Found Out

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"No she's in class it's fine, besides, we're just checking to see if she needs more food. She hasn't been over in a minute so you know she hasn't been eating anything besides takeout and frozen food." There were strange voices coming from outside that almost froze Lilith in her tracks, but as soon as she heard the lock jiggle she bolted to the bedroom and closed the door.

She heard the door finally open and what sounded like two people started walking around. Lilith closed her eyes and curled up into the bed, hoping they would leave as soon as possible.

Vi quickly looked into the fridge and sighed at how empty it was, only some cheese, fruits, and leftover Chinese food.

"I knew it." She mumbled and Caitlyn let out a sigh.

"Well, it's not as if this wasn't expected. Do you want me to get extra groceries this week?"

"What I would like is for Jinx to come over for a home-cooked meal every once and a while." It was grumbled and Caitlyn placed a hand on her girlfriend's shoulder.

"You can't force her, and who knows, maybe she's gotten busy?"

Vi gave a mix between a scoff and a laugh, "Nah, it feels like she's avoiding us, I just wish I knew why." This time Caitlyn rolled her eyes.

"I'm pretty sure it's not that hard to figure out."

Vi turned to look at her confused but at the look she received she shook her head, "You know she's already gotten over the whole 'you stole my sister' thing."

"Mhm," Cait turned around before heading to the door. "Can we go now?" She started before she stopped suddenly.

"Did Jinx always have this on her door?" She was looking at the white attachment on the handle.

"No," Vi started while walking over, "what even is it?"

"It looks like a... a child-proof lock."

"Why would Jinx need that? It's not like she has any kids."

"Maybe we should wait here til she gets back. Her class should be over soon right?"

Vi took a glance at her watch, "yeah maybe in 20 more minutes."

"That's fine."

Lilith gave a light whimper in the bedroom. They were gonna stay? She didn't want that! She wanted them to leave! She curled up in as small a ball as possible and hoped that Jinx got there soon.


"Alright I'm back, so what do you..." Jinx stopped herself mid-sentence when she saw her sister and her girlfriend sitting on her couch.

Her heart stopped at the idea that she was caught with Lilith before her brain started to connect a few dots. While they looked suspicious, they didn't look accusatory, and there didn't seem to be any struggle or destruction around the room, which there definitely would've been if they saw a random child in her apartment. She took a breath before coming in all the way and placing her bag by the floor.

"Hey sis, and other. What brings you two by?" She tried to be as casual as possible while also glancing around. Her eyes easily found her closed bedroom door and she could assume that's where her kid was.

"We just wanted to see if you needed more food,"

"Oh yes! I've been running a bit low for a while. Been having to dip into my savings a bit to keep up." She walked into the kitchen while trying to think about how long they were there. Did Lilith need something by now? Was she hungry? Did she have to go to the bathroom?

"Jinx you don't have to do that, you know you can ask us for help anytime." Vi sounded desperate and Jinx made a sour face. She always said that.

"Yeah yeah, I know, but you would definitely get tired of seeing this boring old face all the time! I thought I would give you guys a break."

"While that is appreciated Jinx, you shouldn't let that stop you from getting help when you need it. We're here for you." Caitlyn added and Jinx gave a scoff but didn't dispute her, which both of them took as a plus.

"That's not the only thing though..." Caitlyn added and then nudged Vi who took a few steps closer to her sister who had turned and gave them a bored look.

"Whatever you have to say, please say it. I have some homework that I would like to do without you two being here." She wanted them gone quickly so she could check up on the kid.

"Why is there a childproof lock on the door?" Vi blurted out the question and Jinx froze. Her eyes quickly trailed to said door and she almost cursed out loud. She stood there for a few seconds running through as many excuses as she could before it seemed like she was stalling.

"I've been babysitting!"

"Babysitting?" Both of them question her in sync and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, to get a little bit of extra cash." The words flowed from her mouth. Now that she had an excuse, it was easy to go with it.


As soon as they walked out Jinx fast walked over to her bedroom door and stopped outside it. She took a deep breath to brace herself for whatever reaction the kid would have and then she went inside.

To her surprise it was silent, and Lilith didn't seem to be anywhere. Until she noticed a small lump on her bed. Her eyes went wide as she walked over and pulled the covers back to see Lilith sleeping in an uncomfortable-looking ball. Jinx felt a rush of pity as she knew that her kid was probably afraid when hearing strangers come in and having to hide.

She sat on the side of the bed next to her and let a hand brush through her hair before she leaned into the backboard. "That was close. I thought I had lost you for a moment." She sighed and shook her head.

It was ridiculous of her to think she could hide a literal child forever, one way or another someone was gonna find out, and it was probably gonna be her nosy sister and cop girlfriend if she had to bet.

She closed her eyes and let herself calm down and relax with her kid. She was only like that for a minute before

"Hey Jinx!" It was a yell from the living room that jolted her from her quick nap.

"Fuck!" She banged her head on the headboard when she jolted and in turn it woke Lilith up with a scared scream.

"Jinx?!" Vi quickly rushed into the bedroom only to blink in surprise at the dazed Jinx who was holding her head and had a child clinging to her shirt in bed.

Vi stared in shock and after Jinx realized what happened she looked up and stared right back.

"Shiiii- I mean shoot." Her quick glance at the kid reminding her to not curse, but Vi didn't seem to notice as she slowly started to back away and Jinx knew she was going to get Caitlyn and they were gonna have a talk.

"Hey Little Rogue? Can you please get up? We have to have a talk." Lilith looked up at her and she seemed so afraid. Her apartment had been her safe place for just them two. Now there were strangers here, Jinx could understand why she was scared.

"They're not gonna do anything bad, I promise, we just need to talk."

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