34. A daze of mistaken drink

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"Come on guys, let's go to dance." Riya chirped excitedly.

"Yeah, let's go." Arav said.

Laksh and Ragini nodded and Sanskar was about to say something before that Swara said.

"You guys go. I need some water. I will just come." Swara said. She was feeling very thirsty so thought to get water from the counter.

"You wait Swara, I will get it for..." Sanskar said but Swara interupted.

"No Sanskar, I will get it. Don't worry. The counter is there only. It's ok " Swara said pointing towards he counter that was just few steps away from there.

Sanskar nodded. Swara went from there. Sanskar was looking at her going when he got a call. It was Sujatha.

"It's mom, you guys continue. I will just come." Sanskar said.

"Hmm, I see. What's going on Mr. Maheshwari? One is excusing for water and another one for phone call? What are you both up to do behind us, hmm?" Arav said teasingly raising his eyebrows.

Sanskar look at him like seriously? While others laughs.

"You really need to use your brain a little bit less, Arav. I am going out to take the call." Sanskar said straight avoiding his further teasing and went out of the pub to attend the call.

While the trio chuckled at Arav.

"Anyways, leave these two. Let's go. They will join." Riya said.

Laksh nodded and they went to the dance floor.

"Excuse me, please get me a glass of water." Swara said sitting on the chair at the counter.

"Regular or mineral water, ma'am?" The Server at the counter said.

"Umm, Mineral." Swara said although she was thirsty so it doesn't matter at all.

"Ok, Just a minute ma'am." The man said.

Swara nodded with small smile. Then she looked behind to see Sanskar was going out talking someone on phone and then the others who approached toward the dance floor. Looking around, she again turned back when she heard a glass placed on the counter near her. It was water. She immediately took it and gulped it.

"Ma'am wait, that...." The server tried to say something but Swara had already drink it.

The very next seconds, she coughed.

"What's this? This taste so weird." Swara said while coughing and feeling weird in her throat.

She knew mineral water taste bitter a bit sometime but this one was utterly different and strange. Actually it tasted really bad to her.

"Actually ma'am, that was Vodka. I was going to say but before that you took it." The bartender said apologetically.

"What? Vodka?" Swara was shocked.

"Yes ma'am, plain Vodka without soda, and your water is here." He said further as a service person came with water and placed on counter.

Swara gulped unbelievably at herself. But the damage was already done as she had gulped whole glass Vodka in one go. How can she be so stupid? She scold herself.

A few minutes later,
Sanskar finished his call and he came inside. He saw others were on the dance floor except Swara. Then his eyes caught Swara, who was coming from the counter and he went toward her. But he found something strange with her and she was walking holding her head with one hand and taking slow steps.

"Swara?" Sanskar said confusingly.

Swara looked up.

"Huh? Yeah, yes Sanskar?" She asked in different tone. He noticed it.

"What happened? You okay?" He asked a bit worriedly to see her.

"Yeah, I guess, I am... no, uh Sanskar, I.." Swara was feeling drowsy now and hold her head again. The drink was showing its effect.

She thought to go to Riya and tell her that she drank Vodka by mistake before it overpower her sense but seems like it's already started. Thankfully Sanskar came.

"Swara, did you have water? Are you feeling dizzy?" Sanskar asked as he knows Swara doesn't drink alcohol. There might be some other reason for the way she was behaving.

Swara shook her head and squeezed her eyes tightly before blinking several times. She looked at him and got confused.

"Huh? Two-two Sanskar?" Swara said confusingly with drowsy eyes.

"What?" Sanskar was still confused.

She stumbled on her heels. Sanskar immediately held her before she fall.

"Swara?" He called her name worriedly then only he heard someone's voice from back.

"Ma'am, your purse. You forgot on counter itself." It was the same bartender. He saw Swara and came to give her purse back that she left on counter.

Swara held the purse but she could barely manage to keep herself in sense.

"Th.. thanks." Swara said and blinks again.

Sanskar was noticing her and he needed to know what happened to her suddenly. So, he thought to get her water firstly. He asked the bartender to get that as he was holding her.

"Sir, she drank Vodka by mistake. That's why she is feeling dizzy." The bartender asked as he saw Sanskar's confused face.

"What? Vodka? How?" Sanskar was shocked. Now it made sense why is she behaving like this.

"Yeah... I didn't.. no, I, by mistake Vodka..  that drink. Huh!?" Swara uttered.

"Yes sir, she ordered water but she took that mistakenly. Sir, Do you want me to call for some help?" Bartender asked politely.

Sanskar looked at her who was now resting her head on his chest and trying to keep her eyes open somehow, like trying to be in sense or analysing the things around her. He looked at others. They were enjoying happily dancing. Although they won't mind but Sanskar thought to let them enjoy and decided something.

"Please do me a favor. Call a cab and get me a lemon juice." Sanskar said as the juice will reduce or slow the effect somewhat.

"Sure sir." The bartender said and went from there.

Sanskar helped Swara to sit then only a waiter came with lemon juice. He said Swara to drink it. Swara held the glass but her hold loosen. But before the glass slip from her hand, Sanskar held it for her and made her drink it. Swara drank it. Then Sanskar gave the glass back to waiter and he went away.

"Swara? Swara, look at me." He cupped her face and made her look up.

"Hmm, what's happening to me? Why is everything spinning around?" Swara looked at him then looked around.

"Don't worry. We are going back to resort. You will take rest then you will be fine. Okay?" Sanskar said.

Swara nodded looking at him and blinks again.

Then the bartender came to inform him that the cab is waiting outside. Sanskar thanked him and paid bills.

"Come Swara, let's leave. Hmm?" Sanskar said.

Swara nodded in half drowsy state and she got up holding on to his jacket . Sanskar smiled at her and encircled his arm around her waist and made their way out.

He had already messaged Laksh and Arav that he is leaving with Swara. So that they don't get worried.

After sometime, they reached the resort. By now, the drink has shown its effect fully. Sanskar paid the driver and he supported Swara to get her inside. She was stumbling and blabbering continuously. He just wished that no elder see her like this.

"Yeah, I understand Swara." Sanskar answered her.

"No, you don't Sanskar. That drink really taste so bad. You also don't drink that. Neverrrrrr, Ok?" Swara said in drunk tone.

"Yes Swara, I will never drink it." Sanskar said.

He was really amused to see this side of her. She looked so innocent, or in Uttara's language cute right now. The drink has took over her sense, still her talks weren't keeping him away from smile.

"Hmm good." Swara said with heavy eyes and stumbled but Sanskar again held her and she clutched his collar and let out a giggle.

"Swara, be careful." He said in concern.

"Umm No, I know, you won't let me fall." She said blinking her eyelashes at him.

Sanskar smiled listening at her

"Ofcourse, I will never let that happen." Sanskar said sincerely looking into her eyes.

Her smile grew wider and eyes twinkled looking at him.

"Sanskar, you know something... You
.. you are very nice." Swara said in whispers looking at him.

"And, you are most nice person I have ever met." Sanskar said genuinely.

Swara giggles.

"Swara? Now, please listen to me. We are going inside and no one should wake up. So keep quiet and don't talk loudly, alright?" Sanskar said.

"Okayy" she said a bit loudly in whisper.

"Now shh!! Don't say anything otherwise everyone will wake up." Sanskar said.

Swara chuckled and nodded.

"I am feeling so light-headed." She saud slowly.

"I know but It's ok. You will feel better by morning, hmm?" Sanskar said.

Swara nodded vigorously with smile. Then they again started walking inside.

Resting her head on his shoulder she was holding onto him and dragging herself with unstable steps while he was supporting her by holding her waist.

Finally Sanskar successfully took her to her room. He got the keycard of her room from reception in their way to room.

Swiping the keycard, he entered inside the room with Swara.

"Come Swara, now you can go to sleep. You need rest. We will talk tomorrow." Sanskar said.

"Hmm." Swara hmmed and looked around the room then looked back at him. She took a step but she tripped and fell over Sanskar again resulting him to stumble and take step back and door shut behind him. But he managed to get hold on her again.

"Sorryyy." She said innocently.

Sanskar shook his head smilingly thinking what will happen when she will come in sense tomorrow morning and remember all this.

He helped her to walk to the bed then made her sit on bed. He sees something and he kneel down infront of her. She blinks at him with drowsy eyes in confusion.

"Sanskar, what ar.. are youuu doing?" She asked in drunk tone.

"Shhh, wait." Sanskar said calmly and

When he untied the ankle strap of sandles and removed her heels from both feet. Then kept them aside. Swara grinned at him and next moment he was frozen feeling her both hands cupping his face. He looked up to her.

"Why are you so nice Sanskar? Such a gentleman. (Chuckles) If fewww... months back, someone would have told me that a guy like you exist... Umm... then I wouldn't have believed. But you... You are bestttt." (Paused a bit then continued) But tell me something, You will be always like this na? You won't change, right? I don't want you to go away. You will be with me na? You won't leave right? You will always there to support me, right?" She asked in same drowsy tone looking at him.

He was looking at her all the while listening to her. Sanskar smiled at her questions and said.

"I am here with you Swara and I will never leave. And yeah, I am not best. You are way more better person than me, Swara." He said in genuine tone.

Swara smiled.

"Now sleep." Sanskar said and got up from ground.

He was about to take a step when she held his arm. He turned around to look at her again when she stood up in front of him and supported herself with her one hand on chest and another on his shoulder. She was so close to him. He looked into her eyes and her eyes met hers. Her eyes felt heavy with drowsiness.

"Swara, You shou..." Sanskar was about to say something but Swara stopped him.

"Shhh!! You know... since last few days I am feeling so nice to see you happy and without any worries. I like to see you this way more. Please be like this always. Hmm?" She said in whispering tone and looking at him.

Sanskar couldn't divert his eyes away from her listening this. Her bewitching eyes met his to have a eyelock and then her eyebrows furrowed as if waiting for his answer.

"Always." He also muttered slowly.

He lifted his left hand slowly and tucked her hair strands behind her ear gently caressing her face. She blinked her eyelashes with smile feeling it. Her hand slide up from his chest to his shoulder and she got a bit more closer to him. Her both hand encircled around his neck and he found himself lost in her all over again. His heart skipped a beat looking down at her stunningly alluring face. The capturing smile adoring her lips all the time which was only adding more to her beauty. He could inhale her fragrance. Looking into his eyes, she lifted herself up raising heels and she stumbled but his held her waist yet again to help her to be stable. Unknowingly, he leaned toward her as she lifted her face up to him. His breathe mingled with her as their face were so close to each other and she shivered which he felt. Her eyes closed leisurely and she clutched his collar in her fist. His gaze shifted toward her lips which she parted very slowly. Their lips were just a couple if Inches away from her. Forgetting about anything else and losing her sense, she was about to feel his lips against hers but... She felt his warm lips lingered against her forehead. He kissed her forehead affectionately closing his eyes. His lips lingered at her forhead for few seconds and then he moved back to look at her. She opened her eyes and let out a chuckle in drowsy state which brought a pleasant smile on his face.

"You should go to sleep." Sanskar said.

Her eyes were getting hazy and she was sleeping. He could see that.

"Hmmmm, okkayy." She said.

Sanskar helped her to get on bed yet again and made her lay down. Then he was adjusting the pillow beneath her head so that she would be comfortable while her hazy eyes fixed on him.

"Sanskar?" She said slowly.

"Hmm?" Taking the comforter and covering her.

"Do you like me? Hmm.. or feel for me?" She asked in same tone.

He got stilled hearing this for a few seconds but he thought to avoid it for now. He gave her a soft smile and put the comforter over her.

"We will talk tomorrow. For now, you need to sleep." He said and was about to getup from bed when she held his fingers.

"Pleaseeee, answer me na. Do you like me.... or not?" Swara asked again in the verge to get unconscious.

Sanskar looked at her and placed her hand on her cheek.

"I do. You affect me more than you can think." He said caressing her cheek with his thumb and her smile widened.

"You might like me but I.. I lo..." She could hardly utter before getting unconscious.

He chuckled softly to see this and sighed. He tucked the comforter to her body then he leaned toward her and kissed her hair lovingly.

"Few things are better to be expressed with full sense. Good night Swara." He whispered near her face.

Saying this  he got up from bed and turned the light off to let her sleep peacefully. Then he went out before looking at her one more time and shutting the door behind him.

To be continued...

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