sanskar was confused hearing all this. He looked at Sujatha.

"How can you say that?" Sanskar could ask merely.

"Because I know all girls are not same. Some has beautiful heart. There's always someone for everyone. And so for you Sanskar. She will be special for you and She will be A girl who will win your heart and take you out from your fear. She will heal you with love and you will believe on her belief." Sujatha said with smile.

Sanskar was looking at her still trying to understand what she said.

"I believe this will happen one day." Sujatha touched his face and said with smile. Laksh smiled hearing her and wished a girl just like this for Sanskar.

Then Sujatha went from there. Laksh also went after patting his Sanskar's shoulder while he was still standing there reminding his Mom's word.

On the otherside, Swara was standing near window feeling the ticklish of wind with smile. Her hair was floating. She was thinking about her parents words and the marriage things but she wasn't scared. She was calm because she trust her parents and god. Whatever will happen, it will be best.

Both were on their places unknown of future and who will come in their life. Sanskar believes there's no one for him while She believes everything will be good.
Screen splits on their faces.

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