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"Why the fuck are you eating whipped cream and sprinkles?"

Hoseok giggled cutely at the question."I like whipped cream and sprinkles." he answered with such a sweet smile."Besides, I'm less likely to make a big mess if I knock the cup over."

"Are you just really clumsy or something?" Yoongi didn't think it was hard to avoid knocking over a cup. Maybe that was just him though.

Hoseok shrugged his shoulders just a little."Well, I can't really see what I'm doing, so I guess clumsiness comes with that." He slowly ate a spoonful of the whipped cream and sprinkles, seeming to be careful to not miss his mouth.

Yoongi perked an eyebrow, not really catching on."What, are you fucking blind or something?" he asked with a really sarcastic tone.

Hoseok stuck his spoon into the cup."Well, yeah, I am blind."

Yoongi instantly felt like an insensitive jerk."Man, I'm sorry. I had no idea." He lowered his gaze and scratched the back of his neck, feeling awkward.

"It's okay." Hoseok lightly tapped his fingers on the table."I mean, people don't typically expect their blind date to actually be blind."

Yoongi was at a loss for what to discuss now."How did you, um, get here? Are you able to get around on your own?" He hoped he didn't sound stupid. He didn't know anything about the handicap of being blind.

"My friend brought me here. I'm supposed to call him later if I need help getting home. That is, if you are not up for taking me home." Hoseok explained."But anyway, let's worry about that later."

Yoongi took a sip of his coffee and hissed quietly as it burned his tongue."Yeah, okay. So what are we even supposed to talk about? I mean, there are typical first date questions we could ask each other, but I don't think 'what's your favorite color' is a good thing to ask a blind person."

"Green." Hoseok stated simply.

"Huh?" Yoongi was a little taken off guard.

Hoseok swirled his spoon around in his cup."My favorite color is green."

"But you're blind." Yoongi was confused.

Hoseok's sweet smile faltered slightly, but he fixed it."I haven't always been blind. In fact, I've only been blind for a couple months. So the darkness is still new to me."

Yoongi felt a sting of pity."Is it okay if I ask what happened? How did you become blind?" He hoped he wasn't making Hoseok uncomfortable or offending him in some way.

"It's fine." Hoseok knew he needed to get used to talking about it. Yoongi wasn't going to be the only person he'd ever meet who would want to know what happened to him."I was in a car accident. I was sitting in the passenger seat." He fidgeted with his fingers as he spoke."The windshield shattered, and glass went into my eyes."

"Oh...Ouch..." Yoongi really had no idea of what he was supposed to say.

"So being blind is still new to me. I need help with a lot of things. Even something as simple as picking out my clothes. I have no idea what color I am even wearing because my friend didn't tell me." Hoseok felt the front of his shirt as if he was trying to recognize it by the feel, but he really had no clue."What color is my shirt?"

Yoongi took a cautious sip of his coffee, not burning his tongue this time. Then, he answered."Your shirt is red. Bright red."

"Oh. Cute. I like red." Hoseok seemed to be quite happy to know that he was wearing red."What color is your shirt?"

Yoongi honestly had to glance down to remember what shirt he was wearing. He hadn't cared too much when he had put it on."Black."

Hoseok made a small hum."You like black?"

Yoongi nodded then immediately felt stupid for nodding to a blind person."Yeah. Black and white are my favorite colors. I guess that's pretty boring."

"I don't think that's boring at all. We all like different things." Hoseok was already enjoying Yoongi's company. It was nice to relax and chat with someone.

They spent quite a while just chatting and getting to know simple things about each other. Yoongi was actually quite surprised with the fact that he hadn't made Hoseok hate him yet. He tended to make enemies much easier than friends. When they both decided it was time to head home, Yoongi wanted to make sure Hoseok would get home safely."I'll walk you home." he offered, more like stated.

Hoseok smiled widely."I would appreciate that. Thanks." When they both stood to head out, Hoseok felt Yoongi grab his hand to lead him along. He moved close to him and felt their height difference when Yoongi's shoulder touched his arm. Reaching his free hand over, he touched Yoongi's shoulder then felt his way along the guy's neck and up to the top of his head.

"What are you doing?" Yoongi wasn't really comfortable with being touched. He wasn't a touchy person.

A giggle slipped out from Hoseok."I just realized how short you are."

"I'm not short!" Yoongi snapped, which he regretted when Hoseok retracted his hand."I mean, my lack of height isn't my fault. Damn genetics."

Hoseok felt nervous, hoping he didn't offend Yoongi."Sorry. I think it's cute."

Yoongi grimaced."You think the weirdest things are cute. Anyway, let's just get you home."

"Okay." Hoseok walked with Yoongi, having no idea where he was going. He thought this was going well enough. That is, until he walked into the frame of the coffee shop's front door while trying to exit."Oww..." he whined.

"Shit. My bad." Yoongi reached over to grab Hoseok's arm with his other hand to guide him through the door.

Needless to say, their trip to Hoseok's house was hectic. Hoseok ended up walking into a pole and tripping over a few different things because Yoongi wasn't very good at guiding him. Yoongi even expressed worry that he might not get Hoseok home alive. Still, it was a relief when they got there."Thanks for walking me home, Yoongi-hyung."

"I don't think you should be thanking me. If this walk had taken any longer, I might have gotten you run over or something." Yoongi felt terrible for being a bad guide.

Hoseok made a small wave with his hand."Don't worry about it. I'm still in one piece, so I think you did an okay job."

Yoongi sighed with relief."So are we, um...going to have a second date?" He always got turned down for second dates. So he wouldn't be surprised at all if Hoseok rejected the idea too.

But there was no rejection."I would like that." Hoseok fished a key out of his pocket and motioned toward the front door to his house."Can you give me a hand and unlock the door please?"

Yoongi was completely shocked that Hoseok wanted a second date. But he was snapped out of his shock when he was asked for help."Oh, sure." He took the key from Hoseok and unlocked the door. Then, he gave the key back to him."Let's exchange numbers real quick. We can decide when and where to have our next date later."

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