42. A best decision of life

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The next day,

"I just can't believe this. How can they do this to me?" Riya shook her unbelievably pacing here and there in her room.

"Riya, relax. Nothing is fixed yet and  Subhash Uncle, Lata Aunty also said na they won't decide anything against your opinion. They aren't forcing you with anything." Swara said sitting on the couch in front of her as Riya kept moving to and fro.

"Still Swara, you know the reason right. I am not in right state of mind right now and definitely no to marriage." Riya said.

"Why are you directly going to marriage? Just meet the family and the guy and then politely deny. You can also share the reason to uncle and Aunty. They will understand you." Swara said in understanding tone.

"Why will I deny? I will make sure that guy only reject me. Huh!! Otherwise, I will... I will shoot him with a gun." Riya said.

"And, from where you will get the gun?" Swara asked nonchalantly.

"Be serious yaar, Swara!!" Riya said with irritated face and sat beside her.

"Riya, I know you don't want to marry right now. I am also not forcing you because I know what are you feeling. But Riya, try to understand. Uncle and Aunty won't think wrong about you. It's just that they are unaware of your feelings for Arav. Otherwise they wouldn't have even think about this alliance. So, just think calmly. Don't be impulsive." Swara said placing her hand on her shoulder.

"I understand Swara but.. I just can't think anyone else except him. I love him. I can't cheat that guy, rather myself that I have feelings for someone else and I am marrying other. I can suppress my feelings but can't end it Swara. " Riya said.

Swara hugged her side way.

"Don't need to suppress or end any feelings. Just give yourself time. And, for now just meet the guy and tell him that you love someone else. There's no cheating or hiding in this. So, relax." Swara said.

Riya looked at her and Swara nodded giving her a assuring look.

"Hmm, don't worry. Everything will be fine. Now go and get ready. They must be coming. You can't go infront of them in your nightgown atleast." Swara said and they chuckled.


Riya was ready in peach colour anarkali suit. Her hair was left open. She was wearing a matching pair of earrings standing in front of mirror.

"Dad said he is his friend's son. I don't understand... Dad hardly came to India since last 20 years and who is this friend suddenly. Also, Shekhar uncle also knows the family." Riya said.

"Maybe some family friends or college friends?" Swara said pinning the dupatta to Riya's shoulder.

"Hmm, may be." Riya hmmed.
Then she thinks something and says.

"Swara, being rejected really hurts and I am also going to reject someone today. I know the pain of it and that guy..." Riya was saying when Swara interupted.

"Riya, it's better to clear things before it complicate your life. If you will agree just because you don't want to break the person's heart then it will create more problems later. And, if you won't be happy them how will you keep other happy. So, sometimes it happens for better only." Swara said.

"Hm, yeah you are right." Riya said.

"Riya beta?" They heard Lata's voice (Riya's mom) calling her. She came inside.

"Yes mom." Riya said.

Her mom came to her and caressed her hair blessingly.

"My small daughter has grown up. You know Riya, I am so happy with this alliance and so is your father. But you shouldn't think about anyone else. It's your decision. Just meet them and interact with them. Don't feel any kind of pressure or get nervous, okay?" Lata said.

"Thank you mom. You and Dad are best parents. I love you a lot." Riya said and hugged her emotionally.

Lata also hugged her back while Swara adore their beautiful bond.

After sometime,

The guy and his family has came. They were sitting in the living hall with Riya's and Swara's family. Shekhar and Shomi has also came as Riya is also daughter to them. Also, they knew the guy and family.
While, Riya and Swara were in kitchen. Riya's mom told her to bring tea for everyone and Swara was helping her with another tray of snacks.

"Relax Riya, calm down and let's go. Hmm?" Swara said looking at her.

Riya nodded. She took a deep breathe and they waked outside the kitchen with trays.

They came in hall only to face the back of guy and his family. His mom was saying something. Wait, why does her voice sounded familiar. Both thought while walking when suddenly they were shocked. Riya's condition was worse. Her feet froze at spot.

"Swara please tell me, I am not dreaming or pinch me hard to wake up." Riya muttered.

"No, you aren't dreaming Riya." Swara muttered. She was surprised to see the view in front of her.

The family was non other than Jaisingh's family and guy was non other than Arav Jaisingh himself with his parents Aman Jaisingh and Rashi Jaisingh. Suddenly, his eyes diverted toward her and he winked at her making her eyes widened in shock.

"Don't tell me you knew about it, Swara?" Riya said.

"I swear, I didn't have any idea Riya but I am so happy for you." Swara said with genuine smile.

"I definitely need a gun." Riya narrowed her eyes toward the person who was looking at her with smirking smile.

Swara chuckled and tell her to move.

"Riya beta, come. Why are you both standing there?" Lata said as she saw them standing at some distance.

Riya immediately looked way from Arav and looked at her mom and nodded at her. She went toward them and kept the tea tray on the table. Swara also placed the snacks on the table. She greeted everyone and then gave Arav a genuine and happy smile to which Arav reciprocated.  Aman and Rashi blessed Swara.

Riya also greeted them and took their blessings smilingly. Rashi got up from couch and hugged her happily.

"I know you must be surprised to find us here Riya beta, but I really can't take risk to lose such a beautiful daughter in law." She said.

Riya's face turned pink hearing this.
Their parents already have discussions that they have met Riya and liked her. Also, Shekhar and Shomi made them familiar about Arav and his family. So, Subhash Saxena thought to go with the proposal, obviously with his daughter's consent.

Rashi sat back on the couch and asked Riya to seat with her. She nodded but before that she thought to serve them tea. She serve tea to everyone then she stood in front of the guy who had mischievous smile playing on his lips all the while. Firstly, he rejected her or rather didn't answer her proposal and now he is here almost after ten days for this marriage proposal. What is he thinking? Any prank? Whatever, she isn't not gonna leave him so easily.
Riya thought a bit and deliberately shook the tray resulting the cup to slip and fall, spilling the tea over his branded suit. Arav immediately got up from couch

"Oops, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. It's just slipped from my hand. I am.." Riya apologize to him with fake smile.

"It's ok Riya beta. It happens, relax." Aman said with smile.

"Arav, you should go and clean it up with water." Lata said.

Arav nodded at her.

"Riya, you go with him dear and lead him the way to washroom." Lata said.

"Yeah sure. Please come." Riya said giving Arav a tight smile.

Arav narrowed his eyes at her as he knew she did it deliberately but what's going in her mind. Still, he just silently followed her. While others continued their conversation with tea.

Riya took him to the guest room. They entered inside. Arav looked around before finding the door and was about to go toward washroom when Riya shut the door and immediately held his hand. Then she pushed him to the cupboard standing in front of him and glaring at him.

"Woah lady!! Control your wild thoughts!!" Arav said with chuckle only to get a punch on his arm which didn't even affect his well built biceps.

"Shut up!! Would you care to tell me what's going on? And what are you doing here?" Riya asked raising her eyebrows at him.

"I came here to see a girl to marry her." Arav shrugged his shoulder.

"Don't try to be smart Mr. Flirty. Just tell me, what are you doing here now?" Riya said clearing giving him idea what she is talking about.

Arav just loved it when she called him Mr. Flirty. Its feels so long when he heard this from her.

"Umm.. actually my mom and Dad like you a lot and they wants me to get married to you. Especially my mom, I kept denying her for marriage since so long but now she is so affectionate toward you that I can't see her hurt by saying no. So, I thought to agree and said yes." Arav said in fake innocent tone and noticed her expression.

Riya felt hurt. So,he was here because of her parents. He doesn't want to marry her.

"So, you want to marry me only because your parents like me?" Riya said trying to avoid the sadness in her voice.

"Yeah, sadly." Arav said pouting his face.

Riya stepped back and looked away from him. Arav sees her hurt and thought to tell her Everything.

"Riya, I.." he was about to say when she interupted.

"No, You don't need to marry me because of anyone. It's okay. I will deny politely. Uncle and Aunty will understand." Riya said looking away from him as her eyes turn glassy.

"You clean the stain. I will wait outside." Riya said and was about to go when he held her hand and pulled her to himself. Then encircled his another hand around her waist.

Riya didn't care to look up to meet his eyes.
"A... Arav leave me. I should go out." Riya stammered.

"Well, I don't see any way for you to go  nor I will let you go." Arav said looking at her.

"Shut up Arav! I am not in mood of any prank, right now." Riya said looking at the floor and trying to free herself.

"Ok then let's be serious Ms. Riya. So let me tell you how, why and what? You know what kind of guy I am ." Arav said.

"Flirt!" Riya said a little angrily.

"Right, but not anymore as now I have found my dreamgirl." Arav said.

Riya's eyes suddenly met his and she was shocked. He loves someone.

"You know Riya, I have met so many girls in my life but I never felt what I feel for her. I just love each and everything about her. She is just too perfect. I am hopelessly fallen in love with her." Arav continued.

"Then why are you here? Go and tell her." Riya said wiggling in his arm while he just tighten his hold around her.

"Arey, that only I am saying na. Firstly listen and don't interrupt. Yeah, so...For once in my life, I was sure about a girl I wanted in my life. And today, I was going to tell her about my feelings and even propose her for marriage. But then my mom gave me shock this morning when she asked me to come with them for seeing a girl for marriage. She has selected a girl for me. It was like someone had thrown me from the cliff. I was so shocked. But, I tried to stop mom that I don't want to marry anyone but mom didn't listen. I tell mom that I love a girl but she didn't believe me saying that I am making excuses. So, I didn't left aany choice in front of my mom's stubbornness. She was 100% sure that I would like the girl and I was 100% sure that I would tell that girl about my love and she will reject me. And look at the girl, who is she? It's non other than you." Arav said smilingly.

"So, you tell me everything na. I will reject you as you said. Now go to that girl whom you love." Riya said.

"Trust me, if you will reject me then I won't be able to marry my love too." Arav said.

"Then What!!! You want to marry two girls!!???" Riya yelled at him narrowing her eyes.

Arav let out a laugh.

"I thought I am love with a smart girl but you are being dumb right now. Oh god!!" Arav chuckled.

As soon as Riya heard this, she was confused, surprised and then realisation hits her.

"Wh... What did you say?" Riya uttered slowly still not so sure.

"Yes Miss Riya Saxena, this Mr. Flirt is in love with you. My mom was right that I will like her choice. Because, she knows my choice more than me. After all, she is my mom." Arav said.

Riya felt a wave happiness clouded her and she was so happy. She just couldn't believe it but she could see it in his eyes. He was saying right.

"You idiot, I thought you don't love me and rejected me.. you.. I will, you are very bad!! Do you have any idea what I was going through alm these days and right now, when you were talking about the girl you love. I was getting jealous with myself only. Couldn't you just simply tell me that you love me?" Riya said holding his collar.

"You only wanted answer in unique way. So, I am directly here with marriage proposal." He said with wink.

"You are so bad! I am gonna kill you." Riya said smiling with tears of happiness.

"Ofcourse, I am yours to kill. But Riya I wanna say you something. I may have been a flirt but I never had any serious relationship with any girl. But when I see you, I found myself getting pulled toward you. You are the first girl who affected my heart. And now I promise you that you will be the only one I will flirt with. Because few habits are for lifetime. (Both Chuckled)  I was never too sure about this love and marriage things but, In just few days, you hold control over my heart that I find no way to escape. I just know that I want you in my life. I love you Riya. I want to marry you. I want to keep you close to my heart always." Arav said with genuine smile.

Riya smiled overwhelmingly as she got the world with his confession. He loves her back. What else she wants? It's enough.

"I love you too Arav." She confessed him and hugged him tightly.

Arav smiled thinking this is the best decision of his life and she is best part of his life.

Later, they went back to living hall. Lata asked them that it took so much time but Riya handled saying that she was showing him the house and they were just having formal conversation. Everyone nodded understanding, it's their life they are going to start together so, it's better for them to talk. Swara smiled at Riya's lame excuse and she understood everything is sorted now and was so happy for them.
After a long conversation and discussion, Subhash asked Riya about her opinion to which she nodded. Arav also gave his consent to the proposal happily. He also told about their feelings for each other without keeping anything hidden but adding that they were going to share it to them soon. Both families were so happy for their child for were Gadodia's.

To be continued...

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