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"Why do you think I need to go on a blind date?" Yoongi asked with a perked eyebrow."I don't need a girlfriend. I'm fine on my own."

"You need a date because there might be someone in this world who can tame you." Jimin said with a small sigh."And it won't be a girl. I have a friend who knows a guy who needs help getting a date. He'll get his friend to meet you somewhere."

"No. I won't do it." Yoongi was not really the sociable type. He was very bad at interacting with people, so he thought a blind date was a terrible idea."You know how rude and blunt I am. I'll just end up pissing the guy off."

Jimin shrugged just a little."I know that happened the last three times I tried to set you up on blind dates, but it might actually work out this time."

"Jimin, no." Yoongi's tone became very stern."I don't want to go on a blind date again." He just wanted to give up and not even attempt to find love.

"Hyung, please." Jimin pleaded."You don't have to try to woo the guy. Just at least try to be his friend."

"No." Yoongi was sure that it would end badly, so he really didn't want to try.

But Jimin was being persistent."Yoongi-hyung, just one more time. Please." He really wished Yoongi would get a date and stop being so frowny all the time.

Yoongi groaned."What will it take to get you to stop pestering me?"

"Go on the blind date." Jimin answered with a smile.

"Is that my only option?" Yoongi had a really bad feeling about this.

"Yup." Jimin felt triumphant when he could see Yoongi give up his protesting."Don't worry, Hyung. It'll be okay." He pulled out his phone."I'll text my friend and let him know that you've agreed."


Yoongi frowned as he looked at himself in the mirror. Did he look okay? He made sure his hair was neat. Well, neat enough. His outfit was simple, just a T-shirt and jeans. Why was he even worrying about his appearance? Things probably weren't going to go well. Yoongi had never been able to successfully get a date before because he always ended up saying rude things. He tended to offend people or just come across as an asshole when all he tried to do was be honest.

Checking the time, he groaned. He was already late. He was supposed to be at the coffee shop five minutes ago. He had overslept because, well, he loved to sleep. He had taken an afternoon nap that was only supposed to be two hours, but it turned into five hours. He rubbed his face with both hands before groaning for the umpteenth time and heading out of his house. As he walked to the coffee shop, he wondered what the guy was like. Why was he unable to get dates? Was he rude too? Yoongi hoped not. Despite being a bit rude himself, he couldn't stand dealing with other rude people.

When he got to the coffee shop, he glanced around the interior. They had picked this coffee shop for one specific reason. Yoongi's friend Jin worked here and was going to point out his date. That way, Yoongi wouldn't approach the wrong person and seem like a total doofus. That had never happened before, but it was a fear. Yoongi didn't want to embarrass himself. After glancing around, he looked toward the counter, spotting Jin. The older man was leaning on the counter a bit, looking bored as there were no customers ordering drinks at the moment.

When Jin noticed Yoongi, he waved with a soft smile. Then, he pointed toward a table in a corner. There was a lone guy sitting at the table with what looked like a cup of nothing but whipped cream and sprinkles. Yoongi stepped over to the table and tried to remember the guy's name. Jimin had texted it to him earlier today."Um, Hoseok?" he asked with uncertainty.

The guy lifted his head a little and looked in Yoongi's direction but was not seeming to actually focus on him."Yeah, that's me. Are you Yoongi?" He heard no response."Um, I was told that you're older than me. So I guess I should call you hyung." His mouth formed such a sweet smile.

"God damn. What kind of smile is that?" Yoongi grimaced a little."Did you eat the fucking sun?" He could already tell that this guy was too bright and cheerful for him. This probably wasn't going to go well.

"Well, no. I don't think the sun is edible." Hoseok said with a chuckle."Did you already get something to drink? Or no?"

Yoongi perked an eyebrow. Did this guy not use his eyes? Clearly, Yoongi hadn't gotten a drink yet. His hands were both empty. But he tried to keep his sarcasm tucked away."Not yet. I wanted to make sure I knew where to sit before getting anything."

Hoseok made a small hum then felt around the table until his fingers found his cup."You should get yourself a drink." he suggested.

"Uh, yeah, okay. I'll be right back." Yoongi felt so awkward. He headed up to the counter and frowned at Jin."Hyung, how the hell am I supposed to talk to this guy?"

Jin cocked his head a little to the side."What's the problem?"

"The problem is that he's a fucking ray of sunshine." Yoongi didn't know how to handle such a person.

"That's good. Maybe he'll be able to tolerate your foul mouth." Jin already knew what Yoongi wanted, so he started preparing the drink."Just try to be nice. Start a casual conversation, Yoongi. It's not that hard."

"Yes, it is." Yoongi didn't know how to start up a nice conversation with a stranger."What the fuck am I even supposed to say to him?"

Once the drink was ready, Jin set it on the counter."I don't think it matters too much, as long as you aren't mean."

Yoongi pulled money out of his pocket and paid for the drink."Fine. Whatever." Stepping back over to the table, he seated himself and stared at Hoseok for a few seconds, trying to think of what he should say. Having no clue of how to start a conversation with this guy, he said the first thing that popped into his mind."Why the fuck are you eating whipped cream and sprinkles?"

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