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Yoongi sighed with relief as he wiped off the last table. Finally the tables were all clean. Until he heard the all-too-familiar sound of a drink spilling."Ah, shit." Turning with a groan, he instantly bit back his own voice when he saw who had spilled the drink.

"Yoongi-hyung, I'm so sorry!" Hoseok had been drinking some soda while waiting for Yoongi to finish closing up the place. He had tried to grab his drink and ended up knocking it over.

"It's alright. It's fine." Yoongi rushed over to Hoseok to grab the cup."I'll get this cleaned up. It's no big deal."

Hoseok felt really bad for this. He knew Yoongi had been working so hard to get this place clean while the others were cleaning the food line, drive-thru windows, and backroom."I'll help you. I made such a mess."

With a soft smile on his lips, Yoongi lightly pat Hoseok's head."You don't need to do that. Cleaning up messes is part of my job."

"But--" Hoseok didn't even get to protest or argue. His lips were silenced by Yoongi's lips, a simple peck shutting him up.

"Just wait here. I'll be right back." Yoongi hadn't wanted to resist the urge to kiss Hoseok. He loved those soft lips. With a little heat in his cheeks, Yoongi hurried to get the mop and bucket from the backroom.

Hoseok let out a heavy sigh once he knew Yoongi had gone. He really hadn't meant to spill his drink. He had been sure that he had known exactly where it was, but he misjudged it. Hearing footsteps come close to him, he perked up a little."Yoongi-hyung?"

"Uh, no." Jimin smiled and seated himself across from Hoseok."I'm Jimin."

"Oh, hi." Hoseok smiled brightly."You're also friends with Namjoon, right? I've heard him mention your name."

"Yup. That's me." Jimin glanced at the spilled soda before returning his gaze to Hoseok."You know, the last time I spilled a drink, Yoongi-hyung practically tore my head off for it. But he is so whipped for you."

"He is? Really?" Hoseok lowered his head a little, seeming like he wasn't happy about that.

Jimin grinned widely."Yeah. It's great to see him so interested in someone. He went through a lot of shitty relationships. Nothing ever really worked out for him. But now, he has you. And he's been a lot calmer lately." He chuckled as he thought of the changes in Yoongi's behavior."Sometimes, he spaces out and has this look of peace on his face. I just know that he thinks about you whenever he does that. He totally loves you."

Hoseok bit his bottom lip and slumped his shoulders a little."You really think he loves me?"

"Yeah, of course. It's completely obvious." Jimin felt so sure of this."He fell for you so hard." His grin died down when he saw that Hoseok didn't look happy."What's wrong? You love Yoongi-hyung too, don't you?"

"No. I don't." Hoseok needed to be honest."I'm very fond of him, but I don't love him." This made Hoseok feel like shit."He's so cute and caring and honest. He's so straightforward with what he's feeling and thinking. He's wonderful." He let out a heavy sigh."I'm just not in love."

Jimin didn't understand."You say all these nice things about him, but you don't love him? I don't get it."

A hum came from Hoseok before more words."Love isn't just simple, Jimin. It's not the same for everyone."

"But you want to be with Yoongi-hyung, right?" This was beginning to worry Jimin. What if this was turning out to be another failed relationship for Yoongi? He didn't think Yoongi could handle another heartbreak.

Hoseok nodded simply."Yeah, of course I do."

"Jimin, what are you doing out here? You're supposed to be helping Taehyung clean the food line." Yoongi had returned with the mop and bucket."Stop bothering, Hoseok. You have stuff to do."

Jimin flashed a smile at Yoongi."Sorry, Hyung. I just thought he could use a little company." He leaned over to speak quickly and quietly to Hoseok."Please just don't hurt him." He didn't want Yoongi to go through yet another failed relationship. Getting up, he made his way past Yoongi and back to the food line.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and took the mop and bucket to the mess."Sorry for taking so long. I had to get fresh water and soap."

"It's fine. Jimin and I were just chatting a little." Hoseok made himself smile, even as Jimin's words remained in his mind."He seems like he's a good friend to you."

"Eh, he's okay." Yoongi started mopping up the mess."He's a bit of a brat sometimes. I think that's why he gets along with Namjoon. But he's a mostly sweet person. I just wish he could be a little more serious at times."

"Do you mean that only brats can get along with Namjoon?" Hoseok let out a half-hearted huff."I get along with Namjoon. He's my best friend. Does that mean I'm a brat?"

Yoongi paused, all movement halting as he didn't know how to answer this. He didn't want to hurt Hoseok's feelings, but he also didn't want to contradict himself."Uh, yes?"

"Okay. I accept that." Hoseok wasn't bothered by being called a brat. He did have bratty moments sometimes, especially whenever he hung around Namjoon.

Resuming mopping, Yoongi was relieved by Hoseok's response."Once this place is all cleaned up, do you want to come over to my place?" he asked with a little nervousness in his tone."I was thinking we could, um...just hang. Maybe...make out."

That just made Hoseok chuckle at how cute it was for Yoongi to suggest that. He had sounded so unsure about it."You're asking if I would like to make out with you?"

"Well, yeah." Yoongi groaned softly and moved a hand up to scratch the back of his neck."I don't want to just assume you're cool with anything. I want to make sure you are okay with it. I just...I want your consent."

Hoseok just melted at that."You're so sweet, Hyung. You have my consent. I want to make out with you."

"Oh, that's good." Yoongi finished mopping up the mess then reached out to ruffle Hoseok's hair."The others will hopefully be done cleaning soon. I'll help them out to get it done quicker. Once it's all done, we can go."

Hoseok smiled as his hair was ruffled, but his smile faded once he heard Yoongi's footsteps move away. He thought about what Jimin said. Did Yoongi really love him? What if he ended up hurting Yoongi because he didn't love him back? He was very fond of Yoongi and definitely wanted to be with him, but was that enough? Hoseok was hoping that his feelings would develop into love over time, but what if it never happened? He really didn't want to hurt Yoongi.

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