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"Are you okay, Hoseok?" Yoongi asked softly as he was leading his boyfriend along the sidewalk."You're being unusually quiet."

"What do you mean?" Hoseok kept getting lost in his thoughts about his little conversation with Jimin.

Yoongi glanced at Hoseok then returned his gaze forward."You usually talk my ear off while we walk. Or you hum. Or you make that annoying popping sound with your lips."

"The popping sound annoys you?" That was news to Hoseok. He had thought it didn't bother Yoongi.

With a sigh, Yoongi stopped walking, making sure Hoseok stopped too."That's not the point." He lowered his gaze to their clasped hands before peering at his boyfriend's handsome face."Is something wrong? If anything is wrong, you can tell me."

Hoseok gently shook his head, smiling brightly."Nope. Nothing's wrong, Hyung."

"Are you sure?" Yoongi normally liked the quiet, but he had grown so used to Hoseok's constant talking and noise-making. He felt a little lonely without it.

"Yeah, definitely. Everything is a-okay." Hoseok wished he knew what kind of expression Yoongi's face held, wanting to know if his boyfriend believed him or not.

"Okay. If you say so." Yoongi couldn't help but feel a little worried though."If anything is ever wrong, make sure you tell me."

With a low chuckle, Hoseok gave Yoongi's hand a small squeeze."Are you worried about me, Hyung? How cute."

"I just want to make sure nothing is wrong." Giving Hoseok's hand a gentle tug, Yoongi resumed walking, leading his boyfriend along.

Now Hoseok was definitely sure that Jimin had been right about Yoongi's behavior changing. Before, Yoongi would get embarrassed and raise his voice if Hoseok said anything he did was cute. But now, he remained calm and a bit serious. Was this his doing? Had he really caused Yoongi to change this way? Not that it was bad. Hoseok had just enjoyed it whenever Yoongi would snap with embarrassment.

It got quiet again as they walked the rest of the way to Yoongi's house. But when they got there, Yoongi broke the silence after unlocking the front door."Hoseok." He opened the door and led his handsome boyfriend inside."I know I said we would just hang and make out, but..."

After stepping inside with Yoongi, Hoseok tilted his head just slightly to the side."You want to do something else?"

Yoongi gulped down an imaginary lump in his throat. He should just say it, right? No beating around the bush."Hoseok, I want to take you to my bed."

"Your bed?" Hoseok had been anticipating this. He had been eager. But after his little conversation with Jimin, he was unsure."You mean, you want to..."

"I want to make love to you." A bit of heat formed in Yoongi's cheeks."But if you don't want to, I'll understand. It's your choice. I just thought it'd be good to tell you that I want to. No pressure."

"No pressure, huh?" Hoseok couldn't help but smile softly at that. He really adored how caring Yoongi was toward him."Can we just make out and see where it goes?"

Yoongi was not disappointed at all. He would never think of pressuring Hoseok in any way. Besides, any contact with his boyfriend was enough to make him happy."Of course."

"Oh, but we can make out on your bed. I think that would be nice." Hoseok really did want to become better acquainted with Yoongi's bed. He had slept in it just the one time before, and that was it.

With a pleased smile, Yoongi kicked off his shoes and watched Hoseok do the same. Then, he guided Hoseok to his bedroom."Oh boy, I should have cleaned my room."

That made Hoseok chuckle."Why? I can't see it. So I don't really care if it's messy."

"I just don't want you to trip. Hang on a minute." Yoongi released Hoseok's hand and started grabbing some dirty clothes from the floor.

"I can help." Hoseok offered.

"Uh, no. It's mainly just clothes." Yoongi started tossing the clothes into the corner of the room, not really interested in being super clean right now. He just didn't want to risk Hoseok tripping or falling."Besides, don't you think it would be weird if you--oh, I don't know--picked up a pair of my underwear?"

"Are you seriously worried about that?" Hoseok made a small 'tsk tsk' before continuing."Yoongi-hyung, I've sucked your dick. I don't think it would be a big deal if I picked up your underwear."

Yoongi groaned quietly."Yeah, I know. And you called my dick small. Don't think you're off the hook for that."

"I was just teasing you." Wanting to forget about his thoughts and be a bit playful, Hoseok made a small hum."Are you going to punish me for it?"

"I should." Once he had tossed a majority of his dirty clothes into a pile in the corner, Yoongi returned to Hoseok."I don't know how to punish such a fluffy sweetheart though." He gently grabbed Hoseok's hand to lead him to the bed, both of them sitting down."But I'm sure I can think of something."

Hoseok could feel himself blushing faintly as Yoongi released his hand, his hyung's fingers ghosting up his arm and over his shoulder."I'll accept any punishment you give me."

Yoongi's gaze swept over every inch of his boyfriend that his fingers touched until he slipped his hand around to the back of Hoseok's head."Good boy." Pulling Hoseok down a little, he captured his lips, not quite as gently as usual.

An instant response was given from Hoseok. Those plush lips made him relax and push away his self-doubt. As they kissed, one of Hoseok's hands felt its way up to Yoongi's neck, lightly touching the side of it. Their lips were starting to mesh together in the most beautiful way, like they were made to be like this. But something else soon grabbed Hoseok's attention.

As they were both slipping into a state of comfort and peace with this kiss, Yoongi placed his other hand onto Hoseok's thigh. He massaged gently for a moment before allowing his hand to slide to Hoseok's inner thigh. Yoongi had thought about this a lot lately. Touching Hoseok was something he really wanted to do. And he didn't know how to be subtle with it. That would just make him feel awkward. So he decided to be bold. If Hoseok didn't like it, he would stop.

Hoseok's heart thumped in his chest when Yoongi's hand moved to his crotch. As those long fingers began to rub, he lost rhythm with the kiss, his mind unable to concentrate on it now. But his loss of correct rhythm didn't seem to affect Yoongi. In fact, his boyfriend just took the chance to insert his tongue.

Yoongi tangled his fingers into Hoseok's hair as his other hand rubbed his boyfriend's crotch. His tongue nudged Hoseok's, initiating a tender match of playful wrestling. He resisted a smirk that tried to take over his lips when he felt Hoseok's legs spread a bit for him. That was enough confirmation that his boyfriend was enjoying it.

This was really turning Hoseok on a lot. He could feel some discomfort forming in his pants as they were starting to feel a little too tight. He whimpered quietly into their kiss, which soon broke."Hyung..." Hoseok inhaled some needed oxygen and wished he could see Yoongi's face. He wanted to know if his boyfriend was as excited as he was.

Yoongi got a breath then latched his mouth onto Hoseok's neck, kissing as well as giving some kitten licks."Hm?" he hummed, his hand beginning to rub Hoseok's crotch a bit rougher. He was very pleased to be able to feel how hard Hoseok was becoming.

"More...Please..." Coming into this, Hoseok had been unsure, but he was enjoying it now. Getting more of his boyfriend couldn't hurt anything, right?

"You want more?" Yoongi teased, giving Hoseok's neck a playful bite before kissing the same spot.

Hoseok let out a needy whine."Yes, Hyung...Please..."

Suddenly, Yoongi stopped all touches. He pulled away and stood."Nah."

"Hyung..?" Hoseok was confused. Why did Yoongi stop?"What are you doing..?"

"I'm going to watch TV." Turning, Yoongi headed to the bedroom door.

"What..!?" Well, this was unexpected. Hoseok was shocked."But...but..."

Yoongi chuckled at Hoseok's reaction."This is your punishment, Hoseokie."

Hoseok's jaw dropped. His punishment was getting turned on and left with a very uncomfortable erection?"Hyung, you are cruel!" he whined. But he couldn't possibly be mad. He had said that he would accept any punishment. Besides, he got to hear a heartwarming sound. Yoongi laughed.

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